I just hoarded all 9 TSSP4038s in stock from Arrow.com. (Although their site still says 9 in stock...) I've been burning through these guys like nobody's business since I discovered that they can drive my favorite Aromat TF2-5V relay directly. That makes the world's simplest IR remote control trigger with just 2 parts.
99 cents each, free ground shipping. I ordered from them previously with good service & speed, so thus far they're right up there with Digikey & Mouser. You might add Arrow.com to your searches next time you're looking for a part to compare costs.
Not sure if free ship is the norm, IIRC I paid shipping last time.
I just hoarded all 9 TSSP4038s in stock from Arrow.com. (Although their site still says 9 in stock...) I've been burning through these guys like nobody's business since I discovered that they can drive my favorite Aromat TF2-5V relay directly. That makes the world's simplest IR remote control trigger with just 2 parts.
99 cents each, free ground shipping. I ordered from them previously with good service & speed, so thus far they're right up there with Digikey & Mouser. You might add Arrow.com to your searches next time you're looking for a part to compare costs.
Not sure if free ship is the norm, IIRC I paid shipping last time.
Carpe freeship!
Seems like a popular device. I ordered 20 last March from Mouser when there were 9,000 in stock. Stock is zero with 49,737 on order. Arrow shows zero also. Digikey shows 9,811 in stock.
Good price, although not continuous signal compatible. Fine for use with IR remote controls. BTW that's a 36 kHz module, so efficiency may be down a bit with most 38 khz remotes.
Prolly. Merry Christmas to me!
At that price, they should throw in some free Guinness and Yorkshire pudding.
$19.00 Shipping?! I'll take a Shepherd's Pie.
99 cents each, free ground shipping. I ordered from them previously with good service & speed, so thus far they're right up there with Digikey & Mouser. You might add Arrow.com to your searches next time you're looking for a part to compare costs.
Not sure if free ship is the norm, IIRC I paid shipping last time.
Carpe freeship!
Seems like a popular device. I ordered 20 last March from Mouser when there were 9,000 in stock. Stock is zero with 49,737 on order. Arrow shows zero also. Digikey shows 9,811 in stock.
Ebay has ten 1838 receivers (38 khz) for 85 cents shipped: http://www.ebay.com/itm/10PC-HOT-Universal-IR-Infrared-Remote-Receiver-38KHz-VS1838B-TL1838-For-Arduino-/162345416385
Goldmine's shipping costs often undo their savings.