New Propeller Tool Version 1.3.2

Updated download code to handle unexpected received data during reset of Propeller, such as what happens with the QuickStart board because of the extra buffer component.
Thank you Parallax!
Updated download code to handle unexpected received data during reset of Propeller, such as what happens with the QuickStart board because of the extra buffer component.
still has link to
Propeller/Spin Tool Software v1.2.7 (R2) - (Supports Windows 2K/XP/Vista/7. Requires IE7 or newer)
Which maybe why I always have an old version on my machine.
Any idea why they link to a list of versions with the current as default, and let us choose which version we want?
And why the new versions are no available from the down load page?
Seems weird to me.
This page, which is linked off of the home page is the "new" download page:
Your link is to a page that has the previous version.
I guess they don't update the existing page, but just create a new page, and modify all of the navigation links (automatic or manual).
I tested it out again and found this for the first time ever. I never saw this page by navigating the parallax site.
What can we do about this? I guess we have to start with the first link, and work our way through the remain 6 million hits as best we can.
Probably worth downloading. But think I'll wait a while before using. Not fun being first one there and possibly running into problems not anticipated in use.
Been there, done that, didn't alway remember to wait.
Without this version, your brand new Quickstart board might fail to load in some circumstances such as:
Sounds like the QuickStart module forced some slight changes to be made.
I have a QS and hadn't noticed any problems, myself. I usually do NOT hold a board while programming it. I put rubber feet on the underside which sort of keeps it from slipping too much. I suppose there are so many 'non-standard' conditions under which each of may utilize our boards, that it is difficult to ensure it ALWAYS works. Ah, the 'fun' of the task for a designer.
I did look up the descriptions on the newer version, but was too much text for me go grog it all. Thanks.
still has a link to the v1.3, and does not have a link to the list of propeller tools versions
Is this still an "unofficial" release? I would think that since this addresses a quickstart issue, that the page linked from the quickstat board would be the FIRST place to have the new tool.