Humor me Propellerheads, What should be stocked?

It's no secret now that I'm build a web store designed specifically for Propellerheads.
I've done a pretty decent job of building a basic inventory on a shoestring. Common resistors, caps, a few ICs, etc. Even a few boards are slowly making their way to me. I'm planning to re-invest into the business as much as possible, so this shoestring will turn into a rope, and eventually a steel cable.
I'm curious. What types of items would you like to see available? The idea here is to stock as much relevant Propeller gear as possible so that it becomes a "one-stop-shop". What am I missing? (If money were no object.)
I've done a pretty decent job of building a basic inventory on a shoestring. Common resistors, caps, a few ICs, etc. Even a few boards are slowly making their way to me. I'm planning to re-invest into the business as much as possible, so this shoestring will turn into a rope, and eventually a steel cable.
I'm curious. What types of items would you like to see available? The idea here is to stock as much relevant Propeller gear as possible so that it becomes a "one-stop-shop". What am I missing? (If money were no object.)

and a link:
Beyond that idea see your PM!
-- Gordon
@Gordon, responded to your PM. Yes, I'm interested!
@blittled, You know I was just looking at that a couple hours before you mentioned it! You are right! matching crystals will be in the next order!
Do the Bluetooth modules allow drop in wireless programming? That is the advantage of the Wixels: no changes to software are required, and very little hardware change.
I'll bring in a few of those items for stock. Good suggestions!
Because there seems to always be room for another McDonalds. The component parts are a side item, while boards and projects which will not be available in other locations will soon be features. I like the idea of having a known shop that will stock everything specific to Propeller without having to dig through multiple sources, fishing past the Arduino boards. The secondary component of Propellerpowered is education, which provides resources and help using the items listed. When Propellerpowered takes it's final form it will be second only to Parallax, and perhaps be able to move a little faster than the other guys.
I like the educational/project/tutorial aspect and think it's a good plan to have all the pieces for a project available from one location.
Congratulations on taking the plunge.
This is a little off topic and probably not any where near your current to do list today... but put it into the hopper, who knows?
The problem is that I have an idea of just how busy you are... and I don't know how you could possibly do this... but perhaps one of your
interested readers will and will bring his products to your door.
I have noticed that there have been many really interesting boards done by some very talented people... who then get busy in another more interesting area and the boards disappear.
Some of the guys are really interested in design, but have absolutely no interest in marketing and management.
GadgetGangster offers a partial solution... but what some of the guys actually need is for someone to take the boards, manufacture, and market them.
What you (or one of your interested readers) would have is a great list of products available no-where else.
Parallax could offer you (or one of your interested readers) all kinds of advice. I'm not sure anyone will get rich doing this,
but it should pay for itself and return a reasonable profit after a while.
Sorry for the OT. Didn't know where else to put it.
As to your call for products... You might want to consider having an "ERCO Corner," filled with the strangest and cheapest stuff available.
And I like to see a section for one-off or minimum production boards... originals from our wonderful designers.
I would also like to see a built robot section... I know that Parallax has a classified section, but they aren't going out there
to ask for sale items:)
Best of Luck,
With some arrangements, you are ALWAYS welcome to swing by for pickups. It isn't a storefront. Far from it. It's a workshop.
You'd probably get a kick out of it. Two shelves are Gadget Gangster, a third is Propellerpowered.
You know an ERCO corner is a good idea.
Many times, you can find the same parts I stock from the same source I gather them from (HK). When that happens, the few dollars I'll make from stocking them will be a convenience fee in that you'll have them in 1-3 days instead of two weeks.
You need a Chinese consultant... and a future stock offering:)
One big benefit lies ahead. When Propeller 2 is released Parallax won't be "owning" the board market anymore. By having one (or two at a maximum) board designs as part of our distribution there will be plenty of space for others to fill in the hardware solutions.
I just realized that I had no idea that when I got to 6500+ posts, I'd probably be running a virtual store, selling products when I followed the first link to a Commodore emulator. Bet I finally see that C64 emulation after PropII.
I'm serious here, a custom board with an assortment of bare dies.
If you hit the right combo, the hard stuff that we most often need, there would be viable volume.
Also, the most popular stuff from china, without the long shipping delay
After doing some research, one of the requirements that requirements of handling "China's Best" will be mandatory testing of the parts when they arrive. I'm fairly certain that at the prices some of these boards go for that there is ZERO qc. You guys can figure that if I'm going to stock some of these, I will have "booted them up" before they go into packages for you.
Unfortunately, money IS an object. (That is until you guys start shopping), but I've taken a lot of your suggestions to heart, and even did a little shopping this afternoon. Here's the result:
For example, a teacher asked to buy the motors and sensors for the Little Robot. One kit per kid for the whole class. If the price dropped more, we could add another class or two.
I always thought a tech co-op would be neat. Maybe do a serries of one time deals for all the hacker spaces, etc.
Possibly with the same pinout of our usual linear regulators.
i while back i had gotten free samples of some adcs and dacs from ti. basically im a hardware newb and looking for something to get me started expermenting with analog stuff i found out all the chips i ordered were useless becuase i picked hi end **** that was audio niche stuff not knowing it. so stores like ppowered and gg are helpful in the fact that they sell the right products for people like me to get started.
i also think selling a few opamps would be nice i personally use the ti opa134 2 channel it works very well for prop audio circuits and is only 2 bux in singles. maybe consider some other opamps not for audio use. you know basic analogish prop compatible stuff.
I've been hunting for a cheaper '3208 compatible ADC, haven't turned one up yet. Those little suckers are expensive. I'm probably going to re-write my ADC article using an alternative in the future.
I haven't made up my mind on opamps yet, I keep you tune on that front.
Actually, would you settle for the parallax screwdriver?
These are a cheap and reasonable option. 7805 style pinout.
John Abshier