Furby returns after 14 years
Ron Czapala
Posts: 2,418
Cnet video link
Hasbro has redesigned the Furby and is releasing it this fall, complete with complementary iOS apps and a re-engineered body.
Maybe an Emic 2 program can teach Furby to speak quicker/better...
Hasbro has redesigned the Furby and is releasing it this fall, complete with complementary iOS apps and a re-engineered body.
Maybe an Emic 2 program can teach Furby to speak quicker/better...
They said it has no OFF switch - I'll bet a hammer would work!
In case anyone wants to get the jump on getting their Emic-2 to talk Furbish:
Furbish is the Furbies' language, with simple syllables, short words, and various sounds. A newly purchased Furby starts out speaking entirely Furbish. Over time, the Furby gradually replaces Furbish words and phrases with English.
- wee-tah-kah-loo-loo: Tell me a joke.
- wee-tah-kah-wee-loo: Tell me a story.
- wee-tee-kah-wah-tee: Sing me a song.
- u-nye-loo-lay-doo?: Do you want to play?
- u-nye-ay-tay-doo?: Are you hungry?
- u-nye-boh-doo?: How are you?
- u-nye-way-loh-nee-way: Go to sleep now.
- u-nye-noh-lah: Show me a dance.
Furbies may say these Furbish words: