Do tell why. It's not obvious from that vid or what I get to see of LA on TV.
So people like you and I can live where we do and don't have to live in LA. I like being surrounded by horse farms and corn fields and have the biggest traffic jam on main street caused by the train that runs through town or an Amish buggy!
Why LA? Everything's here or within easy driving distance: San Fran, Palm Springs, Las Vegas, Parallax HQ! Desert, mountain, ocean. Great weather. Nice people, huge diversity. Meet people from all professions, I have some great friends who are Hollywood stunt and FX people. Swim, bike, run. Snow ski, rock climb & scuba dive the same day. LAX, gateway city, cheap airfares, cheap rental cars. Twisty canyon roads (Mulholland Drive) to drive & bike on. Malibu and PCH. Santa Monica, Venice Beach. Hollyweird, Disneyland, Univ Studios, Knott's Berry Farm, Magic Mountain. Great access to parts & supplies, anything you want. Overseas mail (Ebay!) arrives faster here. TRW swap meet. Surplus places everywhere. Jobs aplenty: tech, electronics, aerospace. Great food, every ethnic variety. Clubs (robot, ham, tech, rocks, whatever). One of the local CHURCHES has a robotics club. Honda's Asimo facility in my backyard. Queen Mary (and previously, the Spruce Goose). Big Bear. I can fly my Cessna to Catalina Island with folding bikes aboard for a fun day. Tustin blimp hangars nearby, amazing indoor model airplane meets.
Oh, you have to plan around the crowds. It's an acquired ability.
One thing that I still can't get used to: to go camping in the most popular places, you have to get a permit ahead of time. Ticketmaster sells them like concert tickets, and yes, they sell out early in peak season.
I like the Video.
I like LA for the weather and job opportunities and people (and the food, although Chicago has better food).
I like LA for the stores: (Anaheim Fry's Electronics, etc.)
When "stuck" there for 3 weeks for a work project a few winters ago, I loved, absolutely loved, waking up seeing the mountains and the seaside and palm trees. It just felt so natural. I love the breeze off of the mountains and from the sea.
But... that song is just... terrible.
Also the plane ride there is awful (packed in like sardines, and I always manage to get some sort of respiratory illness from the flight )
And as far as traffic goes: the HOV Lane is a godsend when racing back to the airport.
nice. I get the subtleness of the song, but at the same time do admit if I was going to live there, I'd make sure I'd have multiple employment options. But it's a blast if you have money to spend.
Sending me to youtube took me down another path: I didn't know what the TRW Swap Meet was until I looked it up... looks awesome. I know locally there are "flea markets" but I've not seen so many useful tools and components like this just sitting out in the sun.
I know I'll be going back, so yet something else to get excited about.
Just to be perfectly fair, LA is a 7 hour drive from Parallax...
But I too like LA, or at least it's surrounds. I've lived in Riverside the last four years, and I have no regrets. I did buy an air purifier for my room though, and sized it for a room 4x bigger.
The slow speed pans and zooms are very effective with the hyper-speed background.
Really glad I don't have to live there though.
The contrasts in movement made the whole video rather surreal.
And a couple shots of downtown reminded me of scenes from "Blade Runner".
Do tell why. It's not obvious from that vid or what I get to see of LA on TV.
So people like you and I can live where we do and don't have to live in LA. I like being surrounded by horse farms and corn fields and have the biggest traffic jam on main street caused by the train that runs through town or an Amish buggy!
I could go on, but I think you get the idea...
...of course, it probably wouldn't have basement!
The couple times I've been to LA, NOTHING was within EASY driving distance....things were close but not EASY!
Like I said, because you like to live in LA, I don't HAVE to live in LA and the world is a happier place!!
One thing that I still can't get used to: to go camping in the most popular places, you have to get a permit ahead of time. Ticketmaster sells them like concert tickets, and yes, they sell out early in peak season.
Tragically, there are probably some openings at Yosemite right now.
I like LA for the weather and job opportunities and people (and the food, although Chicago has better food).
I like LA for the stores: (Anaheim Fry's Electronics, etc.)
When "stuck" there for 3 weeks for a work project a few winters ago, I loved, absolutely loved, waking up seeing the mountains and the seaside and palm trees. It just felt so natural. I love the breeze off of the mountains and from the sea.
But... that song is just... terrible.
Also the plane ride there is awful (packed in like sardines, and I always manage to get some sort of respiratory illness from the flight
And as far as traffic goes: the HOV Lane is a godsend when racing back to the airport.
OK, I'm sold.
So how do I get my green card:)
nice. I get the subtleness of the song, but at the same time do admit if I was going to live there, I'd make sure I'd have multiple employment options. But it's a blast if you have money to spend.
Sending me to youtube took me down another path: I didn't know what the TRW Swap Meet was until I looked it up... looks awesome. I know locally there are "flea markets" but I've not seen so many useful tools and components like this just sitting out in the sun.
I know I'll be going back, so yet something else to get excited about.
Just to be perfectly fair, LA is a 7 hour drive from Parallax...
But I too like LA, or at least it's surrounds. I've lived in Riverside the last four years, and I have no regrets. I did buy an air purifier for my room though, and sized it for a room 4x bigger.