Largest PCB?

I just got an email from Advanced Circuits, they are telling me that they have the ability to make boards with up to 20 oz. copper and dimensions up to 37" x 120".
Ever see a PCB that would require that size of board?
Ever see a PCB that would require that size of board?
Our new Juki JX100-LED can do boards 800
The 1100-80 water cooled mainframe computer had a back plane made with PC board.
I don't remember precisely the dimensions but as I recall it was about 4' x 5' and had 58 layers.
Several of the power planes conducted way more than 600 amps, (ECL logic).
Duane J
That board seemed to be about as wide as will possibly fit into the 19 inch rack that was the chassis of the machine and went all the way from front to back. Totally covered in TTL chips.
That Nova was still in service monitoring/commanding the traffic lights in Helsinki until about 5 years ago. They finally retired it when it's 10MB hard drive, about the size of a washing machine, started making noises like a concrete mixer full of gravel.