C compiler for the SX processors
Posts: 745
I'm wondering if anyon knows of a C compiler for the SX micros? I saw references to a C compiler for the SX procs and was wondering if someone still had a copy or if it's still available at a "reasonable" price.
The reality now is that it is EOL. So are you wanting to invest big bucks in a compiler or do you want a freebie?
If you want a freebie, I think you are going to have to adapt a public domain PIC 16c57 C compiler to SX assembler. It can work, but you are likely to feel the Lone Ranger after Tonto died. Take a look at www.sxlist.com and www.piclist.com for comparison of the assembly languages and the physical silicon.
It is a project that just about nobody would take on, unless you just happen to want acquire such low level construction of C compiler skills. In that case, it could be very rewarding.
I had a customer once who tried a C compiler for the SX, with so-so results. ('Not sure if it was the ByteCraft version.) Be aware that the SX architecture, with its segmented memory space, is not very C-friendly.
Back in the hey day of the SX processor most software tools cost stupid amounts of money and no I'm not interested in paying much money for a C compiler and would prefer a free one.
My interest in a C compiler for the SX is more of a curiosity since I saw mention of C compilers for it than anything I would be interested or will to invest a lot of time or money in. The architecture of the SX doesn't lend itself well to C and I doubt it will be all that usefull.
It would still be nice to see what kind of code the compiler would generate though.
I may still have a full copy of one of the retail C compilers for the SX chips that I probably don't need any more if the one above doesn't work out.
I've down loaded the free compiler and will give it a try in the next couple of days. Thanks for the link.
What a great chip!
I'm with you. The SX was an important low end chip for Parallax. I'm hoping they do something at the low end after the prop-2 is out.
My main interest still lies in Assembly language, though I have done a project or two with SX/B
I've got a lifetime supply of both the 28s and 48s and at least for now there are plenty of both available. It would still be nice to have Parallax produce a nice low end pic type micro.