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FreeIMU: a libre 9-10 DOM/DOF inertial measurement unit — Parallax Forums

FreeIMU: a libre 9-10 DOM/DOF inertial measurement unit

Jan EJan E Posts: 11
edited 2012-08-10 14:49 in Accessories
I'm new in this forum and I like to say hi! (going to do a presentation later on) I'm even new in programming. Have done a lot of thinking and learning becuse I have an idee I like to fullfill. My goal is to do a "bot" that help disable people to where baggage by there one. Handsfree. In technical term. It's a kind of inverted ”follow me”. I have the mechanical part for the bot allmost ready in my computer in form of 3D drawings. The are based on the ”Wheelkit & HB25”
The missing part for this purpose it's a vital sensor and sensor software
In the Arduino world i think I could find both the hard and software i need ”FreeIMU sensorcard and software by Fabio from Itali” As the name declare it is an open soft and hardware
The thing is a like to do it in the ”propeller enviroment” And here comes me question. Is there some work going one in this area in our forum. I think that the work Fabio has done is fantastic as I understod (right or wrong) But i have follow this forum a cupapel ov years and I know here it's a big potential here. Am i wrong?


  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2012-07-29 07:45
    So you want a bot to lead people to a location. Start location is where the people arrive? End location is the baggage pick up area? This may overlap with projects here.

    There is a bunch of navigation work being done in the quadcopter projects, but the speed and complexity of a free flying bot may be over-kill for a ground bot in a known environment. I would think that would be a later phase of you project, after you get the simple version working.

    Are you determined to start with the FreeIMU: a libre 9-10 DOM/DOF inertial measurement unit, or can you work out the basics with a simple less expensive arrangement?
  • Jan EJan E Posts: 11
    edited 2012-07-31 16:02
    No I don't want a bot to lead people. I want the bot to be ”steared” by a person walking behind the bot. The heading from the person is then compared with the heading in the bot. And then, yes I need 2 of those expensiv sensors. One sitting on the bot and on one the persons belt. The heading is wireless transfered till the bot and then compared with the bot's heading.The distance is ghotten from a Ping sonar. The reason way I needed so accurat sensor is that my teory don't work if there is a drift in the heading.
  • Jan EJan E Posts: 11
    edited 2012-08-10 14:29
    As they say one pic says more than thousen words...
  • Jan EJan E Posts: 11
    edited 2012-08-10 14:49
    And front view.
    Fido.pdf 958.1K
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