Distributed Parallel Language DISP
Posts: 5,770
The new RX Propeller Supercomputer is one entry example into a personal contest used to develop unofficial distributed parallel languages. Distributed Parallel Language DISP is in the making a number of years and began with props as a series of concatenated algorithms for operating Multiple Propeller Spark projects and has since evolved to include other machines. Some of these algorithms were developed two years ago on "The Cube" - an AM Algorithm Machine made from multi Stamps with five Bus Modes. With enough interest, more info on DISP will be released here when it enters Beta mode.
Can it telnet out and talk to my spinneret or quickstart? Maybe flash the LED's and listen to button presses?
That would be a fun demo!
prof_braino, a future control project over the internet is possible, i.e. type in an access code on a certain date and time range and experience machine communications and interaction.
One possibility is parallel sockets or channels, one for each parallel machine event, to show machine functioning. But I don’t even have a Spinneret or Quickstart!
Another idea is to use the machine with OI, Optoelectronic Interface, to control thousands of things. (This project could include OL, Optics Language.) Though I don’t know what will be controlled.
In the past, a lesser machine controlled a remote small robot telescope using a computer screen control panel to take CCD images of the night sky from anywhere in the world.
A new system could do more interesting things with machine intelligence or example the method of distributed parallel computing with aligned prop chips.
A multi-alive program is in mind like SEED, only thousands of times more powerful. Each chip becomes an intelligence that evolves. Internet access could monitor 100 channels of these life forms growing and interacting over some period of time.
Maybe just talk to the brain with all prop chips engaged is more interesting. Indeed, flashing LEDs is more straightforward… the demo that enumerates all props makes good use of LEDs and distributed parallel.
Internet real time offerings are still a ways off - my hands are full developing Propeller COSMAC ELF retro computers, exploring GT, and DISP development.
Thanks Peter. I'll look into it. I would like to meet all the great people attending, but don't want to think about getting machines through airport security! If I lost one, it would be like losing a child. A refreshment machine could handle the cotton candy at UPEDU. However, we know you have some very sweet Propeller programs better than any cotton candy!