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Help with 7 - segment display, displaying a counter in my code — Parallax Forums

Help with 7 - segment display, displaying a counter in my code

thetechguythetechguy Posts: 1
edited 2012-06-14 08:58 in BASIC Stamp
Hey guys I just nee some help with a code that would allow a 7segment display which is connected to pins 3 ~ 10 to show a counter in my code called currADD.

Thanks in advance~


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-06-14 08:58
    What do you mean by 7-segment display? Are you using a single digit? Is it an LED or something else? Is it common-anode or common-cathode? What's the voltage and current rating of the segments? Do you have to use pins 3-10? It would be easier if the pins started at a multiple of 8.

    There's an example of this sort of thing in the StampWorks Manual starting on page 59.
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