Do you own a bunch of different value resistors, if so how do you organize them?
Posts: 1,464
Ok im trying to straighten up my work area and this is a problem thats really been bugging me lol!! Every time I order resistors I get multiples of 10, or I go buy a huge 13 dollar Radio Shack variety bag. I do go through all of them and write there value at the top and bottom on the paper bands at least!
So for a while I was using a 12 slot thing for tackle. I keep most of my components organized in these little tackle storage containers from wal mart, that or the ones for beeds! Anyways I just took all the resistors that started with a one, i.e 1ohm 1k ohm 18ohm, you get the point and threw them in the first and second slots of the container (theres alot that start with one) the next slot got all the values starting with two, i.e 20ohm 20k ohm, the next slot got the threes, and so on, you get the point. The last slot was filled with random resistors I have bread boarded and pulled out of the paper reels. Well I accidently dumped them out the other day, now that im organizing I was wondering if theres a better method for organizing these things, and maybe for caps too, thats even worse but I just store those by type i.e electrolytic, ceramic, tantalum, the cap system isnt so bad but only becuase i dont have near as many caps as resistors .
So for a while I was using a 12 slot thing for tackle. I keep most of my components organized in these little tackle storage containers from wal mart, that or the ones for beeds! Anyways I just took all the resistors that started with a one, i.e 1ohm 1k ohm 18ohm, you get the point and threw them in the first and second slots of the container (theres alot that start with one) the next slot got all the values starting with two, i.e 20ohm 20k ohm, the next slot got the threes, and so on, you get the point. The last slot was filled with random resistors I have bread boarded and pulled out of the paper reels. Well I accidently dumped them out the other day, now that im organizing I was wondering if theres a better method for organizing these things, and maybe for caps too, thats even worse but I just store those by type i.e electrolytic, ceramic, tantalum, the cap system isnt so bad but only becuase i dont have near as many caps as resistors .
But my capacitors are still a complete muddle...
Still have a couple of misc. drawers, bet but this system works for me.
I map 1:1 resistor_value:drawer. Most of my resistors are 1/4 watt, although some are 1/8 watt. I mix them together (the size difference is easy enough to tell). Capacitors get their set of drawers, by capacity. Screws (#2, #4, ...) get their own drawers, as do ICs and other EE related hardware.
Each drawer is carefully labeled with a printer like this:
im thinkin i may go the route of putting populars in a well organized box and then sorting the rest a lil less anal in a bag somewhere, maybe keeping a pot or two in with the populars in case im not at home but need to test a weird value!
so if i go this route what are the values used the most i should alwaus have on hand? obviously 1 10 100k but what else?
If you spend $200 or so, you'll be able to have enough resistors for a long life of hardware hacking. Add in a bit more, and you can get caps too.
Phil has a good list: powers of ten of 1, 2.2, 4.7, and 6.8. I would add to that a larger variety in the range of 500 ohms to 20K ohms. Even if you only have a few resistors, though, the nice thing is that you can combine them to get virtually any resistance that you need.
These are the quantities and values I had:
Now these aren't all the resistors I have, I keep the new (unused) ones separately in plastic tubs. This is just what was the twisted mass that had accumulated from years of breadboarding. After seeing the quantities and values, it looks like I could have gotten by with just a handful of values (I accidentally ordered 300k instead of 300 ohms once which is why there is so many of that value instead of 470k).
I had an old Plano box that I wasn't using and I bought a bunch of little craft storage tubes on eBay. After a couple of hours with my P-touch PT-1950, here's what I ended up with.
By the way, if anybody is considering buying a labeler such as a P-touch, spend the extra $ to get one that works with your PC like any other USB printer and comes with an AC adapter. The stand alone types aren't nearly as convenient and easy to use.
+1 on the craft storage tubes - those look nice!! (assuming I were ever to organize anything)
@rwgast: Trust me when I tell you I am in no position to offer any advice on organizing ANYTHING!
I get resistors in tiny baggies of 10 or 20 or so. I group them by A. Less than 100 ohms, B. 100 ohms to 999, C. 1K to 999K, and D. 1M and above.
In each group, I put the little bags in numerical order and I bundle the group with a big rubber band. And then, everything goes in one big baggie.
Resistors are not hard - it is the capacitors that are hard to get in order as you have many types as well. And then of course, the SMD devices go in a set of tiny glass jars.
I wouldn't worry to much about it. After 5 or so years you will develop some good habits.
And, we all have bought a mislabeled value and ended up with a pile of 300K or some other value that will never get used up. I got stuck with a bunch of 220meg 1/4watts!
I do have some segmented drawers ... LEGO has a good deal on multi-drawers that works out to about 50 cents a bin... for just over 30 bucks you get 64 drawers.
What I typically do is group all of the 10 Ohm,100 Ohm, 1k, 10k, 100k, 1Meg, 10Meg close to one another ... likewise 47 Ohm, 470 Ohm, 4.7k, 47k, 470k, 4.7Meg ... see the pattern? Anyway I have found that grouping them like that makes them easier to find rather than just keeping them in consecutive order.
I have been saving identical prescription bottles for several years, so it is needless to say that I have a large quantity of them. My intention is to build a multi-tier platform, with each tier representing a specific wattage, and each tier having a series of holes drilled with a hole saw to match the diameter of the prescription bottles, with the number of holes made in each tier to coincide with the different values of commonly available resistors. In addition to various tiers, the caps will be color coated for easy wattage identification, as well as having the caps marked with the resistance value.
EDIT: Additionally, the prescription bottles will be ordered linearly according to their resistance value.
Wall of drawers for a complete set of 5% 1/4W values from 1Ω to MΩ, some other W ratings mixed in. Also a set of 1% RN55 values from 10Ω to 1MΩ, stored as two values per drawer. Some other values such as 0.1 and 0.2Ω shunts, and assorted 1T and 12T pots.
Set of 0805 5% surface mount resistors in strips of 50 from a kit from good ol' Digikey, also a Digikey set of 0603 1% from 10Ω to 1MΩ. It's kind of hard to keep track of the strips bundled in their individual plastic sleeves, so one of these days I'll label them all and move them over into the drawers with the RN55s. Labeling the strips is especially important with the 0603s, because they are marked with the cryptic EIA-96 code.
Drawers with a set of 1206 5% SMTs mostly in the ammo packs that Mouser used to sell. I like those ammo packs because they are great for storage of lots of parts and clearly marked.
The boxes are only 9"x4"x4" and I have over 200 values in them right now. I use these for the envelopes:
In my case, the narrower the stripe, the more red and orange start to look alike.
I gotta say publison envelopes and rdls craft tubes are nice. I may try scouring home depot/wal mart tommorow and see if i can find something like those tubes.. I know wal mart sells a few hundred plastic baggys the size of publisons envelopes for 2 bucks.
i spend alot of time away from home home and like to bring projects with me usuallu i take whatever special parts i know i need chips connectors etc and just grab all my passives if im in the design phase along with a breadboard, strippers, razor and a few feet of cat5 off the real.
Yes, us guys that are just a little more than teenagers may need Jeff's "most excellent" project:
One value in one drawer . It takes a couple days to sort the mess out the first time, but save a couple days on each project after that, so the effort is well worth it. I inherited a bunch of little parts drawers when folks retired and moved to smaller digs, it was is big step forward for the Braino Lab.