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Are these stepper motors? — Parallax Forums

Are these stepper motors?

rwgast_logicdesignrwgast_logicdesign Posts: 1,464
edited 2012-09-08 00:48 in General Discussion

I was salvaging some dvd players today, these were the motors to control the laser position and open the tray. I really dont know alot about steppers besides there built to move in increments. They look like the steppers ive seen if floppys, I hooked them up to a coin cell they spun continously.

So im wondering if these are steppers they act like a regular motor, why couldnt you just rotate the shaft of a regular motor for a given time, will the stepper motor stop the shaft more accuartly or something? IDK the DC specs on these at allm but as long as they have some sort current amplification like a fet or chip, you can control the movement of these directly with a uController right? I mean you dont need a special chip to make it step right, that can be done in software?
1024 x 1365 - 110K


  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2012-09-07 20:28
    They look like they might have a label on them. Could you google the model number?

    When you turn the shaft of a stepper, you can often feel the shaft jump a little from one position to the other, often called cogging or detent.

    How many wires do they have?
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-09-07 20:29
    I've never messed with teeny tiny steppers but regular sized ones will not work by applying a DC current. Each of the windings has to be energized in sequence in order to get a stepper to rotate.
  • rwgast_logicdesignrwgast_logicdesign Posts: 1,464
    edited 2012-09-07 21:40
    i will post the number in a bit(out walking) i also noticed the label right after i re examined the picture, must have missed it earlier only one from the two identical dvd players had a sticker. google didnt find anything like it said no search results found, it did find motors withe the same first digits though, thinking these may be specialy designed or labled for the co that made the player.

    there probably plain motors from what u guys are saying. i dont feel any resistance when i twist the shaft. the continously spin when connected to a cr3025(mobo bips battery i think thats the number) and finally they all have two leads. I just hoped they were steppers since it seems like if a floppy needs them a dvd laser would
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2012-09-07 21:52
    It looks like there are only two motor wires, correct? Then they're standard brushed DC motors.
  • rwgast_logicdesignrwgast_logicdesign Posts: 1,464
    edited 2012-09-07 22:23
    bahhh sucks o well.. p# trw300-030r17
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2012-09-08 00:48
    If they only have two wires to connect, they are regular DC motors. Don't bother with lots of research.

    Steppers require at least 4 wires to connect.
    3 Phase motors may also require 4 wires.

    These two would be an area of confusion that might require more research.
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