I was talking about "normal" amplifiers, class A, B, A/B, when I said "The amplifier might take a hit"!
Of course, I still want to do some thinkering with class D someday.
Well, since you're producing nice PWM with this code, a class D amplifier should be easy to build out of any H-bridge that's fast enough. Past that, a critically damped LCR filter on the output would help keep the speaker cool. Paralleling 3-4 CMOS logic gates, or buffers should also work at low powers.
For audio use you will need to have a very very very steep filter at around 20 kHz to get rid of the 50 kHz base frequency!
In that respect duty DAC is better, but this technique will give higher resolution.
I am curious to know if the noise you are referring to could be cancelled by outputting another out of audio range tone on other pins, flip the output with an opamp and sum.
Well, since you're producing nice PWM with this code, a class D amplifier should be easy to build out of any H-bridge that's fast enough. Past that, a critically damped LCR filter on the output would help keep the speaker cool. Paralleling 3-4 CMOS logic gates, or buffers should also work at low powers.
The R in the LCR should be the speaker. A simple approach is to make the impedance of L and C and R to be about the same at the cut-off frequency (usually around 30kHz). The L and C need to be low loss and have good power handling, otherwise you'll have substantial heating losses in them and non-linearities - basically the same design principles apply as for a SMPS.
I haven't examined the code in depth but I think whats wrong with the bad code examples is they generate runt pulses rather than a clean rectangular wave - the 4 different VSCL setups are for generating all zeros, all ones, the rising edge and the falling edge?. These have to be in the right order to avoid pulses that can fall to zero length (and thus dissappear) - this would certainly generate audible noise at the transistion. In fact I think the first "good" example might be doing this too?
The pulse is no problem. Replacing shl with shr generates short pulse instead of transition and it doesn't matter. I wanted to replace shl with shr,
What I saw on the osciloscope is thicker vertical lines when looking at the result of "wrong" code. It seems to be jitter, pulse length varies. And I still don't know why. This problem blocks stereo version of this driver.
I changed this topic to unsolved, I don't understand this at all.
mov vscl,t1
waitvid zero,zero
' I cannot move this from here in any way!!!!
mov vscl,vscl_val
waitvid ff00ff00,t4
mov vscl,t2
waitvid ffffffff,ffffffff
I even made a combination of waitvids like this - vscl_test = $00001200, this can be something, no matters, and
If you can make the effect come and go at will, you must be halfway there...
When you say 'bad', can you check the time/spectrum/magnitude of the 'bad', as that may contain a clue ?
If you suspect edge effects, those can be cleaned up with an external Flip Flop, but the challenge will be what to clock it from ?
The problem described above is still not solved, but ... all can be done simpler and better
Two waitvids is sufficient, instead of 3
This is the main loop now:
loop mov ptr,bufptr
add ptr,bufcnt 'pointer to next sample
rdword lsample,ptr 'get left sample
add lsample,offset 'convert to unsigned
add ptr, #2
rdword rsample,ptr
and lsample,ffff
add rsample,offset
and rsample,ffff
add rsample,lsample
shr rsample, #1
add bufcnt,#4
and bufcnt,bufmask
wrlong bufcnt,bufptr2
shr rsample, #4
add rsample, #1
mov t1,rsample
mov t2,a1000
sub t2,t1
add t2,vscl_val0
add t1,vscl_val0
mov vscl,t1
waitvid zero,zero
mov vscl,t2
waitvid ffffffff,ffffffff
mov vscl,vscl_val2
waitvid zero,zero
jmp #loop
Edit: this will fail when sample value is very low or very big. There has to be 4 clocks place for mov vscl; sample has to be clipped for about 11..12 (from ~12 to ~4084)
Edit: this will fail when sample value is very low or very big. There has to be 4 clocks place for mov vscl; sample has to be clipped for about 11..12 (from ~12 to ~4084)
You can side-step this issue by using the pixel scale effect and the fact that the last pixel is repeated until all frame clocks are issued.
This is yet another way to use video generator registers
At the next step I want to go down with bit resolution, to get oversampling/noise shaping, so this clipping issue will not be any problem but this vscl trick may still be useful.
Noise shaper a'la Mark_T experimental run success The one I run is 16-to-12 bit reduction noise shape filter without oversampling. And even without oversampling, this improved sound quality.:)
add i1,rsample
add i2,i1
mov top,i2
sar top,#4
mov fb,top
shl fb,#4
sub i1,fb
sub i2,fb
maxs top, MAXVAL
mins top, MINVAL
It seems the propeller can output real hifi quality audio without external dac
Excellent! But I knew it works - if anyone has access to decent audio test equipment it would be good to measure the THD, intermodulation distortion and S/N ratio for this... Or failing that younger ears than mine(!)
Its possible to use CORDIC routines to generate 24 bit digital audio in real time as the signal source.
Now, there is 2x oversampling 11 bit wave player. Uses 2 cogs - one per channel. Noise free stereo wave player at last The Propeller put to extreme, pll @224 MHz...
Can't go any further with oversampling without reducing bit resolution to 9 or using another cog as a noise shaper because of data processing overhead.
Edit: ... and the amplifier is still overheating... 88 kHz is still too low frequency and it can amplify this. A filter is needed. Or more oversampling.
Well, since you're producing nice PWM with this code, a class D amplifier should be easy to build out of any H-bridge that's fast enough. Past that, a critically damped LCR filter on the output would help keep the speaker cool. Paralleling 3-4 CMOS logic gates, or buffers should also work at low powers.
I am curious to know if the noise you are referring to could be cancelled by outputting another out of audio range tone on other pins, flip the output with an opamp and sum.
The R in the LCR should be the speaker. A simple approach is to make the impedance of L and C and R to be about the same at the cut-off frequency (usually around 30kHz). The L and C need to be low loss and have good power handling, otherwise you'll have substantial heating losses in them and non-linearities - basically the same design principles apply as for a SMPS.
This works:
This is good, too:
And this is good, too:
And this is no matter if I shl t4,t3 or shr t4,t3
All these variations gives the same, good sound quality, only signal shape on oscilloscope looks different.
But this:
and this:
and this:
gives audible noise and audible distortions.
And this is no matter if I shl t4,t3 or shr t4,t3, too
What I saw on the osciloscope is thicker vertical lines when looking at the result of "wrong" code. It seems to be jitter, pulse length varies. And I still don't know why. This problem blocks stereo version of this driver.
And even more strange thing - this is good:
and this is bad (noises):
I even made a combination of waitvids like this - vscl_test = $00001200, this can be something, no matters, and
this is good:
this is bad
When you say 'bad', can you check the time/spectrum/magnitude of the 'bad', as that may contain a clue ?
If you suspect edge effects, those can be cleaned up with an external Flip Flop, but the challenge will be what to clock it from ?
Two waitvids is sufficient, instead of 3
This is the main loop now:
Edit: this will fail when sample value is very low or very big. There has to be 4 clocks place for mov vscl; sample has to be clipped for about 11..12 (from ~12 to ~4084)
At the next step I want to go down with bit resolution, to get oversampling/noise shaping, so this clipping issue will not be any problem but this vscl trick may still be useful.
It seems the propeller can output real hifi quality audio without external dac
Its possible to use CORDIC routines to generate 24 bit digital audio in real time as the signal source.
Can't go any further with oversampling without reducing bit resolution to 9 or using another cog as a noise shaper because of data processing overhead.
Edit: ... and the amplifier is still overheating... 88 kHz is still too low frequency and it can amplify this. A filter is needed. Or more oversampling.