Beta Released!! Propeller GCC enables programming the Propeller chip in C and C++!
Now you can program your Propeller based application in C or C++! Parallax is proud to announce that it is moving into the beta phase for Propeller GCC – Parallax’s new open-source, multi-OS, and multi-lingual compiler that targets the Parallax Propeller's unique multicore architecture. Parallax has collaborated with industry experts to develop all aspects of the toolchain, including the creation of a new development environment called SimpleIDE. Learn about Propeller GCC, SimpleIDE, and give them both a try by visiting the beta page at:
SimpleIDE comes packaged with fully self-contained demos that demonstrate how to do the things you would expect to do on the Propeller, such as launching a cog, sharing memory, or manipulating I/O pins. Additionally, Parallax will publish tutorials on to provide experience to new developers who are interested in learning how to develop embedded applications in C or C++.
We'd love to get your feedback on this beta release. Please send comments to
SimpleIDE comes packaged with fully self-contained demos that demonstrate how to do the things you would expect to do on the Propeller, such as launching a cog, sharing memory, or manipulating I/O pins. Additionally, Parallax will publish tutorials on to provide experience to new developers who are interested in learning how to develop embedded applications in C or C++.
We'd love to get your feedback on this beta release. Please send comments to