BS2 Wireless Remote with LCD and some Buttons
Posts: 84
Hello All,
So I am making a wireless remote for my Boe-Bot. Once it is done it will have a LCD that will display a greeting upon powering on for 3 seconds or so, then go blank but stay lit. The two axis joystick will control the Boe-Bots movements forward, backward, left and right; and it will have two buttons for 90 degree left turn and 90 degree right turn. When the joystick is moved the lcd will display the direction of travel. If it is a diagonal move it will display, for ie, "forward" on the top line and "right" on the bottom. If a button is pressed it will display "right turn" or "left turn" depending on what button is pushed. The whole project will be enclosed so i added a little power switch.
Here are some pics of what i have so far and some code. It's still being worked on so more to come once I get the XBee's in the mail this week
I added a pre-drilled pc board for all the connections for the two buttons and the 2 axis joy stick to make room. I ordered some headers and extention cables. I will hook the lcd up to the bs2 via headers and extention cable. The Xbee will aslo be connected directly to the bs2. So still a work in progress.
I hope this isnt considering cross threading. I have a very similar thread at educational group project for all of us that are new to electronics
So I am making a wireless remote for my Boe-Bot. Once it is done it will have a LCD that will display a greeting upon powering on for 3 seconds or so, then go blank but stay lit. The two axis joystick will control the Boe-Bots movements forward, backward, left and right; and it will have two buttons for 90 degree left turn and 90 degree right turn. When the joystick is moved the lcd will display the direction of travel. If it is a diagonal move it will display, for ie, "forward" on the top line and "right" on the bottom. If a button is pressed it will display "right turn" or "left turn" depending on what button is pushed. The whole project will be enclosed so i added a little power switch.
Here are some pics of what i have so far and some code. It's still being worked on so more to come once I get the XBee's in the mail this week
I added a pre-drilled pc board for all the connections for the two buttons and the 2 axis joy stick to make room. I ordered some headers and extention cables. I will hook the lcd up to the bs2 via headers and extention cable. The Xbee will aslo be connected directly to the bs2. So still a work in progress.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} '----------------[Initialize]--------------------------- PAUSE 5 SEROUT 15, 84, [22,12] SEROUT 15, 84,50, [22,17, "Hello", 13, "Geno"] PAUSE 1000 SEROUT 15, 84, [22,12] PAUSE 5 '---------------[Variables]----------------------------- LR VAR Word UD VAR Word btn1wrk VAR Byte btn2wrk VAR Byte '---------------[Constants]----------------------------- BUTTON btn1, 1, 0, 0, btn1Wrk,0, No_Press BUTTON btn2, 1, 0, 0, btn2Wrk,0, No_Press Btn1 PIN 1 Btn2 PIN 2 stickUD CON 23 stickLD CON 25 '-------------------------[Main]--------------------------- Main: HIGH 4 PAUSE 2 RCTIME 4, 1, UD HIGH 11 PAUSE 2 RCTIME 11, 1, LR DEBUG HOME, "UD =", DEC UD, CLREOL, CR, "LR = ", DEC LR, CLREOL IF UD > stickUD THEN GOSUB Forward IF UD < stickUD THEN GOSUB Backwards IF UD = stickUD THEN GOSUB Clear IF LR > stickLD THEN GOSUB Right IF LR < stickLD THEN GOSUB Left IF LR = stickLD THEN GOSUB Clear IF btn1 =1 THEN DEBUG CR, "Button 1 pushed" GOSUB Left_Turn DEBUG CLS ENDIF IF btn2 = 1 THEN DEBUG CR, "Button 2 pushed" GOSUB Right_Turn DEBUG CLS ENDIF No_Press: GOTO main GOTO main '-------------------------[Sub Routine]----------------------- Forward: SEROUT 15,84, 20, [17, 128, "Forward"] PAUSE 200 RETURN Backwards: SEROUT 15, 84, 20, [17, 128, "Backwards"] PAUSE 200 RETURN Right: SEROUT 15, 84, 20, [17, 148, "Right"] PAUSE 200 RETURN Left: SEROUT 15, 84, 20, [17,148, "left"] PAUSE 200 RETURN Clear: SEROUT 15, 84, [12,17] PAUSE 200 RETURN Left_Turn: IF Btn1 = 1 THEN SEROUT 15, 84, ["Left", 13, "Turn"] PAUSE 1200 IF Btn1 = 0 THEN SEROUT 15, 84, [12] PAUSE 5 RETURN Right_Turn: IF btn2 = 1 THEN SEROUT 15, 84, ["Right", 13, "Turn"] PAUSE 1200 IF btn2 = 0 THEN SEROUT 15, 84, [12] PAUSE 5 RETURN
I hope this isnt considering cross threading. I have a very similar thread at educational group project for all of us that are new to electronics
Now the Lcd is on the control board with the 2 axis joystick and push buttons. made it a little easier to close the lid on the remote box.
Xbee's came in the mail sortly after i finished remaking the control board, so i'm still playing around with the xbee's and code.