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BASIC STAMP 2 - Newbie trying to figure out what bits I need — Parallax Forums

BASIC STAMP 2 - Newbie trying to figure out what bits I need

DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
edited 2012-07-16 19:37 in BASIC Stamp
Hi folks ... I've played around with the BASIC STAMP before, but now I'm ready to try something a bit more complicated ... problem is I'm not sure where to begin.

I have a friend that is creating a puppet for me that will be servo actuated, as well as having lighted eyes and smoke effects (it's a dragon). He's built the servo's into the body, as well as the componets for the lights and the smoke and now I need to figure out how to hook it up to a BASIC STAMP 2 (I think) to make it work.

The things I'd like to do are:

1) Head Up/Down (SERVO 1)
2) Head Turn Right/Left (SERVO 2)
3) Left Wing Up/Down (SERVO 3)
4) Right Wing Up/Down (SERVO 4)
5) Smoke On/Off (3V required, power = on)
6) Lights On/Off (3V required, power = on)

7) Remote Controller (that can work from any direction if possible, so not sure that IR will work) to control functions 1-6 (and 10-11 below if possible)
8) Automatic Actions for functions 1-6 (and 10-11 below maybe) that can be overridden by 7 (I think I'll need a fair amount of memory to write all the code required, 4000 lines should be enough I think)

Items NOT in the puppet (but in the base and controlled from the same STAMP)

9) Motion Detector so that the puppet can follow a person (base rotates)
10) Base Rotate Left/Right (SERVO 5)
11) Speaker that can play a "ROAR" sound (not sure how to store/generate that yet)

I've been combing the store for pices I can use to make it happen but I was hoping for anyone's more expert advice on pieces they'd recommend (or problems they see with my project) before I commit to buying anything.

Any and all assistance will be greatly appreciated.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-07-15 16:36
    The "Robotics with the BoeBot" tutorial is the main reference for controlling servos with a Stamp. "IR Remote for the BoeBot Robot" is the tutorial on using IR remotes with a Stamp. You can find the tutorials here. Nuts and Volts Column #6 is a good reference for using switching transistors with a Stamp to turn things on and off ... remember that a Stamp can only switch a limited amount of current. For the sound, you'll need some kind of .MP3 or .WAV player. Parallax sells a good one, but you should be able to find cheaper ones, say from SparkFun.

    If you're going to move only one or two servos at a time, the Stamp can handle that by itself, but you'll need something like a couple of ServoPals or a Propeller Servo Controller if you want more complex movement.
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2012-07-15 19:16
    Mike. Will a Propeller Servo Controller work with a BS2?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-07-15 19:33
    Sure it will. The Propeller Servo Controller just needs either a USB serial port or a logic level serial port for control.
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2012-07-15 20:34
    And all this time I thought it was for the Propellar only. Thanks for clearing that up . It will save me a TON of programming time as I have a ServoCenter 3.1 that I was going to use. Thanks again.
  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 11:40
    Mike Green wrote: »
    If you're going to move only one or two servos at a time, the Stamp can handle that by itself, but you'll need something like a couple of ServoPals or a Propeller Servo Controller if you want more complex movement.

    Thanks Mike ... if I use one of the "faster" Stamps would I still need the addtional ServoPAL's or Controller? I would definately want to be able to move the head and wings simultaniously (so up to 4 servo's in motion at one time).
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-07-16 11:51
    Dunedon wrote: »
    Thanks Mike ... if I use one of the "faster" Stamps would I still need the addtional ServoPAL's or Controller? I would definately want to be able to move the head and wings simultaniously (so up to 4 servo's in motion at one time).

    I did an animatronic owl with four servos (PAN, TILT, BEAK and WING). This required the use of the Servo Controller. The BS2 just couldn't handle input detection, four servos, and playing an MP3 file.

    This was the MP3 player I used:, Development Systems&wt.medium=cpc&wt.campaign=Programmers, Development Systems&wt.srch=1&wt.content=text&wt.source=google&cur=USD

    f course, the Propeller Servo Controller could be programmed to do all the operations you require without the use of a BS2. This would require programming in Spin language.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-07-16 11:58
    I'd recommend the Servo Controller. It's a Propeller at heart so it's fast and can do more than one thing at a time. You can even modify the existing firmware to do more independently once you're ready to learn about the Propeller, but it works well as a straightforward servo controller. You can just tell it to move one or more servos to specific positions at specified speeds and it takes care of everything.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-07-16 12:21
    As I recommended just going with the Propeller Servo Controller as the base unit, I would also like to recommend the 12Blocks programming environment. I did my second owl with this and it was a joy. Very easy Drag-and_drop GUI programming. And Hanno is always adding enhancements all the time.

  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 12:38
    Publison wrote: »
    As I recommended just going with the Propeller Servo Controller as the base unit, I would also like to recommend the 12Blocks programming environment. I did my second owl with this and it was a joy. Very easy Drag-and_drop GUI programming. And Hanno is always adding enchantments all the time.

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions (both of you) ... I'm not familiar at all with the Propeller controllers so I'm going to have to do some more investigation on that for sure.

    Publison, do you have any experience adding RF control to your owls? They sound very similar in control to what I'm looking at doing with my dragon, so any helpful suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

    Mike ... I know that cross-posting is discouraged on the fourms, but would I be able to start a similar discussion on the Propeller forum to investigate further going down that route, instead of using the STAMP. At this point I'm still not sure which way to go, the only controller I own currently is the BS1, so buying a BS2 or Propeller doesn't really make much of a differance to me as a next step, just need to be sure I can do what I want in either case :)

    Thanks again!
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-07-16 14:41
    Dunedon wrote: »
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions (both of you) ... I'm not familiar at all with the Propeller controllers so I'm going to have to do some more investigation on that for sure.

    Publison, do you have any experience adding RF control to your owls? They sound very similar in control to what I'm looking at doing with my dragon, so any helpful suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

    Mike ... I know that cross-posting is discouraged on the fourms, but would I be able to start a similar discussion on the Propeller forum to investigate further going down that route, instead of using the STAMP. At this point I'm still not sure which way to go, the only controller I own currently is the BS1, so buying a BS2 or Propeller doesn't really make much of a differance to me as a next step, just need to be sure I can do what I want in either case :)

    Thanks again!

    Do you really need RF or would IR remote be good enough?

    If RF, what is your transmit device? PC?
  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 14:56
    I'm looking at the Servo Controller, and I think I understand what you are both talking about (ie: that it's a Propeller Chip, and therefore has the full programable capabilities of it's kind) ... what I'm confused about is the board ... the board seems to be oriented towards driving servo's (as is it's function) ... how would I go about adding components for RF/IR communications and other non-servo uses of the I/O ports?

    I'm assuming I'd just use the servo pin's and jumper out to a bread/proto-board where I could attach my components (since there isn't anywhere on this board to connect them)? And then just use the SPIN programming to configure those I/O ports for the communcations required?
  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 14:58
    Publison wrote: »
    Do you really need RF or would IR remote be good enough?

    If RF, what is your transmit device? PC?

    Since the puppet sits on one shoulder and my hand with the controller is in a pocket beside me IR isn't going to work (just don't have line of sight) ... I have a BS1 that I was going to configure to be the transmit device by building the controller using a 5-way pad for the head, 2 rocker's for the wings and a couple of buttons for the eyes and smoke on/off. (at least that's the current plan). ... alternate suggestions welcome :)
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-07-16 14:58
    BTW, my motion detection was just to detect a child in view of the exhibit. Object following would be out of the scope of a BS2 . More of a PC application.

    But there is development tool that uses a Propeller and OpenCV:
  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 15:05
    Publison wrote: »
    BTW, my motion detection was just to detect a child in view of the exhibit. Object following would be out of the scope of a BS2 . More of a PC application.

    But there is development tool that uses a Propeller and OpenCV:

    Yah, I've pretty much put the motion detection/following out of scope for now ... what I'd read so far wasn't too encouraging on making it happen :)
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-07-16 15:13
    Dunedon wrote: »

    Publison, do you have any experience adding RF control to your owls? They sound very similar in control to what I'm looking at doing with my dragon, so any helpful suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again!

    I have not done anything it the realm except for standard R/C airplane Transmitters and Receivers.

    I wonder if the Parallax RF Transceiver or the Xbee Transceiver would fit the bill.
  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 16:58
    Well here is the shopping list:

    2 - 433 MHz RF Transceiver
    1 - 4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad
    1 - BASIC Stamp Activity Kit - Serial + USB (Text v2.2) (amazing cheap price currently)
    1 - Board of Education (USB) - Full Kit
    1 - Parallax Multi-Board Enclosure - Blue
    1 - Propeller Servo Controller USB (or 2 of the ServoPAL's)

    Transmitter will use the BASIC Stamp Activity board with intergrated BS2, with one of the transciever's and the Keypad ... will have to find/build a case for it as they don't have one that fits the board.

    Receiver will use the BOE Board with the plug-in BS2, the other transciever and the servo controller (or the ServoPAL's) ... will all be located in the Blue Enclosure (for now until I can find/build a smaller one).

    Servo's, smoke and LED eyes are already built into the puppet so I don't need those and the kits come with a variety of resistors etc. so I shouldn't have to go out and get to many more of those.

    I'd like to avoid having to run secondary power for the servo's (since I'd like to keep the receiver "package" as small as possible, it's a shoulder mounted puppet) ... but I'm not sure if a 9V battery can power everything for long. ... I might purchase both options and if the pal's don't work then move to the servo controller and auxillary power.

    So ... do you have any other comments that I should be aware of before I go and purchase it all? :) Thanks for the help, ideas and sounding board so far it's been a great help.

  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2012-07-16 17:04
    If it were my money, I would go with the Servo Controller as opposed to the 2 ServoPals. Although it is a few bucks more, you are going to have the option of an additional 12 Servos going that route. The list looks good. If you find something that you "think" you might need, get it now to avoid the hassle of having to reorder and wait!!
  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 17:33
    NWCCTV wrote: »
    If it were my money, I would go with the Servo Controller as opposed to the 2 ServoPals. Although it is a few bucks more, you are going to have the option of an additional 12 Servos going that route. The list looks good. If you find something that you "think" you might need, get it now to avoid the hassle of having to reorder and wait!!

    It's not the money, but the requirement for additional battery power for the servo's and the addition of another board on a pacakge I need to keep as small as possible so it can be hidden that is concerning me ... I agree the Servo controller is a much better route, I'm just wondering if I can get by without it for this particular application by using the servoPAL's.

    Thanks for the reply and opinion though, always willing to learn :)
  • DunedonDunedon Posts: 13
    edited 2012-07-16 18:31
    Think I should be able to add this power supply/charger to the receiver and get enough power to run the servo's (will have to buy the batteries here in Canada seperately, they can't be shipped):

    I've noticed that I've now got 3 boards to stack in the receiver controller, and they are all differant sizes ... are there brackets and posts for using in cases that deal with situations like this? If so where would l find them so I can get all these things together in one box.

    Thanks - Keith

    Edit: Nylon Standoff's ... that might do the trick, I can use those as long as I'm not placing them on any "hot" parts of the boards below I think ...
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2012-07-16 19:37
    You may be able to use some standoffs

    If all else fails you could design and make something that will work for you specific application. It's amazing what can be done with a drill, a saw and a Dremel tool!!!!
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