My family had our 15 seconds of fame.
We were vacationing in Chatham Massachusetts last week and went on a seal watch, and an NBC nightly news crew showed up to cover seals. They were hoping to capture a video of the elusive Chatham great white shark. Theres an ad beforehand, but my daughter is seen at the 36 second mark taking a picture with her purple camera. At the 49 second mark I am in blue during a crowd short pan towards the back. At the 58 second mark my son and daughter can be seen behind the Burt the captain. My wife is the woman in light purple in the background at the 1:46 mark.
The news story distorts things a bit. Burts shark tale was not about this year, but several years ago. They also added some footage taken from a plane a day earlier making it seem like we saw a shark. We did not.
Of course we were upstaged a few days later when a great white tailed a kayaker off Nauset beach.
The news story distorts things a bit. Burts shark tale was not about this year, but several years ago. They also added some footage taken from a plane a day earlier making it seem like we saw a shark. We did not.
Of course we were upstaged a few days later when a great white tailed a kayaker off Nauset beach.
I saw that piece on the news. Little did I realize I was watching a fellow forumista and his family!
"Tailed" as in "followed" or "smashed the kayak to bits with its powerful tail and ate the kayaker"?
So far this year swans have proven more dangerous than sharks
Their cutting and pasting of candidate clips to create blatant fiction is criminal.