Initial experience with Mac OS version
Mike Green
Posts: 23,101
Installation under Lion 10.7.4 went as simply and smoothly as it seemed from the description. I've tried some simple "Hello World" class programs and they work as hoped. I'm now doing something more complex (converting the RaysLogic flash/sram board test program) and so far it's going ok. More as I learn / discover more.
We have an XMMC cache driver that will work with Ray's Flash Point SuperQuad module. It's called sst_sqi_flash_cache.dat and it works with the board configuration file sst.cfg that you will have to edit to indicate how you've connected your SuperQuad module to your Propeller pins. I also have one of the RamPage modules but I haven't had time to write a cache driver that will work with the SPI SRAM chips on it.
You would be using the sst_sqi_flash_cache.dat driver but the remainder of my comments remain the same. Either it can be used or the standard c3.dat or c3f.dat drivers can be used but not both at the same time.
I also have a WiFly module connected to P4 (Rx) and P5 (Tx) with the /RST line connected to the Prop's /RST. P6 and P7 are unassigned at present. I do plan on eventually making a specific configuration file for this setup with definitions for these I/O pins, but I want to use the test program to become familiar with PropGCC.