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My first robot so far... — Parallax Forums

My first robot so far...

TheDoctorTheDoctor Posts: 11
edited 2012-06-16 09:16 in Robotics
This is my Boe-Bot from DeAgostini, a work in progress actually. As you can see it's only the beginning
and there is a lot of work to be done.




First I have to connect the motors to the motor board and I also have a pair of IR transmitters and receivers,
and two "whiskers" (touch sensors).
The good thing about these things, is that they go directly to the BOE and not the breadboard that is missing.
So, I have work to do this weekend :)

I'd also like to ask you something. I can't find this specific BOE, not in the Parallax site, nor anywhere else.
I don't think it's important, I'm just curious. What kind of model is it?

Anyway, new picture coming this weekend! Thanks for your time, fellas!


  • xanaduxanadu Posts: 3,347
    edited 2012-06-13 13:23
    That is a nice size chassis for a first robot. Plenty of room to grow with :)

    The board is interesting, being a 'Stamp' and having a DIP instead of the Stamp style micro makes me wonder as well. Looks like Rev A so maybe it's the first Basic Stamp Board available.

    I *think* this might fit if you want the breadboard -
  • TheDoctorTheDoctor Posts: 11
    edited 2012-06-14 07:05
    Thanks for the link and the board info! It must be an early model, since the year printed on it, is 2001.
    Ken was kind enough to send me a breadboard already!
    Thanks again!
  • xanaduxanadu Posts: 3,347
    edited 2012-06-14 23:48
    Sweet, my experiences here draw an equivalent parallel. If you do not mind, what's up with that robo looking dog in your avatar?

    Of course, I welcome you to the forum!
  • TheDoctorTheDoctor Posts: 11
    edited 2012-06-15 04:39
    That dog in my avatar is K-9. He was a robotic dog / friend / companion of Doctor Who, during the Tom Baker years.
    He even made an appearance in School Reunion, a 2006 Doctor Who episode, with David Tennant.
  • TheDoctorTheDoctor Posts: 11
    edited 2012-06-16 09:16
    Hello again.
    The whiskers and IR sensors are ready. Now the hard part... tomorrow I'll try some programming...
    Wish the newbie luck :)


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