Parallel Processing
John Board
Posts: 371
After gaining 1st place (yay!) at regional RCJA competition, I'm now moving my focus toward the state championships. With the number of sensors/prehipherals I'm adding, the more memory/cores/pins are being used.. So, I think it's time for me to add a second prop. I've never really done any parallel processing of 2 props before and I'm wondering what's the best way to go. There are two obious communication approaches:
Serial Communication
Parallel Communication
The advantages of serial is that it only uses one or two of my precious IOs, although it can sometimes be a bit slow (although not so slow now that I've discovered that FullDuplexSerial can operate at 1_000_000 baud....), and parallel is possibly quite a bit faster (I think...) but it uses up several IO pins. This is all a learning experience for me, and I'm trying to figure out which way to go. I'm wanting to have an object that allows multi-prop-control to be dead easy, for example:
This is alright when the code is only operating at very slow speeds, but how would this cope, if i were, for example, to convert the Ping driver to this, so I'm taking ultrasonic readings from a seperate chip to the one it's connected to. Would serial be too slow for this?
Alternatly, I could have the same low-level support, as well as higher support for the ping sensors, so, I send a request for the cm/mm of the sensor, and it returns it.
So, which do you think is better? Parallel, or Serial? And if I was going to use serial, would it be too slow, even if I had the baud set to 1_000_000 (or very crazily fast).
P.S. I have taken a look at this thread, and am brainstorming off it:
After gaining 1st place (yay!) at regional RCJA competition, I'm now moving my focus toward the state championships. With the number of sensors/prehipherals I'm adding, the more memory/cores/pins are being used.. So, I think it's time for me to add a second prop. I've never really done any parallel processing of 2 props before and I'm wondering what's the best way to go. There are two obious communication approaches:
Serial Communication
Parallel Communication
The advantages of serial is that it only uses one or two of my precious IOs, although it can sometimes be a bit slow (although not so slow now that I've discovered that FullDuplexSerial can operate at 1_000_000 baud....), and parallel is possibly quite a bit faster (I think...) but it uses up several IO pins. This is all a learning experience for me, and I'm trying to figure out which way to go. I'm wanting to have an object that allows multi-prop-control to be dead easy, for example:
OBJ Prop_S: "PropSlave" PUB Main | x Prop_S.Start(rx, tx) x := 250 'This code will be to blink an LED on the slave on and off every x ms repeat Prop_S.OUTA(1, true) Prop_S.pause(x/2) Prop_S.OUTA(1, false) Prop_s.pause(x/2)
This is alright when the code is only operating at very slow speeds, but how would this cope, if i were, for example, to convert the Ping driver to this, so I'm taking ultrasonic readings from a seperate chip to the one it's connected to. Would serial be too slow for this?
Alternatly, I could have the same low-level support, as well as higher support for the ping sensors, so, I send a request for the cm/mm of the sensor, and it returns it.
So, which do you think is better? Parallel, or Serial? And if I was going to use serial, would it be too slow, even if I had the baud set to 1_000_000 (or very crazily fast).
P.S. I have taken a look at this thread, and am brainstorming off it:
If you have serial communications more than 4 props or so will start to pull the serial bus into noisy situations which can be dealt with program wise.
I did a multiple prop experiment with 55 props.
I don't think you want 55 props, but my method of a master, slave and sub slaves works pretty well, and might point you in the right direction.
Good luck.
Have you exhausted the ability for each core doing multiple tasks/sensors?
Peter (pjv)
The secret is to make the peripherals latency tolerant.
So for this example, whilst you could craft a design that timed pulses directly from a serial data, why do that ?
Better to send a Pulse Duration, and Pulse repetition rate to something like a Ping-handler, and then listen or poll for the delay-replies.
Unless you have wires to burn, parallel is usually only used for highest data bandwidth problems.
Also, in a crystal based Prop-Prop system, there is nothing that says you have to Serial-pump bytes.
You could get less overhead and more throughput with a 32 bit sized packet, and include address/data in a single send.
@Mike Green: Will do, although I have previously explored PropForth and there are some aspects I do not like - But I think I ought to look into it again
@pjv: I still *MIGHT* be able to squeeze in more processing, although the cogs are pretty jam packed, and the coding is quite cozy as is. Also I'm almost out of pins
@Duane Degn: Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind.
@jmg: Also thanks for the advice, I'll consider it!
Thanks all for the resposes, as for myself, I don't care too much for the electronics of my robots, however, I really enjoy the programming issues, programming is one of my passions.