Welcome To Beta
Daniel Harris
Posts: 207
Hello Everybody,
Welcome to the Propeller GCC Beta! It has been quite a ride getting here, but we finally made it. If you haven't already given Propeller GCC a try when it was in Alpha, I welcome you to visit the Propeller GCC Beta site and give it a try.
Let Parallax know what you think! If you come across any bugs or have questions/comments/concerns, post them in this forum.
Thanks, all!
Welcome to the Propeller GCC Beta! It has been quite a ride getting here, but we finally made it. If you haven't already given Propeller GCC a try when it was in Alpha, I welcome you to visit the Propeller GCC Beta site and give it a try.
Let Parallax know what you think! If you come across any bugs or have questions/comments/concerns, post them in this forum.
Thanks, all!
If you want to comment on a particular tutorial or author, please do so in the thread for that tutorial or by PM to that author rather than here.
If you have written a useful tutorial or have an idea for a tutorial, let me know and I'll help you get it listed here so everyone can find it and benefit from it!!
Thank you!!
General Tutorials by Mindrobots:
The Zero Tutorial - A beginner's tutorial to go through the hello.c program that comes with the SimpleIDE. It also provides a brief overview of the memory models available in the PropGCC implementation. (added 6/25/2012)
The Toggle Tutorials - Beginner Level - an in-progress walk through the various toggle programs in the PropGCC Demo package. This is presented as a .pdf file with embedded code from the toggle programs in the PropGCC demo package. If you haven't downloaded the demo files, it's a great place to start. They range from simple to complex and are a good way to let you figure out just how much you really know about C and the Propeller.
Blinky - Beginner Level - growing your C programming and Propeller architecture knowledge as you learn various ways to blink an LED, start Cogs, use/manage memory and more. These are presented as HEAVILY commented programs that build upon one another. There is no supporting document other than pointer to PropGCC reference documents and any discussion that might break out in a thread dedicated to this program example.
Blinky - C basics, one way of handling pin input and output on the Propeller.
Blinky2 - an example of how to use the configuration variable feature in the propeller-load utility.
Blinky3 - starting a second Cog in an LMM program