Need some help understanding interaction between 2 objects
Don M
Posts: 1,653
I have 2 obejects- Main_Test and Object2.
In the Main_Test object it runs a loop waiting for a key press from PST.
In Object2 it initializes 4 outputs for led's (Quickstart board) and runs a simple loop flashing 1 led on / off.
What I am trying to do is turn on one of the remaining led's by using a call method from the Main_Test object called Remote_Led. But it doesn't work like I thought it should. I was expecting that when that method was called it would then call the method in Object2 and turn on the led.
Why doesn't this work?
In the Main_Test object it runs a loop waiting for a key press from PST.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' Feedback and PLL multiplier _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' External oscillator = 5 MHz MS_001 = 80_000_000 / 1_000 obj term : "fullduplexserialdp_1" other_object : "object2" var pub main | c term.start(31, 30, %0000, 115_200) ' start terminal using PST pause(500) ' pause for PST term.str(@message1) ' display device name on reset other_object.start pause(500) repeat c := term.rxcheck if (c => 0) ' anything in m->s buffer? case c "r" , "R": reboot "c": remote_led pub remote_led other_object.remote pub pause(ms) | t t := cnt repeat ms waitcnt(t += MS_001) dat message1 byte "Testing for transfer data",0
In Object2 it initializes 4 outputs for led's (Quickstart board) and runs a simple loop flashing 1 led on / off.
MS_001 = 80_000_000 / 1_000 LED4 = 19 LED3 = 18 LED2 = 17 LED1 = 16 obj var byte p long Stack[256], cog PUB Start cog := cognew(main,@Stack)+1 pub main dira[16..19]~~ pause(1000) ' 1 second delay outa[16..19]~~ pause(1000) ' 1 second delay outa[16..19]~ repeat test_loop pause(1000) outa[LED1]~ pause(1000) pub Test_Loop outa[LED1]~~ pub Remote outa[LED3]~~ pause(1000) outa[LED3]~ pub pause(ms) | t t := cnt repeat ms waitcnt(t += MS_001) dat
What I am trying to do is turn on one of the remaining led's by using a call method from the Main_Test object called Remote_Led. But it doesn't work like I thought it should. I was expecting that when that method was called it would then call the method in Object2 and turn on the led.
Why doesn't this work?
You have two solutions. 1) In other_object, have a global variable that's set by Remote that main will use to change the LED's state. 2) Have other_object's Start method set DIRA so bits 16..19 are outputs. The actual I/O pins will be the logical or of OUTA in cog #0 with OUTA in cog #1.
It's long, too involved and lame, but it works.
Three objects...
FlagDemo2.spin - the main program (top object?)
QS_Buttons.spin - the button driver
FlagWatch.spin - watches to see what's happening.
QS_Buttons doesn't play with any LEDs. It scans the touchpads and returns a byte with bits set according to the touch pads.
I == pressed, 0 == not.
FlagDemo2 is the main guy. It starts the other two objects in different cogs.
Notice the start calls... it passes the ADDRESS of a place where stuff will be passed back.
Then it watches the Buttons byte to see if button 4 is set (Touch pad 4)
When that happens it sets FLAG to 1
and changes the LEDs that it uses (22 and 17)
FLAG == 0 LED 22 := 1
FLAG == 1 LED 17 := 1
FlagWatch sets LED 3 just to show it's running.
Then it watchs for FLAG ==1 to happen.
When it sees that, it swaps LEDs (15 and 23).
LED 15 ON for flag == 0
LED 23 ON for Flag == 1
So the action is at the extreme ends of the LED string.
There should be two LEDS on at a time (not counting the middle one),
and both on the same end. If not, somebody is messing up.
Like I said, long, involved and way lame, but I learned how it works here.
Maybe it will help?
The code works (just checked it again) so if something is unclear, read
the code!
Now, I have a question...
I call fwatch.start to start the flag watch method.
But I didn't call the mainpart of the code (Aproc in Flag_Watch.spin).
And yet it works correctly.
Same thing with Button.Start.
Never called the ButtonScan method.
But it runs.
Why is that?
Is there something special aboutthe .start?
Thank you for kindly pointing out the painfully obvious which I completely missed when I was looking a the code tonight...
I remember now. I knew it couldn't fall though the end of the PUB or PRI block.
But I didn't catch the call inside the .start methods.
(The COGNEW did it - in the library - with a soldering iron... (anybody here old enough to get that?))
And the other one is invoked in its' .start function...
ACogID := cognew(Aproc, @Stack) + 1
A lot of my learning so far has been pretty much cook-book style.
But eventually the LED comes on...