Mosfet driver requires low esr, esl capacitor. Any suggestions on what to use?
I'm planning on using a mosfet driver and the data sheet says this on page 5:
There should be a low ESR, low ESL capacitor of 0.1 μF between VDD (pin 8) and PGND and a separate 0.1-μF capacitor between VDD (pin 1) and AGND.
Any suggestions on exactly what (Digikey?) capacitor to use? How low is low enough when it comes to ESR and ESL? I plan on using this thing to make pulses with a width of about 10 usec but the pulses happen at only about 400 Hz.
There should be a low ESR, low ESL capacitor of 0.1 μF between VDD (pin 8) and PGND and a separate 0.1-μF capacitor between VDD (pin 1) and AGND.
Any suggestions on exactly what (Digikey?) capacitor to use? How low is low enough when it comes to ESR and ESL? I plan on using this thing to make pulses with a width of about 10 usec but the pulses happen at only about 400 Hz.
Wow, Phil, thanks for the super fast reply! My impression is that I'm supposed to use only one 0.1 uF cap, not two, between each Vdd and ground. So is it okay to use just a single ceramic cap for each of those points?
Amazing. Thank you! Now I just need to find a surface mount cap physically large enough I can actually solder. :-)
Dito to Phil to keep the Driver happy.
Just to add, keep the trace lengths short and fat.
Make provision for a series resister to the MOSFET gate.
This is commonly in the 5 to 50 Ohm range.
Often used to reduce ringing and radiated noise to keep the other components in the micro happy.
Also, take a look at the International Rectifier products.
They were the pioneers in this class, and possibly cheaper too.
Duane J
Will do, Duane, thanks for the tips!
If you want to test them and you can get some you could use a perfo board or a veroboard. The pads spacing fits well this size.
After that you can decide if they are ok or too small.
Thanks, Massimo.
Check post #6, Phil describes very well the soldering approach, and along the discussion a comparison between 0805 and 0603 is made.