FTP or Subversion for OBEX

Forums users keep posting about a 'better way' to access OBEX code. If you search the forum you'll find multiple threads about it. Everyone says it is a good idea to improve the OBEX, then it goes back to 'just use it the way it is'.
Today I was coming here to post a technical question (as always:)) and I saw this thread - http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?141705-Turning-Complaints-into
I read what rjo__ had to say about having all of the code uncompressed locally to search for certain line of code as an example. This is a really good idea.
The entire OBEX can't be that big, using something like SVN should minimize bandwidth. It seems like a great learning tool and resource.
Thanks for listening
Today I was coming here to post a technical question (as always:)) and I saw this thread - http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?141705-Turning-Complaints-into
I read what rjo__ had to say about having all of the code uncompressed locally to search for certain line of code as an example. This is a really good idea.
The entire OBEX can't be that big, using something like SVN should minimize bandwidth. It seems like a great learning tool and resource.
Thanks for listening

It makes sense someone with 2,176 posts has no issues with OBEX, I'm not really even speaking for myself here, just technology/computers in general it seems like SVN and FTP are pretty basic and essential. I'd love to take the entire OBEX out to the field on my laptop.