Waitcnt function not working or waiting random times
Posts: 1
I am new to the propellor and the forums. I have a snippet of code that should move through a number of servo positions waiting about 1 second between moves. The issue I am seeing is that the waitcnt function isnt waiting the correct amount of time. The program will cycle through the positions correctly, but the wait time between positions is random at best. <BR><BR>I have attached the code for reference. Any help would be appreciated.
This is still not the best solution because you have some code between waitcnt's
Now this {something} will be done every one second
The simplicity of it is that there is a central counter that one refers to for nearly all their counting needs. It allows central coordination of all the COGs.
That last piece of code the three above alternatives is intended to eliminate any jitter or creeping inacuracies.