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Eddie Control Board Aux Port constant settings - Help — Parallax Forums

Eddie Control Board Aux Port constant settings - Help

namusnamus Posts: 18
edited 2012-10-21 01:26 in Robotics

Since a couple of days I'm looking to solve this problem. It sounds simple, but...

I want to set the Aux Port A from the mainboard/controlboard of eddie to a constant output on a high level
when I switch on the power supply of the robot. (cause I need 12 V for a timer)

Thats what I did:
I ran the propeller tool and opened eddie.spin.
Then I opened the Parallax Serial Terminal and wrote in HEX:
"out 10000 (this is for the pin 16 in AUX A)
high 10000"
It works, the blue light flashes and my AUX A Device works.

But when I close the two applications, the aux port is dead again.
So I wrote the two lines "out $10000, high $10000" into the eddie.spin file and selected run\compile current\load eeprom.
It worked, but nothing happend, the aux port is still dead at start and only over the Parallax Terminal, I can activate this (like above).

So, how can I save the changes for the AUX Port permanently, so that it is activ (and high), when I switch on the power supply?

Many Thanks in advance :-)


  • namusnamus Posts: 18
    edited 2012-09-08 03:52
    Can no one help me? Perhaps has anybody a tip for the right manual, where I can look up?
  • TLCTLC Posts: 74
    edited 2012-09-09 12:39
    If you always want to keep the Aux port high you may be able to simply hardcode it in the Eddie firmware. This could possibly present problems with the lower order pins (GPIO) because RDS could modify them, but in the RDS service they separated the AUX ports from the other pins since they were output only. At least they separated them in the contract -- the supporting code was never written so I would presume your changes would not be modified by RDS4 (unless they update the service code at some point.

  • namusnamus Posts: 18
    edited 2012-09-10 05:16
    Thank you for the answer :smile:
    And how can I hardcode it in the eddie firmware?
    What are the commands I must write in the eddie.spin?
    What I tried was this:
    out $10000
    high $10000
    And then I wrote the firmware to the board (with success)
    But it didn't work anyway.

  • Jessica UelmenJessica Uelmen Posts: 490
    edited 2012-09-10 09:11
    Hi Namus,

    Can you post a text file of the code you attempted? It would be easier to help if we had the context of what you attempted.

  • namusnamus Posts: 18
    edited 2012-09-10 10:57
    Hi Jessica,

    in the attachement is the eddie.txt file. I renamed the original eddie.spin. But it is the same file. In Line 76/77 is the code I attempted.
    The jpg-file is a snipet-picture from the "Propeller Tool" with the same code.

    865 x 507 - 69K
  • namusnamus Posts: 18
    edited 2012-09-13 19:34

    perhaps I can ask my question in another way:
    I'm looking for a code with that I can set an arbitrary GPIO Port to "always on" (in this case AUX Port to OUT) when I switch on the power switch.

    Has anybody an idea?

  • namusnamus Posts: 18
    edited 2012-09-15 03:56
    After reading myriads of lines in this forum and in different manuals, here is the solution, to those who are interested:
    First of all I must say for a beginner it is not as easy to find out how to connect and activate other devices to the several, not activated GPIO Ports(what is a GPIO Port? :smile:)
    IMHO it would be an improvement to write this in the assembly manual or the normal manual in an "easier" way.

    For Beginners: The eddie board has several GPIO (Gerneral Purpose Input Output) Ports that come from the processor, named cog. To this ports you can connect devices like a
    robot arm or in this case a timer modul, that starts when you turn on the power switch.
    Especially the AUX Ports (Port 16, 17, 18) you can activate to a lower status and a higher status.
    The higher status ist about 12 V.

    To activate this via the debbuging software, you can use the "Parallax Serial Terminal". The commands for this are written in the "Eddie Control Board Firmware Command Set".
    However it is only for runtime use.
    If you want to use it as a "real" robot that starts some extern devices automaticaly, you can turn on the board with activated GPIO Ports or propably via the MRDS Software (like Todd wrote, thanks :-) - not yet tested).

    To activate the AUX Port 16 (named A on the board), you must write the following lines in the "Pub Main" Section of the eddie.spin file (via the "Propeller Tool"):
    dira[16]~~ 'set GPIO 16 as output
    ' outa[16]~ set the GPIO to low
    outa[16]~~ 'set GPIO 16 to high

    Note: the ' is for comments.
    You have to write this commands directly under the "Pub Main" Words Section (see code below). When you write this at the end, it doesn't work.
    The explanation for this is to find in this (400 pages!) manual on page 175:

    here is the code of the eddie.spin
      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X
      _CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
      ' Settings
      BUFFER_LENGTH = 255           ' Input Buffer Length must fit within input/output 'Index' ranges (currently a byte)
      VERSION       = 12
      ' Positions one wheel must make for a 360° rotation
      ' Position Sensor Constants
      #0 ' Identifiers   
      #1 ' Commands
      ' Motor names
      ' Motor control modes
      ' Pin assignments
      ' Ping))) sensors
      PING_0        = 0
      PING_1        = 1
      ' Encoders
      ENCODERS_PIN  = 10
      ' Solid-state Relays
      SSR_A         = 16
      SSR_B         = 17
      SSR_C         = 18
      ' Motors
      MOTOR_L_B     = 19
      MOTOR_L_PWM   = 20
      MOTOR_L_A     = 21
      MOTOR_R_B     = 22
      MOTOR_R_PWM   = 23
      MOTOR_R_A     = 24
      ' ADC
      ADC_CS        = 25
      ADC_DIO       = 26
      ADC_CLK       = 27
      ' I2C
      SCL           = 28
      SDA           = 29
      ' RS-232 TTL
      TX            = 30 
      RX            = 31 
      ' Master GPIO mask (Only high pins can be set as outputs)
      OUTPUTABLE    = %00000000_00000111_11111111_11111111
      PINGABLE      = %00000000_00000000_11111111_11111111
      INITIAL_GPIO  = |< SSR_A | |< SSR_B | |< SSR_C
      INITIAL_PING  = |< PING_0 | |< PING_1
      ' Terminal Settings
      BAUDMODE      = %0000
      BAUDRATE      = 115_200
      TIMEOUT       = 10
      ' ASCII commands
      NUL           = $00           ' Null character
      SOH           = $01           ' Start of Header
      STX           = $02           ' Start of Text
      ETX           = $03           ' End of Text
      EOT           = $04           ' End of Transmission
      ENQ           = $05           ' Enquiry
      ACK           = $06           ' Acknowledgment
      BEL           = $07           ' Bell
      BS            = $08           ' Backspace
      HT            = $09           ' Horizontal Tab
      LF            = $0A           ' Line feed
      VT            = $0B           ' Vertical Tab
      FF            = $0C           ' Form feed
      CR            = $0D           ' Carriage return
      SO            = $0E           ' Shift Out
      SI            = $0F           ' Shift In
      DLE           = $10           ' Data Link Escape
      DC1           = $11           ' Device Control 1 (i.e. XON)
      DC2           = $12           ' Device Control 2
      DC3           = $13           ' Device Control 3 (i.e. XOFF)
      DC4           = $14           ' Device Control 4
      NAK           = $15           ' Negative Acknowledgment
      SYN           = $16           ' Synchronous idle
      ETB           = $17           ' End of Transmission Block
      CAN           = $18           ' Cancel
      EM            = $19           ' End of Medium
      SB            = $1A           ' Substitute
      ESC           = $1B           ' Escape
      FS            = $1C           ' File Separator
      GS            = $1D           ' Group Separator
      RS            = $1E           ' Record Separator
      US            = $1F           ' Unit Separator
      DEL           = $7F           ' Delete
      ' EEPROM constants
      I2C_ACK       = 0
      I2C_NACK      = 1
      DEVICE_CODE   = %0110 << 4
      PAGE_SIZE     = 128
      ' Other
      DIVISOR       = 50
      DEADZONE      = 1
      PROMPT_SUM    = $0
      Term          : "FullDuplexSerial"
      Encoders      : "FullDuplexSerial"
      ADC           : "MCP3208.spin"                        ' Works with MCP3008, but two LSBs may be incorrect
      Ping          : "ReadPulseWidths.spin"
      Motors        : "Eddie Motor Driver"
      long Error                                            ' Error message pointer for verbose responses                        
      long MotorSpeed[2]                                    ' Current motor speeds reported from position controllers  
      long Stack[50]                                        ' Stack for cog running position control system
    GPIOMask      long      INITIAL_GPIO                    ' Pins currently used as GPIO pins
    PingMask      long      INITIAL_PING                    ' Pins currently running PING))) Sensors
    PingResults   long      INITIAL_PING, 0[31]             ' Results from cog recording PING))) sensor output pulses
    MotorPosition long      0[2]                            ' Physical position of the motor as returned by encoder
    MotPosOffset  long      0[2]                            ' Offset between Physical and internal motor position
    MotorPower    long      0[2]                            ' Current motor power level
    MidPosition   long      0[2]                            ' Position the PD loop is attempting to hold
    MidPosAcc     long      0[2]                            '  fractional part
    MidVelocity   long      0[2]                            ' Current position change velocity
    MidVelAcc     long      0[2]                            '  fractional part
    SetPosition   long      0[2]                            ' Position that MidPosition is approaching
    SetVelocity   long      0[2]                            ' Velocity that MidVelocity is approaching
    SetPower      long      0[2]                            ' Power level that MotorPower is approaching
    MaxPowAccel   long      Motors#MAX_ON_TIME / 16         ' Maximum allowed motor power acceleration
    MaxPosAccel   long      200                             ' Maximum allowed positional acceleration
    Decel         long      0[2]                            ' Deceleration rate
    Kp            long      Motors#MAX_ON_TIME / 16         ' Proportional error feedback gain
    StillCnt      byte      0[2]                            ' Number of iterations in a row that the motor hasn't moved noticeably
    Mode          byte      0                               ' Current mode of the control system
    InputBuffer   byte      0[BUFFER_LENGTH]                ' Command input buffer
    OutputBuffer  byte      0[BUFFER_LENGTH]                ' Response output buffer
    InputIndex    byte      0                               ' Next empty position in the command input buffer
    ParseIndex    byte      0                               ' Last processed position in the command input buffer 
    OutputIndex   byte      0                               ' Next empty position in the response output buffer
    Verbose       byte      0                               ' Verbosity level (Currently nonzero = verbose)
    PDRunning     byte      0                               ' State of position control cog
    Pub Main
    dira[16]~~     'set GPIO 16 as output
    outa[16]~~    'set GPIO 16 to high
      Term.Start(RX, TX, BAUDMODE, BAUDRATE)                ' Start a UART for the command port
      ADC.Start(ADC_DIO, ADC_CLK, ADC_CS, $FF)              ' Continuously run ADC conversions
      Ping.Start(@PingResults)                              ' Continuously read pulse widths on PING))) pins 
      cognew(PDLoop, @Stack)                                ' Run the position controller in another core  
      repeat                                                ' Main loop (repeats forever)
        InputBuffer[InputIndex++] := Term.Rx                ' Read a byte from the command UART 
        if InputIndex == constant(BUFFER_LENGTH)            ' Check for a full buffer
          OutputStr(@Nack)                                  ' Ready error response
          if Verbose                                        ' If in verbose mode, add a description
          repeat                                            ' Ignore all inputs other than NUL or CR (terminating a command) 
            case Term.Rx                                    ' Send the correct error response for the transmission mode
              NUL :                                         '   Checksum mode
              CR :                                          '   Plain text mode
        else                                                ' If there isn't a buffer overflow...                              
          case InputBuffer[InputIndex - 1]                  ' Parse the character
            NUL :                                           ' End command in checksum mode:
              if InputIndex > 1                             '   Only parse buffer if it has content
                ifnot Error := \ChecksumParse               '   Run the parser and trap and report errors
                  OutputIndex~                              '    Handle errors, if they occurred
                  if Verbose
                SendChecksumResponse                        '   Send a response if no error
              else                                          '   For an empty buffer, clear the pointer
                InputIndex~                                 '   to start receiving a new command
            BS :                                            ' Process backspaces
              if --InputIndex                               ' Ignore the BS character itself
                --InputIndex                                ' Ignore previous character if exists
            CR:                                             ' End command in plaintext mode:
              if InputIndex > 1                             '   Only parse buffer if it has content
                if Error := \Parse                          '   Run the parser and trap and report errors
                  OutputIndex~                              '    Handle errors, if they occurred
                  if Verbose
                SendResponse                                '   Send a response if no error
              else                                          '   For an empty buffer, clear the pointer
                InputIndex~                                 '   to start receiving a new command
            SOH..BEL, LF..FF, SO..US, 127..255 :            ' Ignore invalid characters
    Pri Parse | Index, Difference, Parameter[3]             '' Parse the command in the input buffer
      InputBuffer[InputIndex - 1]~                          ' Ensure buffer is NUL terminated (may have been CR terminated)
      repeat ParseIndex from 0 to InputIndex - 2            ' Find the end of the command in the input buffer             
        case InputBuffer[ParseIndex]                         
          "a".."z" :                                        ' Set all command characters to uppercase
            InputBuffer[ParseIndex] -= constant("a" - "A")
          HT, " " :                                         ' Determine command length by finding the first whitespace character
            InputBuffer[ParseIndex]~                        ' Null terminate the command
            quit                                            ' ParseIndex now points to the null at the end of the command string (before the first parameter, if present)
      ' Parameter[n] := ParseHex(NextParameter) caches the parameters to check for their existence before running the command
      ' CheckLastParameter checks for too many parameters
      ' The Output...() methods write responses to the output buffer
      ' Check command against the following strings:
      if     strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("HWVER"))         ' Command: Respond with hardware version number
        ReadEEPROM(@Parameter, @Parameter + 1, 65534)       ' Read the hardware version from upper EEPROM
        OutputHex(Parameter, 4)
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("VER"))           ' Command: Respond with version number
        OutputHex(VERSION, 4)
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("OUT"))           ' Command: Set GPIO pins in mask as outputs
        Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter)
        dira |= (Parameter & GPIOMask)                      '   Change only GPIO pins in mask to outputs
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("IN"))            ' Command: Set GPIO pins in mask as inputs
        Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter)
        dira &= !(Parameter & GPIOMask)                     '   Change only GPIO pins in mask to inputs
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("HIGH"))          ' Command: Set GPIO pins in mask high
        Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter)
        outa |= Parameter & GPIOMask                        '   Change only GPIO pins in mask high
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("LOW"))           ' Command: Set GPIO pins in mask low
        Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter)
        outa &= !(Parameter & GPIOMask)                     '   Change only GPIO pins in mask low
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("OUTS"))          ' Command: Set GPIO pins in mask as outputs
        OutputHex(dira & GPIOMask, 8)
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("INS"))           ' Command: return list of GPIO inputs
        OutputHex(!dira & GPIOMask, 8)
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("HIGHS"))         ' Command: return list of high GPIO pins (may be inputs)
        OutputHex(outa & GPIOMask, 8)
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("LOWS"))          ' Command: return list of low GPIO pins (may be inputs)
        OutputHex(!outa & GPIOMask, 8)
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("READ"))          ' Command: return state of GPIO pins
        OutputHex(ina & GPIOMask, 8)
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("ADC"))           ' Command: Respond with voltages from ADC
        OutputHex(ADC.In(0), 3)                             ' Show output from first ADC
        repeat Index from 1 to 7                            '  For the remaining 7
          OutputChr(" ")                                    '  Transmit a space character
          OutputHex(ADC.In(Index), 3)                       '  Then the output from the ADC
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("PING"))          ' Command: Respond with status of active PING))) sensors
        ProcessPings                                        ' Processed in a separate method
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("SGP"))           ' Command: Set pins as GPIO pins
        Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter) & OUTPUTABLE   '  Ignore pins that shouldn't be set as GPIO pins
        if Parameter & PingMask                             '  If this affects any active PING))) sensors,
          ResetPingDriver(PingMask &= !Parameter)           '    remove them from the list of active PING))) sensors
        GPIOMask := Parameter                               '  Set the pins as GPIO pins
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("SPNG"))          ' Command: Set pins as PING))) sensor pins
        Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter) & PINGABLE     '   Ignore pins that shouldn't be set as PING))) sensor pins
        GPIOMask &= !Parameter                              '   Remove active PING))) sensor pins from GPIO mask
        outa &= !Parameter                                  '   Set active PING))) sensor pins as low inputs
        dira &= !Parameter                                                                   
        ResetPingDriver(Parameter)                          '   Restart the ReadPulseWidths object, with new PING))) sensor mask
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("TRVL"))          ' Command: Travel a specified distance at a specified speed
        Parameter[0] := ParseHex(NextParameter)                                                                     
        Parameter[1] := ParseHex(NextParameter)
        ifnot PDRunning                                     ' Return an error if the position controller cog isn't running
          abort @EncoderError
        case Parameter[1]                                   ' Only accept a valid speed
            SetVelocity[LEFT_MOTOR] := SetVelocity[RIGHT_MOTOR] := Parameter[1]
            SetPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MidPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] + ~~Parameter[0] ' Add travel distance to current position
            SetPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MidPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] + ~~Parameter[0]
            Mode := POSITION
            abort @InvalidParameter
      elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("GOSPD"))         ' Command: Set the motors to a specified power
        Parameter[0] := ParseHex(NextParameter)
        Parameter[1] := ParseHex(NextParameter)
        ifnot PDRunning                                     '   Requires use of the PD controller
          abort @EncoderError                               '   Abort if it isn't running
        SetVelocity[LEFT_MOTOR] := ~~Parameter[0]           ' Then set the motors' powers
        SetVelocity[RIGHT_MOTOR] := ~~Parameter[1]
        Mode := VELOCITY
      else                                                  ' Only 16 elseifs, nest within an else for more
        if     strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("GO"))          ' Command: Set the motors to a specified power
          Parameter[0] := ParseHex(NextParameter)           '   Read both parameters before processing them
          Parameter[1] := ParseHex(NextParameter)           '   To prevent changes with a "Too few parameters" error
          ifnot PDRunning                                   '   Requires use of the PD controller
            abort @EncoderError                             '   Abort if it isn't running
          Mode := POWER
          SetPower[LEFT_MOTOR] := ~Parameter[0] * Motors#MAX_ON_TIME / 127' Then set the motors' powers
          SetPower[RIGHT_MOTOR] := ~Parameter[1] * Motors#MAX_ON_TIME / 127
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("STOP"))        ' Command: Slow to a stop over a specified distance
          Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter)
          ifnot PDRunning                                   '   If the motor controller isn't running
            outa[24..19]~~                                  '     Forcefully disable all motors (cannot be undone, firmware must be reset)
            abort @EncoderError
          if Parameter
            case SetPower[LEFT_MOTOR]
                SetPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] - Parameter
                SetPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] + Parameter
                SetPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR]
            case SetPower[RIGHT_MOTOR]
                SetPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] - Parameter
                SetPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] + Parameter
                SetPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR]
            Decel[LEFT_MOTOR] := ||(-25 * MidVelocity[LEFT_MOTOR] * MidVelocity[LEFT_MOTOR] / (MidVelocity[LEFT_MOTOR] - DIVISOR * ||(SetPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] - MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR])))  
            Decel[RIGHT_MOTOR] := ||(-25 * MidVelocity[RIGHT_MOTOR] * MidVelocity[RIGHT_MOTOR] / (MidVelocity[RIGHT_MOTOR] - DIVISOR * ||(SetPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] - MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR])))  
            Mode := STOPPING
          else                                              '   For a zero stopping distance:
            waitcnt(constant(_clkfreq / DIVISOR) + cnt)          '     Prevent race condition with PDLoop
            SetPower[LEFT_MOTOR]~                           '     Disable power to both motors
            Mode := POWER                                   '     Set the motors to power mode
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("TURN"))        ' Command: Turn a specified number of degrees around a circle of a specified radius
          ' Read both parameters before processing them (and adjust encoder positions per revolution / 2 wheels)
          Parameter[0] := ParseHex(NextParameter) 
          Parameter[1] := ParseHex(NextParameter)           '   To prevent changes with a "Too few parameters" error
          ifnot PDRunning
            abort @EncoderError
          case Parameter[1]
              SetVelocity[LEFT_MOTOR] := SetVelocity[RIGHT_MOTOR] := Parameter[1]
              SetPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MidPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] + ~~Parameter[0] * (POSITIONS_PER_ROTATION / 2) / 360' Add travel distance to current position
              SetPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MidPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] - ~~Parameter[0] * (POSITIONS_PER_ROTATION / 2) / 360
              Mode := POSITION
              abort @InvalidParameter
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("ARC"))         ' Command: Turn a specified number of degrees around a circle of a specified radius
          Parameter[0] := ParseHex(NextParameter)           '   Read both parameters before processing them
          Parameter[1] := ParseHex(NextParameter)           '   To prevent changes with a "Too few parameters" error
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("ACC"))
          Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter)
          case Parameter
              MaxPosAccel := Parameter
              abort @InvalidParameter
        elseif     strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("SPD"))     ' Command: Respond with the current motor speeds
          ifnot PDRunning
            abort @EncoderError
          OutputHex(MotorSpeed[LEFT_MOTOR], 4)
          OutputChr(" ")
          OutputHex(MotorSpeed[RIGHT_MOTOR], 4)
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("HEAD"))        ' Command: Respond with the current heading, relative to last reset
          ifnot PDRunning
            abort @EncoderError
          OutputHex((((MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] + MotPosOffset[LEFT_MOTOR]) - (MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] + MotPosOffset[RIGHT_MOTOR])) // POSITIONS_PER_ROTATION) * 360 / POSITIONS_PER_ROTATION, 3)
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("DIST"))        ' Command: Respond with the accumulative distance each motor has traveled, relative to last reset
          ifnot PDRunning
            abort @EncoderError
          OutputHex(MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] + MotPosOffset[LEFT_MOTOR], 8)
          OutputChr(" ")
          OutputHex(MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] + MotPosOffset[RIGHT_MOTOR], 8)
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("RST"))         ' Command: Reset heading and accumulated distance
          MotPosOffset[LEFT_MOTOR] := -MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR]
          MotPosOffset[RIGHT_MOTOR] := -MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR]
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("BLNK"))        ' Command: Blink the specified pin at a specified rate
          Parameter[0] := ParseHex(NextParameter)           ' Pin number
          Parameter[1] := ParseHex(NextParameter)           ' Frequency
          Parameter[2] := |< Parameter[0]                   ' Create a pin mask from the pin number
          if Parameter[2] & OUTPUTABLE                      ' Only use this command on a pin that can be an output
            if Parameter[1]                                 
              if Parameter[2] & PingMask                    ' If the pin used to be a PING))) sensor pin
                ResetPingDriver(PingMask &= !Parameter[0])  ' Restart the PING))) sensor processor with the pin removed from the mask
              GPIOMask &= !Parameter[2]                     ' Flag the pin as a GPIO pin
              outa[Parameter[0]]~                           ' The I/O pin must be set as a low input
              ctra := constant(%00101 << 26) + Parameter[0] ' Set counter A to toggle the I/O pin
              frqa := constant($8000_0000 / _clkfreq / 10) * Parameter[1] ' Calculate the toggle period            
              ctra~                                         ' A frequency of 0 turns of the counter
        elseif strcomp(@InputBuffer, string("VERB"))        ' Command: Set verbose mode
          Parameter := ParseHex(NextParameter)
          case Parameter
              Verbose := Parameter
              abort @InvalidParameter
          abort @InvalidCommand
      return 0
    Pri InterpolateMidVariables | Difference
    '' Sets MidVelocity and MidPosition variables to values that would create the current SetPower at the current MotorPosition  
      if Difference := SetPower[LEFT_MOTOR] / Kp            ' Determine left MidPosition to MotorPosition offset
        if Difference => DEADZONE                           ' Adjust for the deadzone   
          Difference -= DEADZONE 
        elseif Difference =< DEADZONE
          Difference += DEADZONE
        MidPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] + Difference ' Add it back to the current Motor Position
        MidPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR]
      MidPosAcc[LEFT_MOTOR]~                                ' Clear the fractional part
      if Difference := SetPower[RIGHT_MOTOR] / Kp           ' Determine right MidPosition to MotorPosition offset
        if Difference => DEADZONE                                   ' Remove the deadzone
          Difference -= DEADZONE
        elseif Difference =< DEADZONE
          Difference += DEADZONE             
        MidPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] + Difference ' Add it back to the current Motor Position
        MidPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR]
      MidPosAcc[RIGHT_MOTOR]~                               ' Clear the fractional part
      ' Set the left MidVelocity to the current motor speed
      MidVelocity[LEFT_MOTOR] := MotorSpeed[LEFT_MOTOR]
      MidVelAcc[LEFT_MOTOR]~                                ' Clear the fractional part
      ' Set the right MidVelocity to the current motor speed
      MidVelocity[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MotorSpeed[RIGHT_MOTOR]
      MidVelAcc[LEFT_MOTOR]~                                ' Clear the fractional part
    Pri PDLoop | NextCNT, ToSignExtend                      '' Measure, set, and maintain wheel position
      ' Open a serial connection to the position sensors
      Encoders.Start(ENCODERS_PIN, ENCODERS_PIN, %1100, 19_200)                     
      waitcnt(constant(_clkfreq / 2) + cnt)                 ' Give the driver time to start
      repeat 3                                              ' Clear the position sensors' input buffers
        Encoders.Tx(constant(CLEAR_POSITION << 3 | ALL_ENCODERS))
      ' Disable the transmit delay
      Encoders.Tx(constant(SET_TRANSMIT_DELAY << 3 | ALL_ENCODERS))
      Encoders.Tx(constant(QUERY_SPEED << 3) | LEFT_ENCODER) ' Request left motor speed
      ifnot !Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)                       ' Don't start the motor controller if a position sensor isn't working
      ToSignExtend := Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)              ' Read left motor speed
      MotorSpeed[LEFT_MOTOR] := ~ToSignExtend               ' Work around inability to sign the result of an expression
      Encoders.Tx(constant(QUERY_SPEED << 3) | RIGHT_ENCODER) ' Request right motor speed
      ifnot !Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)                       ' Don't start the motor controller if a position sensor isn't working
      ToSignExtend := Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)              ' Read right motor speed
      MotorSpeed[RIGHT_MOTOR] := -~ToSignExtend             ' Work around inability to sign the result of an expression
      Motors.Start                                          ' Start the motor controller
      Encoders.Tx(constant(QUERY_POSITION << 3) | LEFT_ENCODER) ' Request distance traveled for left wheel
      ToSignExtend := Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT) << 8 | Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)
      SetPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[LEFT_MOTOR] := ~~ToSignExtend
      Encoders.Tx(constant(QUERY_POSITION << 3) | RIGHT_ENCODER) ' Request distance traveled for right wheel
      ToSignExtend := Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT) << 8 | Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)
      SetPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := MotorPosition[RIGHT_MOTOR] := -~~ToSignExtend
      PDRunning~~                                           ' Let the command parser know that the motor controller is running
      NextCNT := cnt                                        ' Set up a timed loop
        Motors.Right(PDIteration(RIGHT_MOTOR))              ' Service right wheel and motor
        Motors.Left(PDIteration(LEFT_MOTOR))                ' Service left wheel and motor
        waitcnt(NextCNT += constant(_clkfreq / DIVISOR))    ' Loop DIIVSOR times per second
    Pri PDIteration(Side) | Difference[2], ToSignExtend, Limit, RawPosition
    '' Read the wheel's speed and position, and set its power
      Encoders.Tx(constant(QUERY_SPEED << 3) | Side + 1)    ' Request motor speed
      ifnot !Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)                       ' Ignore high byte and abort on error
      ToSignExtend := Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT)
      MotorSpeed[Side] := ~ToSignExtend * (2 - Side << 2)   ' Multiply by two and reverse sign for right motor
      Encoders.Tx(constant(QUERY_POSITION << 3) | Side + 1) ' Request distance traveled
      ToSignExtend := (RawPosition := (Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT) << 8 | Encoders.RxTime(TIMEOUT))) * (1 - Side << 1) & $FFFF - MotorPosition[Side]
      MotorPosition[Side] += ~~ToSignExtend
      if ||MotorSpeed[Side] =< 2 or RawPosition == 00       ' Keep track of how long the motor hasn't been moving
        StillCnt[Side] <#= 127
      ' Keep the mid point from traveling too far away from the current motor position
      Difference := SetPower[Side] / Kp                     ' Interpolate MidPosition to MotorPosition offset, based on current power
      if Difference => DEADZONE                             ' Adjust for the deadzone   
        Difference -= DEADZONE
      elseif Difference =< DEADZONE
        Difference += DEADZONE
      ' Check to see if offset is higher than it should be for the current power level (When motor is moving)
      if Difference > DEADZONE * 2 + 1 and ||(MidPosition[Side] - MotorPosition[Side]) > ||Difference * 11 / 10
        ' If so, bring the set point closer to the physical position
        MidPosition[Side] := MotorPosition[Side] - (MotorPosition[Side] - MidPosition[Side])
        if StillCnt => constant(DIVISOR / 2)                ' If the offset was high and the motor isn't moving
          PDRunning~                                        ' Then something is wrong - stop the motor driver
      case Mode                                             ' Set motor power based on current control method
        POWER:                                              ' Run the motors at a set power level
          ' MotorPower approaches SetPower as limited by MaxPowAccel
          return MotorPower[Side] += -MaxPowAccel #> (SetPower[Side] - MotorPower[Side]) <# MaxPowAccel
        VELOCITY:                                           ' Maintain the motors at a set velocity
          ' MidVelocity / DIVISOR approaches SetVelocity as limited by MaxPosAccel
          MidVelAcc[Side] += -MaxPosAccel #> (SetVelocity[Side] - MidVelocity[Side]) * DIVISOR - MidVelAcc[Side] <# MaxPosAccel
          MidVelocity[Side] += MidVelAcc[Side] / DIVISOR
          MidVelAcc[Side] //= DIVISOR
          ' MidPosition / DIVISOR increases by MidVelocity / DIVISOR
          MidPosAcc[Side] += MidVelocity[Side]                             
          MidPosition[Side] += MidPosAcc[Side] / DIVISOR
          MidPosAcc[Side] //= DIVISOR
          ' Measure motors physical distance from the set point
          Difference := MidPosition[Side] - MotorPosition[Side]
          if Difference => DEADZONE                         ' Adjust for the deadzone   
            Difference -= DEADZONE
          elseif Difference =< DEADZONE
            Difference += DEADZONE
          ' SetPower is proportional to the motors physical distance from the set point, limited by Motors#MAX_ON_TIME
          SetPower[Side] := -Motors#MAX_ON_TIME #> Difference * Kp <# Motors#MAX_ON_TIME
          ' MotorPower approaches SetPower as limited by MaxPowAccel
          return MotorPower[Side] += -MaxPowAccel #> (SetPower[Side] - MotorPower[Side]) <# MaxPowAccel
        STOPPING:                                           ' Slow to a stop at a set position
          ' MidPosition approaches SetPosition as limited by the deceleration curve
          Limit := ^^(constant(8 * DIVISOR * DIVISOR) * (SetPosition[Side] - MidPosition[Side])/ Decel ) * Decel / 2
          MidPosAcc[Side] += -Limit #> (SetPosition[Side] - MidPosition[Side]) * constant(DIVISOR * DIVISOR) + MidPosAcc[Side] <# Limit
          MidPosition[Side] += MidPosAcc[Side] / constant(DIVISOR * DIVISOR)
          MidPosAcc[Side] //= constant(DIVISOR * DIVISOR)
          ' Measure motors physical distance from the set point
          Difference := MidPosition[Side] - MotorPosition[Side]
          if Difference => DEADZONE                         ' Adjust for the deadzone   
            Difference -= DEADZONE
          elseif Difference =< DEADZONE
            Difference += DEADZONE
          ' SetPower is proportional to the motors physical distance from the set point, limited by Motors#MAX_ON_TIME
          SetPower[Side] := -Motors#MAX_ON_TIME #> Difference * Kp <# Motors#MAX_ON_TIME
          ' MotorPower approaches SetPower as limited by MaxPowAccel
          return MotorPower[Side] += -MaxPowAccel #> (SetPower[Side] - MotorPower[Side]) <# MaxPowAccel
    '   ARC_POSITION:                                       ' Turn along an arc
        POSITION:                                           ' Travel to a set position
          ' MidVelocity approaches SetVelocity as limited by MaxPosAccel / DIVISOR
          MidVelAcc[Side] += -MaxPosAccel #> (SetVelocity[Side] - MidVelocity[Side]) * DIVISOR - MidVelAcc[Side] <# MaxPosAccel
          MidVelocity[Side] += MidVelAcc[Side] / DIVISOR
          MidVelAcc[Side] //= DIVISOR
          ' MidPosition approaches SetPosition as limited by the deceleration curve
          Limit := MidVelocity[Side] * DIVISOR + MidVelAcc[Side] <# ^^(constant(8 * DIVISOR * DIVISOR) * (SetPosition[Side] - MidPosition[Side])/ MaxPosAccel) * MaxPosAccel / 2
          MidPosAcc[Side] += -Limit #> (SetPosition[Side] - MidPosition[Side]) * constant(DIVISOR * DIVISOR) + MidPosAcc[Side] <# Limit
          MidPosition[Side] += MidPosAcc[Side] / constant(DIVISOR * DIVISOR)
          MidPosAcc[Side] //= constant(DIVISOR * DIVISOR)
          ' Measure motors physical distance from the set point
          Difference := MidPosition[Side] - MotorPosition[Side]
          if Difference => DEADZONE                         ' Adjust for the deadzone   
            Difference -= DEADZONE
          elseif Difference =< DEADZONE
            Difference += DEADZONE
          ' SetPower is proportional to the motors physical distance from the set point, limited by Motors#MAX_ON_TIME
          SetPower[Side] := -Motors#MAX_ON_TIME #> Difference * Kp <# Motors#MAX_ON_TIME
          ' MotorPower approaches SetPower as limited by MaxPowAccel
          return MotorPower[Side] += -MaxPowAccel #> (SetPower[Side] - MotorPower[Side]) <# MaxPowAccel
        other:                                              ' Invalid state
          return MotorPower[Side]~                          ' Stop the motor
    Pri ProcessPings | PingPins, Index, Response            '' Output distance readings from all active PING))) sensors
    ' PingPins is a working variable used to count the number of PING)))sensors that are currently active  
      if PingPins := PingMask                               ' Copy mask of affected PING))) sensors into PingPins and only proceed if some are active
        outa |= PingMask                                    ' Set the outputs high for all active PING))) sensors
        dira |= PingMask                                    ' Set directions to outputs 
        outa &= !PingMask                                   ' Set the outputs low       
        dira &= !PingMask                                   ' Set directions to inputs
        waitcnt(constant(_clkfreq / 40) + cnt)
          if PingPins & %1
            Response := PingResults[Index] >> 9
            if Response < 18 or Response > 2900
              'abort @PINGNotResponding                     ' Send error if any PING))) sensors don't respond
            OutputHex(Response, 3)
            OutputChr(" ")
            Index += 2
          PingPins >>= 1
        while PingPins
        OutputBuffer[OutputIndex--]~                        ' Remove last space from output buffer
    Pri ResetPingDriver(NewMask)                            '' Restart the PING))) driver with  anew set of pins
        PingMask := NewMask & PINGABLE                      ' Only use allowed pins
        GPIOMask &= !PingMask                               ' Remove used pins from GPIO set
        Ping.Stop                                           ' Stop the PING))) driver
        PingResults := PingMask                             ' Set the new set of pins
        Ping.Start(@PingResults)                            ' Start the PING))) driver
    Pri ChecksumParse | Index, Accumulator, RemoteChecksum  '' Verify checksum and parse input command
      repeat Index from 0 to InputIndex - 1
        Accumulator += InputBuffer[Index]
      RemoteChecksum := Term.Rx << 8
      RemoteChecksum |= Term.Rx
      if Accumulator == RemoteChecksum
        abort @BadChecksum
    Pri NextParameter                                       '' Condition the next input parameter and return its pointer
      repeat until ++ParseIndex => InputIndex               ' Ignore whitespace
        case InputBuffer[ParseIndex]                        ' First character is always whitespace
          0, HT, " ":
            quit                                            ' ParseIndex points to first non-whitespace character
      if ParseIndex => InputIndex                           ' If at the end of the buffer (or passed it, just in case)
        abort @TooFewParameters                             '  then there are no more parameters
      result := @InputBuffer[ParseIndex]                    ' When responding, point to the next parameter,
      repeat ParseIndex from ParseIndex to InputIndex - 1   ' But first...
        case InputBuffer[ParseIndex]                         
          NUL, HT, " " :                                    '  Null terminate the parameter           
          "a".."z" :                                        '  Set all command characters to uppercase
            InputBuffer[ParseIndex] -= constant("a" - "A")
    Pri CheckLastParameter                                  '' Abort if there are any unparsed input parameters
      repeat until (InputBuffer[ParseIndex] <> 0 and InputBuffer[ParseIndex] <> " " and InputBuffer[ParseIndex] <> HT) or ParseIndex == InputIndex - 1
      ifnot ParseIndex == InputIndex - 1                    '   Ensure that there are no further arguments           
        abort @TooManyParameters                            '   To prevent changes with a "Too many parameters" error
    Pri ParseHex(Pointer) | Character                       '' Interpret an ASCII hexadecimal string
      repeat 8
        case Character := byte[Pointer++]
          NUL :
            return result
          "0".."9" :
            result := result << 4 + Character - "0"
          "A".."F" :
            result := result << 4 + Character - constant("A" - 10)
          "a".."f" :
            result := result << 4 + Character - constant("a" - 10)
          other :
            abort @InvalidParameter
      if byte[Pointer]                                      ' Make sure there are no remaining characters after parsing first eight.                        
        abort @InvalidParameter
    Pri OutputChr(Char)                                     '' Add a character to the output buffer
      if OutputIndex < BUFFER_LENGTH - 3
        OutputBuffer[OutputIndex++] := Char
    Pri OutputStr(Pointer)                                  '' Concatenate a string to the end of the output buffer
      if strsize(Pointer) + 1 =< BUFFER_LENGTH - OutputIndex                        ' Check for overflow
        bytemove(@OutputBuffer + OutputIndex, Pointer, strsize(Pointer) + 1)        ' Copy the string to the buffer, including the terminator
        OutputIndex += strsize(Pointer)                                             ' Increment the output buffer index by the length of the sting, not including the terminator
    Pri OutputDec(value) | i, x                             '' Create a decimal string and concatenate the end of the output buffer
    '' Print a decimal number
      x := value == NEGX                                    ' Check for max negative
      if value < 0
        value := ||(value+x)                                ' If negative, make positive; adjust for max negative
        OutputChr("-")                                      ' and output sign
      i := 1_000_000_000                                    ' Initialize divisor
      repeat 10                                             ' Loop for 10 digits
        if value => i                                                               
          OutputChr(value / i + "0" + x*(i == 1))           ' If non-zero digit, output digit; adjust for max negative
          value //= i                                       ' and digit from value
          result~~                                          ' flag non-zero found
        elseif result or i == 1
          OutputChr("0")                                    ' If zero digit (or only digit) output it
        i /= 10                                             ' Update divisor
    Pri OutputHex(value, digits)                            '' Create a hexadecimal string and concatenate the end of the output buffer
    '' Print a hexadecimal number
      if OutputIndex < BUFFER_LENGTH - digits - 2
        value <<= (8 - digits) << 2
        repeat digits    
          OutputBuffer[OutputIndex++] := lookupz((value <-= 4) & $F : "0".."9", "A".."F")
    Pri SendResponse                                        '' Transmit the string in the output buffer and clear the buffer
      Term.Str(@OutputBuffer)                               ' Transmit the buffer contents
      Term.Str(@Prompt)                                     ' Transmit the prompt
      InputIndex~                                           ' Clear the buffers
    Pri SendChecksumResponse | Index, Accumulator           '' Transmit the string in the output buffer, and its checksum, then clear the buffer
      Accumulator := PROMPT_SUM                             ' Generate the checksum
      repeat Index from 0 to strsize(@OutputBuffer)
        Accumulator += OutputBuffer[Index]
      Term.Str(@OutputBuffer)                               ' Transmit the buffer contents
      Term.Str(@CheckSumPrompt)                             ' Transmit the prompt
      Term.Tx(0)                                            ' Null must be transmitted separately (cannot be part of CheckSumPrompt string)
      Term.Tx(Accumulator >> 8)                             ' Transmit the Checksum
      InputIndex~                                           ' Clear the buffers
    Pri ReadEEPROM(startAddr, endAddr, eeStart) | addr
      ''Copy from EEPROM beginning at eeStart address to startAddr..endAddr in main RAM.
      SetAddr(eeStart)                                      ' Set EEPROM's address pointer 
      SendByte(%10100001)                                   ' EEPROM I2C address + read operation
      if startAddr == endAddr
        addr := startAddr
        repeat addr from startAddr to endAddr - 1           ' Main RAM index startAddr to endAddr
          byte[addr] := GetByte                             ' GetByte byte from EEPROM & copy to RAM 
          SendAck(I2C_ACK)                                  ' Acknowledge byte received
      byte[addr] := GetByte                                 ' GetByte byte from EEPROM & copy to RAM 
      i2cstop                                               ' Stop sequential read
    Pri WriteEEPROM(startAddr, endAddr, eeStart) | addr, page, eeAddr
      ''Copy startAddr..endAddr from main RAM to EEPROM beginning at eeStart address.
      addr := startAddr                                     ' Initialize main RAM index
      eeAddr := eeStart                                     ' Initialize EEPROM index
        page := addr +PAGE_SIZE -eeAddr // PAGE_SIZE <# endaddr +1 ' Find next EEPROM page boundary
        SetAddr(eeAddr)                                     ' Give EEPROM starting address
        repeat                                              ' Bytes -> EEPROM until page boundary
        until addr == page
        i2cstop                                             ' From 24LC256's page buffer -> EEPROM
        eeaddr := addr - startAddr + eeStart                ' Next EEPROM starting address
      until addr > endAddr                                  ' Quit when RAM index > end address
    Pri SetAddr(addr) : ackbit
      'Sets EEPROM internal address pointer.
      ' Poll until acknowledge.  This is especially important if the 24LC256 is copying from buffer to EEPROM.
      ackbit~~                                              ' Make acknowledge 1
      repeat                                                ' Send/check acknowledge loop
        i2cstart                                            ' Send I2C start condition
        ackbit := SendByte(%10100000)                       ' Write command with EEPROM's address
      while ackbit                                          ' Repeat while acknowledge is not 0
      SendByte(addr >> 8)                                   ' Send address high byte
      SendByte(addr)                                        ' Send address low byte
    Pri I2cStart
      ' I2C start condition.  SDA transitions from high to low while the clock is high.
      ' SCL does not have the pullup resistor called for in the I2C protocol, so it has to be
      ' set high. (It can't just be set to inSendByte because the resistor won't pull it up.)
      dira[SCL]~                                            ' SCL pin outSendByte-high
      dira[SDA]~                                            ' Let pulled up SDA pin go high
      dira[SDA]~~                                           ' SDA -> outSendByte for SendByte method
    Pri I2cStop
      ' Send I2C stop condition.  SCL must be high as SDA transitions from low to high.
      ' See note in i2cStart about SCL line.
      dira[SCL]~                                            ' SCL -> high
      dira[SDA]~                                            ' SDA -> inSendByte GetBytes pulled up
    Pri SendAck(ackbit)
      ' Transmit an acknowledgment bit (ackbit).
      dira[SDA] := !ackbit                                  ' Set SDA output state to ackbit
      dira[SDA]~~                                           ' Make sure SDA is an output
      dira[SCL]~                                            ' Send a pulse on SCL
      dira[SDA]~                                            ' Let go of SDA
    Pri GetAck : ackbit
      ' GetByte and return acknowledge bit transmitted by EEPROM after it receives a byte.
      ' 0 = I2C_ACK, 1 = I2C_NACK.
      dira[SDA]~                                            ' SDA -> SendByte so 24LC256 controls
      dira[SCL]~                                            ' Start a pulse on SCL
      ackbit := ina[SDA]                                    ' GetByte the SDA state from 24LC256
      dira[SCL]~~                                           ' Finish SCL pulse
      dira[SDA]~~                                           ' SDA -> outSendByte, master controls
    Pri SendByte(b) : ackbit | i
      ' Shift a byte to EEPROM, MSB first.  Return if EEPROM acknowledged.  Returns
      ' acknowledge bit.  0 = I2C_ACK, 1 = I2C_NACK.
      b ><= 8                                               ' Reverse bits for shifting MSB right
      dira[SCL]~~                                           ' SCL low, SDA can change
      repeat 8                                              ' 8 reps sends 8 bits
        dira[SDA] := !b                                     ' Lowest bit sets state of SDA
        dira[SCL]~                                          ' Pulse the SCL line
        b >>= 1                                             ' Shift b right for next bit
      ackbit := GetAck                                      ' Call GetByteAck and return EEPROM's Ack
    Pri GetByte : value
      ' Shift in a byte, MSB first.  
      value~                                                ' Clear value
      dira[SDA]~                                            ' SDA input so 24LC256 can control
      repeat 8                                              ' Repeat shift in eight times
        dira[SCL]~                                          ' Start an SCL pulse
        value <-= 1                                         ' Shift the value left
        value |= ina[SDA]                                   ' Add the next most significant bit
        dira[SCL]~~                                         ' Finish the SCL pulse
    Prompt                  byte CR, 0
    NullString              byte 0
    Nack                    byte "ERROR", 0
    Overflow                byte " - Overflow", 0
    BadChecksum             byte " - Bad checksum", 0
    InvalidCommand          byte " - Invalid command", 0
    InvalidParameter        byte " - Invalid parameter", 0
    TooFewParameters        byte " - Too few parameters", 0
    TooManyParameters       byte " - Too many parameters", 0
    EncoderError            byte " - Encoder error", 0
    NonCommand              byte " - Nothing happens", 0

    Hope this will help especially the beginners to let extern devices work on the eddie platform.
    Please don't hesitate to ask, when you have questions around the other processes (i. e. how to get the code to the controller board).
    Or leave some suggetions or corrections...

    Kind regards from germany
    Have a nice weekend
  • u.asifu.asif Posts: 21
    edited 2012-10-19 19:02

    Is it possible to power a 6V device from AUX port? I have a SSC32 which operates on 6V. Can I connect it directly to one of the AUX ports and then set the AUX port to permanently high in the spin code? Please advise.

  • namusnamus Posts: 18
    edited 2012-10-20 04:01
    Hi u.asif,

    If you use the AUX Ports on HIGH you will get 12V.
    What you can do is to sold a resistor "in" the "Plus"-wire to your device. But to calculate the resistor, you need the maximum current what your device can stand.
    Then you use the formula: R=U/I.
    I looked at this page:
    And there is given a current of 31mA (current requirements). This might be the right specification. Then you would have need a 400 OHM Resistor.

    If you use the AUX Porst on LOW, I think you have only 3,3 given (You should measure it ;-)). This is too less. You could then try to serially connect two ports, then you have 6,6V.
    Perhaps you can also use the Regulated power headers on 5 V, and perhaps it will work with your 6 V Device ;-)

    Sorry, it is bit complicated. But at the moment I have no other solution.
    Hope it will help.
  • u.asifu.asif Posts: 21
    edited 2012-10-20 04:35
    Thanks for all the info. Really appreciate. So, the high is always 12V. I wonder if I could use any voltage regulator like "; to power my servo board at 6V. actually, the servos connected to the servo board are supposed to draw 4-5A current, so I was thinking of using the AUX port which has a 5A fuse. I cant use regulated 5v header because 5v is too low for running the servos. So, what are other options of drawing 4-5Amps of current at 6v from the eddie control board?
  • namusnamus Posts: 18
    edited 2012-10-21 01:26
    Hm, I think the problem is also the 5A fuse on the eddie control board. When you have only one peak above 5A then it gets broken. The voltage regulator seems to be a useful solution, but I didn't understand the entire functionality.
    I think I would try it with the voltage regulator yet, because it is glitch free.
    The voltage regulator is within the tolerance of the 12V input and you can switch the output to 6V.
    It is not really cheap, but I think without this, there might be a "limit problem" with the 5 A fuse from the Eddie board.
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