Chess "AI" on prop?
Posts: 72
Hey All! I'm about to propose something probably outlandish and impracticable so please forgive me, but is it remotely possible to program the "AI" for chess on the propeller, even a very simple one? I'm inclined to think no, but I hope someone will prove me wrong .
Don't forget that this is Propeller World where the impossible does not exist:)
Thanks! didn't see that.
You maybe able to just compile the source I started from as-is...
They had a excellent series of tutorials on Chess AI a couple of years ago.
Then of course you have the Chess programming Wiki
Then the Chess Engines
Yes, but as the Rayman said,
Hell of an engine, tiny little gas tank...
I haven't had a chance to look into the Winbond chip much.
Although it's there running already on the DNA board.
I did study some of the related wikis some.
As I best think I understand it?
Running programs from external memory is done via byte codes
that are interpreted by the hub. ? I'm weak on how branching is done...
I'm guessing via the hub,
jump + or - relative.
(the interpreter again).
So that give enough program space for large programs to run.
Now for data space?
This is all getting rather non von Neuman...
More like "Harvard" architecture.
That would be sweet...
You can get to it on a mac (ie the engine, not just the gui) by typing the following into Terminal:
If you don't cd first (which sets your path variable) and just run it directly then it will put junk in whatever folder you're in when you run the program. Typing a2a3 would move the piece at a2 to a3. Typing help does just that. It shouldn't be too hard to get it to compile under propgcc.