OBEX suggestion
The OBEX has been likened to the Wild West in that there is no control of what gets uploaded (presumably provided it meets a simple taste and decency test). Some objects are comprehensive and are written by professionals. Others are less so. The one thing that unites them is that people upload things they hope will be of some use to others. This is a good thing. When people download things they are not certain of what they will get - especially as few objects get rated. I would therefore propose that people uploading objects are asked to self-assess their skill level:
One could argue about the descriptors but I suspect that most people would apply them sensibly. I have a feeling that lots of really useful code is never uploaded because the writer thinks it's not good enough or does not want to "finish" it. That's a pity as it could make a great start for someone else.
- New to programming/SPIN/PASM
- Intermediate - been doing this for a while but don't make a living from it
- Expert - it's my job - or could be if I so chose.
One could argue about the descriptors but I suspect that most people would apply them sensibly. I have a feeling that lots of really useful code is never uploaded because the writer thinks it's not good enough or does not want to "finish" it. That's a pity as it could make a great start for someone else.
Consider adding a readme with user friendly instructions
1. Why is this version an improvement
2. How to use this software instead of stand alone code that leaves you guessing
3. Pin assignment explanation. Instead of guessing and trying to hunt for it and tracing code.
4. Does this software conflict with pst or fullduplexserial
The search doesn't work that well with it either