if Extend.fth in TeraTerm copiere in Forth, is "not found .... not found ..."
how should the text that is formatted it is recognized by the forth? LF CR ?
if Extend.fth in TeraTerm copiere in Forth, is "not found .... not found ..."
how should the text that is formatted it is recognized by the forth? LF CR ?
Thank you.
If you downloaded a binary image then EXTEND.fth is already loaded but if you compiled from the Tachyon V2.3 source then you need to copy from EXTEND.fth and paste this into the terminal. However you must set the terminal for 20ms LINE delay as there is no handshake. You could also send the file instead of pasting under Teraterm through the FILE SEND menu. All that TF is looking for is a CR and it ignores the LF so it doesn't matter. Did you have a read of the Intro page?
Don't expect VGA.fth to be loaded for the newer versions as there is not enough memory to support the VGA bitmap but you can still download the old binaries with this in it via the Dropbox folder under binaries - old.
Copy/Paste in the TeraTerm : HEX: CLKFREQ
it must : HEX : CLKFREQ
Copy/Paste in the TeraTerm : ... 0 @ ;: >CFA ( a...
and the must : ... 0 @ ; : >CFA ( a...
' \ ( -- )
' Ignore following text till the end of line.
blocked this thing up again and the more read the "fth" !!!
I would also vga and plot to take out from the Forth system with the font !!!
FONT byte _WORD,(@font5x7+s)>>8,@font5x7+s,EXIT
Was machst du? Ich kann genug Deutsch sprechen, um mich in Schwierigkeiten zu bringen und Sie tun das gleiche mit Tachyon sind (Ich meine Mutter schuld)
It sounds like you are trying bits from different versions. So what are you trying to do, if you want to do more with VGA then I haven't touched that in a long time and you would have to stick to the old versions.
Now what do you mean "upload a file without uploading"????? Is there another way?
So perhaps you could describe your project or goals a little so that I can give you some pointers.
Wo finde ich die neueste Version vom Forth ? Es gibt da verschiedene die ich gefunden habe, teilweise mit eingebundenen anderen Funktionen.
Mit dem eingebundenen VGA und die Darstellung der Grafik reicht wahscheinlich der Speicher nicht, Es sind am unteren rand ca 100 Zeilen Striche durcheinander, dar
Wo finde ich die neueste Version vom Forth ? Es gibt da verschiedene die ich gefunden habe, teilweise mit eingebundenen anderen Funktionen.
Ansonsten ist das ein tolles Projekt was du da gemacht hast.
Now you make me struggle with technical terms too!
The root level of the Tachyon Dropbox folder has the latest source and the binaries folder will always have the current binary with all the older ones in the "old" sub-folder.
The trouble with VGA is that even with 320X240 it still takes around 10K and thats also with reclaiming the VGA cog image from main memory. If I get a chance I may connect up a monitor and try out some VGA again over the next few days. A simple text VGA is what I had planned so I will go with that and then look at the 320x240.
If you want to send a file in Teraterm then that's okay you just need to do a FILE - SEND FILE from the menu.
Ich habe mein SD-Karte hier an den Pins angeschlossen:
DO: 1 CLK: 7 DI :0 CSP: 4
Wie kann ich die PINS mitteilen , wo werden die eingetragen in : Tachyon V2.3.spin
Have a look at QS.fth as this is the hardware description file for the QuickStart which is meant to be loaded before SDCARD.fth. So it's best to create a file like this to suit your hardware as this is what I do. This is the only custom file you should need to load any of the modules. Look in the "headers" folder.
I don't know why you would want to load sertially without a terminal though, In Linux you can use the "cat myfile > /dev/ttyUSB0" for instance even with a terminal session open, I know that works.
Da passt doch diese nicht mehr rein : EXTEND.FTH ?
Welches Forth nehme ich , wo ich die EXTEND.FTH einlesen kann?
I can't guess which files you have loaded so you will have to give me more information. Just copy the text from the screen and paste it into the reply and format as code (Go Advanced - use #)
Wie mache ich ein fertiges Binary vom Tachyon V2.3.spin wenn ich dieses Datei "EXTEND.fth" geladen habe ?
Since you don't have an SD card in the system you have to use the DUMPROM command which will correct the checksum and dump out the EEPROM in Intel hex format. If you copy or log that into a .hex file you can run a hex2bin utility (PC Utilities folder) which will produce a .bin file which you need to rename to .binary for the Spin tool to recognize it. Verstehen?
Hallo, ich habe mit DUMPROM in TeraTerm aufgelistet.
Habe es dann copiert vom Screen und in eine forth.hex gespeichert.
Danach in eine Bin umgewandelt mit dem Namen forth.binary.
Dann SDCARD.FTH geladen, klappt wunderbar.
SD und die anderen Befehle funktionieren mit der SD-Karte.
Um eine SD-Karte als FAT32 zu lesen habe ich : MULTIFAT.FTH geladen.
Ich wollte mit : SAVEROM eine ROM.BIN erstellen.
Dann kommt zb diese Meldung:
--> >F83 <-- not found und
Dann ist schluss.....
SAVEROM does not require a filename as it always saves to FIRMWARE.ROM but you can specify a name if you use SAVEIMG <name>. However the MULTIFAT is the old name and the new one is called EASYFILE, are you sure you are using the current Dropbox files??? Anyway the SDFS must have a file by that name already as it does not try to create on. The idea is that we leave the PC to worry about clusters and FAT tables etc so that is why I have a folder with files that can be copied onto a card.
I want to count pulses on a pin but I don't know what to read to get the value. I setup the mode and i tried to read the phsa register var with little success. I am new to this forum so go easy..
can someone help.
I want to count pulses on a pin but I don't know what to read to get the value. I setup the mode and i tried to read the phsa register var with little success. I am new to this forum so go easy..
can someone help.
you are talking about TACHYON ??
then try
and read this: Introduction to TACHYON Forth (links to files) and the TACHYON source SPIN file of course
My propeller is running the parallax program when it boots up, obviously; so how do I get Tachyon
Forth on the Propeller? Do I have to have a bootloader? How do I get Tachyon on the propeller?
My propeller is running the parallax program when it boots up, obviously; so how do I get Tachyon
Forth on the Propeller? Do I have to have a bootloader? How do I get Tachyon on the propeller?
Haven't you ever loaded code onto your Prop before? With the Spin tool or BST you load your code or image an F11 it into the Prop. If you load the ".spin" file you can compile that after which you can use Tachyon to compile EXTEND.fth. Use a serial terminal set for 230,400 baud.
Easiest way though is just click on the Dropbox link in my sig and go to the binaries folder and use that binary image.
Although I've mainly been concentrating on network servers in Tachyon I want to do some work with clients, specially for email, FTP, and NTP etc. Has anyone had any experience with implementing these on the Prop, in Tachyon or otherwise? I plan to put that functionality into the IoT5500 module which is a bit like a mini network development system in itself.
Although I've mainly been concentrating on network servers in Tachyon I want to do some work with clients, specially for email, FTP, and NTP etc. Has anyone had any experience with implementing these on the Prop, in Tachyon or otherwise? I plan to put that functionality into the IoT5500 module which is a bit like a mini network development system in itself.
I've written some basic POP3 and SMTP clients that interact with MTAs correctly, What did you have in mind, VT100 Mail client?
I've written some basic POP3 and SMTP clients that interact with MTAs correctly, What did you have in mind, VT100 Mail client?
All this network stuff is for embedded use so SMTP is good for email alerts and status updates (for the record) and FTP so the device can go and automatically upload/download files. I may also look at what protocols I can use to twitter to a smartphone too.
All this network stuff is for embedded use so SMTP is good for email alerts and status updates (for the record) and FTP so the device can go and automatically upload/download files. I may also look at what protocols I can use to twitter to a smartphone too.
Well I will use Tachyon and a current setup to send a simple message via SMTP to our local MTA, see what I can get it to do.
how should the text that is formatted it is recognized by the forth? LF CR ?
Thank you.
If you downloaded a binary image then EXTEND.fth is already loaded but if you compiled from the Tachyon V2.3 source then you need to copy from EXTEND.fth and paste this into the terminal. However you must set the terminal for 20ms LINE delay as there is no handshake. You could also send the file instead of pasting under Teraterm through the FILE SEND menu. All that TF is looking for is a CR and it ignores the LF so it doesn't matter. Did you have a read of the Intro page?
Don't expect VGA.fth to be loaded for the newer versions as there is not enough memory to support the VGA bitmap but you can still download the old binaries with this in it via the Dropbox folder under binaries - old.
Copy/Paste in the TeraTerm : HEX: CLKFREQ
it must : HEX : CLKFREQ
Copy/Paste in the TeraTerm : ... 0 @ ;: >CFA ( a...
and the must : ... 0 @ ; : >CFA ( a...
Forth then stops.
How do you change in TeraTerm?
Thank you.
how can you please upload a fth in the forth without "copy / paste" or "upload file" without?
Thank you.
' \ ( -- )
' Ignore following text till the end of line.
blocked this thing up again and the more read the "fth" !!!
I would also vga and plot to take out from the Forth system with the font !!!
FONT byte _WORD,(@font5x7+s)>>8,@font5x7+s,EXIT
' A 5x7 bitmap font designed for the 128x64 graphic lcd or 512x384 VGA bitmap
' each character takes up 7 bytes, the lsb is the rightmost pixel
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byte 001,010,100,000,100,010,001
byte 000,000,000,000,000,000,111
byte 001,011,101,101,001,001,001
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not in use
this is good:
text : "vga_text"
Was machst du? Ich kann genug Deutsch sprechen, um mich in Schwierigkeiten zu bringen und Sie tun das gleiche mit Tachyon sind
It sounds like you are trying bits from different versions. So what are you trying to do, if you want to do more with VGA then I haven't touched that in a long time and you would have to stick to the old versions.
Now what do you mean "upload a file without uploading"????? Is there another way?
So perhaps you could describe your project or goals a little so that I can give you some pointers.
Wo finde ich die neueste Version vom Forth ? Es gibt da verschiedene die ich gefunden habe, teilweise mit eingebundenen anderen Funktionen.
Mit dem eingebundenen VGA und die Darstellung der Grafik reicht wahscheinlich der Speicher nicht, Es sind am unteren rand ca 100 Zeilen Striche durcheinander, dar
Now you make me struggle with technical terms too!
The root level of the Tachyon Dropbox folder has the latest source and the binaries folder will always have the current binary with all the older ones in the "old" sub-folder.
The trouble with VGA is that even with 320X240 it still takes around 10K and thats also with reclaiming the VGA cog image from main memory. If I get a chance I may connect up a monitor and try out some VGA again over the next few days. A simple text VGA is what I had planned so I will go with that and then look at the 320x240.
If you want to send a file in Teraterm then that's okay you just need to do a FILE - SEND FILE from the menu.
Cheers, Peter
DO: 1 CLK: 7 DI :0 CSP: 4
Wie kann ich die PINS mitteilen , wo werden die eingetragen in : Tachyon V2.3.spin
Have a look at QS.fth as this is the hardware description file for the QuickStart which is meant to be loaded before SDCARD.fth. So it's best to create a file like this to suit your hardware as this is what I do. This is the only custom file you should need to load any of the modules. Look in the "headers" folder.
I don't know why you would want to load sertially without a terminal though, In Linux you can use the "cat myfile > /dev/ttyUSB0" for instance even with a terminal session open, I know that works.
RAM: 3309 bytes free bei Tachyon V2.3.spin ?
Da passt doch diese nicht mehr rein : EXTEND.FTH ?
Welches Forth nehme ich , wo ich die EXTEND.FTH einlesen kann?
I can't guess which files you have loaded so you will have to give me more information. Just copy the text from the screen and paste it into the reply and format as code (Go Advanced - use #)
Since you don't have an SD card in the system you have to use the DUMPROM command which will correct the checksum and dump out the EEPROM in Intel hex format. If you copy or log that into a .hex file you can run a hex2bin utility (PC Utilities folder) which will produce a .bin file which you need to rename to .binary for the Spin tool to recognize it. Verstehen?
Habe es dann copiert vom Screen und in eine forth.hex gespeichert.
Danach in eine Bin umgewandelt mit dem Namen forth.binary.
Aber die Pr
Dann SDCARD.FTH geladen, klappt wunderbar.
SD und die anderen Befehle funktionieren mit der SD-Karte.
Um eine SD-Karte als FAT32 zu lesen habe ich : MULTIFAT.FTH geladen.
Ich wollte mit : SAVEROM eine ROM.BIN erstellen.
Dann kommt zb diese Meldung:
--> >F83 <-- not found und
Dann ist schluss.....
SAVEROM does not require a filename as it always saves to FIRMWARE.ROM but you can specify a name if you use SAVEIMG <name>. However the MULTIFAT is the old name and the new one is called EASYFILE, are you sure you are using the current Dropbox files??? Anyway the SDFS must have a file by that name already as it does not try to create on. The idea is that we leave the PC to worry about clusters and FAT tables etc so that is why I have a folder with files that can be copied onto a card.
Auf der SD-karte befinden sich die Dateien wie bei EASYFILE gefordert.
Es wird zwar alles ordentlich geladen, die beiden Programme.
Danach wir sogar ein Backup als Ordnungsgem
can someone help.
then try
and read this: Introduction to TACHYON Forth (links to files) and the TACHYON source SPIN file of course
My propeller is running the parallax program when it boots up, obviously; so how do I get Tachyon
Forth on the Propeller? Do I have to have a bootloader? How do I get Tachyon on the propeller?
Haven't you ever loaded code onto your Prop before? With the Spin tool or BST you load your code or image an F11 it into the Prop. If you load the ".spin" file you can compile that after which you can use Tachyon to compile EXTEND.fth. Use a serial terminal set for 230,400 baud.
Easiest way though is just click on the Dropbox link in my sig and go to the binaries folder and use that binary image.
I've written some basic POP3 and SMTP clients that interact with MTAs correctly, What did you have in mind, VT100 Mail client?
All this network stuff is for embedded use so SMTP is good for email alerts and status updates (for the record) and FTP so the device can go and automatically upload/download files. I may also look at what protocols I can use to twitter to a smartphone too.
Well I will use Tachyon and a current setup to send a simple message via SMTP to our local MTA, see what I can get it to do.