diy logic trainer board?

So i guess parallax discontinued this kit its a shame. im currently reading a book about digital logic my goal is to build a home brew retro pc one day. so far these other parallax books have been a great learning recource. anyways i was wondering if there is a schematic or something published fod the digital trainer board in this kit hoping it could be cheaply built on a piece of proto board or something..
i would really like to more about communicating with ICs and bit banging data i suspect this kit would have been a good starting point for that along with learning all how to use 7400 series chips to acomplish bigger tasks.
funny the post under this is also a guy looking for this board
i would really like to more about communicating with ICs and bit banging data i suspect this kit would have been a good starting point for that along with learning all how to use 7400 series chips to acomplish bigger tasks.
funny the post under this is also a guy looking for this board
Or parts to build your own....
i was looking for a something either built or that i am able to build that would work with the elements of digital logic parallax text since its been discontinued. im guessing the digital trainer board is just a bunch of 7400 gates and adders that plug into a bs2. Those kits on ebay just looked like beginner electronics kits.. it doesnt nescisarly have to be the parallax product but i know i will clearly understand the parallax txt. there is another kit at nurve and i have read much of andres pc material a few years ago so i know it should be good, but u need an xgs to use the kit making it total about 170 and still then you still have to find an szx key.
basically i just want to learn to make useful stuff with discreet logic, without diving into an fpga or plc that is also exspensive and requiers me to learn . im looking to be able use an logic analyzer to help me and i cant do that with a programable chip either.
im also looking for a nice size photo of the board. im using a homework bs2 so i wanna build this thing omiting the a all bs2 module stuff and just throw a 15 pin header on to connect a ribon cable from the homework board to to the logic trainer. since this schematic is so simple ill probably just try to lay it all out as close to the photo as i can on protoboard.
does anyone whos done this kit feel its worth the efort to build this trainer and read the text. im curious why its discontinued why they didnt sell enough
You can still download the book from Parallax, and you get the Logic Simulator software in the zip file with the book. At, click on the "Support" tab, then click on "Downloads" (near the bottom), and then on "Stamps in Class". You will see it listed at the bottom of that page:
"Elements of Digital Logic" v1.0 (178 pp.) Download text (7.1 MB)
Inside that zip file is a folder and inside it you will find the book and another small zip file that has the Parallax Logic Simulator installer inside (called "Small Install" for some reason). Here is a photo of the board, but it's not very high quality. I don't remember where I got it, but it wasn't from Parallax.
I think somethings wrong with the software cant resize it either....
So what OS is it?
You video is probably running at 1360x768 (multiples of 16) even if the screen is actually 1377x768. My 1366x768 TV I used for games and stuff works that way. 1360x768 is not really all that that uncommon of a resolution.
I came across a kickstarter today that looks like it might be a fun way to learn -