IR Remote Test
Posts: 3,629
I have a ton of universal remotes lying around. I also have a couple unused IR Receivers. What I would like to know is if anyone has a simple test circuit so I can test if any of my remotes are capable of controlling my BoeBot and other projects. All I need is something simple that would turn on/off an LED so I know if the remote is working or not. Thanks if you can help.
Most universal remotes can mimic Sony, NEC, and other protocols. The Sony protocol is actually one that isn't well supported in all receivers, due to its signal pattern. So try the code combination for a Panasonic or other TV or VCR. You should find something that works.
Actually decoding the stream on your MCU, the make/model of which you don't mention, is the tougher question. Parallax now supports BOE-Bots with a BS2, Propeller, or even Arduino.
-- Gordon