Robot cooling
Built a chair robot to drive around on. The hardware (Arduino, power board, jaguar speed controllers) is sealed on the bottom with plastic panels to keep dust out, but today during testing I noticed that the jaguars, after checking the data logger, had temperature faults. There's no where for the exhaust from the jags to go, so would putting a set of 120mm case fans on top to push the air out be a bad idea?
marine deep cycle battery. But which fans do you think would suit a heavy power robot best? I was looking at Thermaltake AF0032 fans
However you mount the fan try to make sure it is not working against the Jags' fans. Also, try to create a nice flow through your compartment so that fresh air is drawn to the jags then exhausted out.
I think it is misleading to refer to the three conductor cables as "pwm cables" and any port that they plug into a "pwm port" since neither is limited to pwm only usage, yet that is pervasive amongst FRC folks.
Are you sure that the fans are PWM enabled? The third wire is commonly used for reading RPM, it is not PWM.
The record will show that I am a mentor for FRC team 1899.
My overall point is that the ports on the BOE (probably true for Arduino too) are not "PWM" ports. Yes, you can send a PWM signal over them but they can be used for other things as well that are definitely not PWM. To call them PWM ports is misleading.
for the fan Be carfull some times the Fan will stall.. The issue is there is switching going on in a brush less fan . this Can be confused by a PWM in at the Wrong Freq ( Beat Freq kind of issue ) Throw a cap accross the fan leads .smoooooth that thing ..
What is your Pack voltage ?
For the Arduino, while you can bit-bang crude PWM on any pin, the board in fact does have dedicated pins for hardware PWM. On the Uno (differs between boards) these pins are connected to three hardware timers; each timer provides PWM for two pins.
So, ignoring the other material brought up in this thread -- and just to provide clarification for lurkers -- on the Arduino Uno there are six specific pins capable of hardware PWM, while the rest are not. These pins can also be used for ordinary digital I/O, and in some cases (and typical for the Arduino) double-up with other hardware capabilities that are likewise hardwired. For example, one of the PWM-enabled pins, pin 3, can also serve as one of two external hardware interrupts.
-- Gordon
The term rail to rail Op Amp .
EG your PC ( 0r mac ) has a 12V rail 5V 3.3V and so on .
so your battt hits a breaker right . Per FRC standards . then hits a distribution point . with fuses that feed spikes and victors .... remember I am OLD FRC pre 09 .
Those " wires" can be considered buses or rails.......
think of it as the main street in a town .... the main Drag.... that is the Main Bus or main rail for a givin voltage ..
To run the fans parallel them.....
If in doubt use a 9 V to power one up ........
got a photo of the fan ??
Keep in mind the battery will be sitting on top of the robot once the lexan is installed.
and I see you are missing a breaker or fuse or some normal way to switch the REAL power ...
( a tip use a 100A " red key " 1/4 turn RV batt disconnect ) 9 USD or so at any auto store..