Photo Resistor/Resistor value
Posts: 292
I built a simple Photo resistor circuit that turns on LED's when it gets dark. I used a 1K resistor and have tried several others but have a bit of an issue. I would like the LED's to turn on just as IR LED's turn on at dusk for a CCTV camera. Using the 1K resistor the lights are still on unless I point a light directly at the Phototransistor. I have tried several combinations of Photo resistors/resistors that come with the What's a Microcontroller kit and can not seem to come up with the right combination. Does any one have any suggestions as to which resistor would be best for this project?
Consider that you can add resistance by putting a variable resistor in series.
Or, you can reduce resistance by putting a variable resistor in parallel.
With a physcial variable resistor in place, you can adjust the level with just your fingers or a small screw driver.