FullDuplexSerial (dual prop terminal emulator)
Posts: 182
Good morning Forumistas!
I am starting work on making a propeller program that is going to listen to the new CMUCam4, and I need a program that is running on an independent propeller that listens to the debug port, and passes the info out to the PST, as well as is able to do string comparisons on incoming data for automated manipulation of the camera's features. While I wait for delivery of the cam, I have mocked up a simple transmitter that is loaded onto a prop that just loops a string output. The problem I am having is that the receiver is not catching all of the string and giving me buffer overflow errors. I know that the hardware is good because if I run a receiver program that has no buffering, it works just fine. For the record, I have about 12 inches of wire between the 2, and a good stable ground connecting them since they are running off of the same power supply. Can someone please take a peek and tell me if there is anything that I am missing? I just cannot see the bug after toiling at it for quite some time now. (ashamedly a lot more time than it should take to get something this simple to work).
Here is the transmitter program I am using:
and here is the reciever code:
And the PST output with the transmitter not running just repeats "Buffer Overflow", and with it running always looks like this:
I am starting work on making a propeller program that is going to listen to the new CMUCam4, and I need a program that is running on an independent propeller that listens to the debug port, and passes the info out to the PST, as well as is able to do string comparisons on incoming data for automated manipulation of the camera's features. While I wait for delivery of the cam, I have mocked up a simple transmitter that is loaded onto a prop that just loops a string output. The problem I am having is that the receiver is not catching all of the string and giving me buffer overflow errors. I know that the hardware is good because if I run a receiver program that has no buffering, it works just fine. For the record, I have about 12 inches of wire between the 2, and a good stable ground connecting them since they are running off of the same power supply. Can someone please take a peek and tell me if there is anything that I am missing? I just cannot see the bug after toiling at it for quite some time now. (ashamedly a lot more time than it should take to get something this simple to work).
Here is the transmitter program I am using:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 P2PTX = 1 P2PRX = 0 P2PMODE = 0 P2PBAUD = 19200 '************** ASCII Conversion chart CR = 13 OBJ P2POBJ : "FullDuplexSerialPlus.spin" DAT OutThisThing Byte "silly string output",0 PUB Start P2POBJ.start(P2PRX, P2PTX, P2PMODE, P2PBAUD) ' start serial transmitter repeat ' loop this out P2POBJ.str(@OutThisThing) P2POBJ.tx(CR)
and here is the reciever code:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 '************** ASCII Conversion chart CR = 13 '************** Connection info DebugTx = 30 DebugRx = 31 DebugMode = 0 DebugBaud = 19200 DebugPause = 2 P2PTx = 22 P2PRx = 21 P2PMode = 0 P2PBaud = 19200 '************** Misc. Constants BufferMaxSize = 65 VAR word CharPointer ' Pointer for char position byte CharBuff[BufferMaxSize] ' Buffer space for string analysis byte char ' recieved character OBJ P2PCOM : "FullDuplexSerialPlus.spin" ' P2P Comm object DEBUG : "FullDuplexSerialPlus.spin" ' Debug Term object DAT '************** Debug msg's DBugRdy Byte "Debug Term Ready",0 P2PRdy Byte "Prop to Prop com ready",0 BugFlag Byte "*******FLAG*******",0 Error Byte "Error. System Halted.",0 '************** System msg's Overflow Byte "Buffer Overflow",0 PUB Start '' inits the object BufferClear ' clear the character buffer CharPointer := 0 ' ensure pointer starts at 0 if DEBUG.start(DebugRx, DebugTx, DebugMode, DebugBaud)' Start the PST for debugging waitcnt(clkfreq*DebugPause + cnt) ' Give user a chance to enable the PST DEBUG.str(@DBugRdy) ' Basic notification DEBUG.tx(CR) DEBUG.tx(CR) else ' if error, stop halt if P2PCOM.start(P2PRx, P2PTx, P2PMode, P2PBaud) ' Start prop to Prop comms waitcnt(clkfreq*DebugPause + cnt) ' Give user another chance to enable the PST DEBUG.str(@P2PRdy) ' Basic notification DEBUG.tx(CR) DEBUG.tx(CR) else ' if error, stop halt Main ' Go to main loop Pub Main '' Main loop of the program. repeat char := P2PCOM.rxcheck ' Get the character from otehr prop if Char <> -1 ' if character found (anything but -1) if Char == CR ' if it is CR CharBuff[CharPointer] := 0 ' null terminate the buffer PSTOut ' display the buffer in PST BufferClear ' clear the buffer CharPointer := 0 ' reset the pointer addy else ' if anything but CR or -1 CharBuff[CharPointer] := Char ' store the char in buffer CharPointer++ if CharPointer > BufferMaxSize ' if pointer is at final null termination DEBUG.str(@Overflow) ' Consider it an overflow DEBUG.tx(CR) CharPointer := 0 ' reset pointer BufferClear halt ' security blanket halt PUB PSTOut '' Method for outputting the data to debug window. DEBUG.str(@CharBuff) DEBUG.tx(CR) PUB BufferClear '' Ensure the char buffer is null terminated bytefill(@CharBuff, 0, BufferMaxSize) PUB Halt '' Fatal error stop. Halts no cogs, just suspends current one. DEBUG.str(@Error) repeat waitcnt(clkfreq+cnt)
And the PST output with the transmitter not running just repeats "Buffer Overflow", and with it running always looks like this:
Debug Term Ready Prop to Prop com ready ring output silly string outpuÿÿÿÿÿÿtÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ put silly string oÿÿÿuÿÿÿÿÿÿÿtÿÿÿÿÿÿÿpÿÿÿÿÿÿuÿÿÿÿÿÿÿtÿÿÿÿÿÿ Buffer Overflow put Buffer Overflow ut Buffer Overflow put Buffer Overflow put Buffer Overflow put Buffer Overflow put Buffer Overflow put Buffer Overflow put
I am not sure why it is doing that, but excluding everything that is not a regular ASCII character did the trick. can anyone out there tell me why that might be? As a side note, in my troubleshooting, I tried to tie the transmit and recieve lines to ground, then +3.3v to see if it was a noise problem, and that changed nothing. Any ideas out there? Seems like a dumb fix for something that should not be broken.
But the error with the "ÿ" character happens soon after start, before any possible overflow. What is the ascii value of that "ÿ" character? It is not found in the Parallax font I think, and in some fonts it is ascii value 152. Why that.
This is a good point at which to simplify the program, and on the receive end simply relay the input bytes to the DEBUG port. This is a situation where something like the Saleae logic analyzer that Parallax sells can help, to see what is happening on the serial line.
A logic analyzer would really help you here. That's how I figured out that problem.
PS. The Saleae logic analyzer is my #1 favorite tool for embedded work. Money VERY well spent.
That is what was stumping me too. the "umlaut-Y" char is not even anywhere in the program area when you hit F8 of either program, so I was thinking it could be errors from jitter or cross-talk. I was using a 2 wire twisted pair for the connection from board to board, but using single discrete wires did not change it either. And neither did trying pull up and pull down's.
And I did try a "Buffer less" receive program, and that would work fine that was basically the same program, but it did just what you were suggesting. Just mirror the byte from the other prop to the PST without any modifications, and the "umlaut-Y" was not there.
Crazy stuff. I hope the bug does not resurface later on with the little band-aid I put on it. It just bugs me that there is no reason for it, but it was obviously there. Can anyone out there with 2 prop boards reproduce this error with the original code in my first post? I would be most curious to find out. Maybe the prop in one of my boards is still working, but becoming defective. *shrug* But now I am just grasping at straws.
I think I will talk to the boss and see if he will loosen the purse strings a little to let me get that analyzer
I did not think I had to worry about that kind of stuff, and that it was all taken care of in FullDuplexSerial. the mode settings are identical for both props, so I did not even think that would factor in.
There are different versions of fullDuplexSerialPlus floating around. Oh my, I just searched my Mac and find that I have 33 different copies with various creation dates. Some have the original pitifully small 16 byte buffers. The most recent seems to be version 3.01 which has a lot of updates by Andy Lindsay, including 128 byte buffers and instructions for adjusting the buffer size. Another thing, v3.01 has the variables declared as DAT rather than VAR, so that it can be used like serial mirror, one instance across objects. However, that (if you have it) would jinx your program, because you are trying to use two separate instances, one for prop2prop and another for debug.
One minor issue in your code
I think it should be ==. No big consequence though, because it would just write char over itself.