Nitrox Stick Controller
Posts: 47
I finally have it working! Thanks so much for all the help from this forum. It has been quite a learning experience and I'm sure I would not have gotten to this point without the help I received here.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' Declarations Baud CON 32 NeedleStep CON 10 Compressor PIN 0 MixDown PIN 1 MixUp PIN 2 AdcCs PIN 3 AdcClk PIN 4 AdcIo PIN 5 Text PIN 6 Solenoid PIN 7 Green PIN 8 Red PIN 9 Servo PIN 10 Index VAR Nib Counter VAR Nib Counter2 VAR Nib AdcIn VAR Nib Run VAR Nib ButtonSpace VAR Byte Remainder VAR Word CurrentMix VAR Word CurrentMixFrac VAR Word MixSetting VAR Word AdcOut VAR Word Calibrate VAR Word CalibrateFrac VAR Word Average VAR Word NeedleSet VAR Word Initilization: HIGH Green LOW Red SEROUT Text, Baud, [22, 17] PAUSE 500 SEROUT Text, Baud, [22, 17, 12, " Startup"] PAUSE 500 INPUT Compressor INPUT Mixup INPUT MixDown READ 0, Word MixSetting LOOKDOWN MixSetting, [210, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360], Index LOOKUP Index, [1020, 980, 940, 900, 860, 820, 780, 740, 700, 660, 620, 580], NeedleSet AdcIn = AdcIn | %1011 GOSUB ServoSet SEROUT Text, Baud, [12, " Ready"] DO UNTIL Compressor = 1 LOOP Calibration: LOW Red FOR Counter = 1 TO 10 HIGH Green SEROUT Text, Baud, [12, "Calibrating...", DEC2 Counter] GOSUB ReadAdc PAUSE 500 LOW Green PAUSE 500 Average = Average + AdcOut NEXT AdcOut = Average / 10 Average = 0 Calibrate = AdcOut * 10 / 209 Remainder = AdcOut * 10 // 209 CalibrateFrac = Remainder * 10 / 209 Calibrate = (Calibrate * 10) + CalibrateFrac GOSUB CalcMix GOTO CalConfirm Main: IF MixSetting > 210 THEN HIGH Solenoid DO LOW Red HIGH Green FOR Counter = 0 TO 15 GOSUB SysCheck BUTTON MixUp, 1, 255, 255, ButtonSpace, 1, SetMixUp BUTTON MixDown, 1, 255, 255, ButtonSpace, 1, SetMixDown GOSUB CalcMix Average = Average + CurrentMix NEXT Average = Average / 16 IF ABS(MixSetting - Average) > 3 THEN GOSUB AdjustMix Average = 0 GOSUB Display LOOP SysCheck: FOR Counter2 = 1 TO 10 Run = Run + Compressor NEXT IF Run = 0 THEN ShutDown Run = 0 IF CurrentMix > 380 THEN ShutDown RETURN SetMixUp: Index = Index + 1 LOOKUP Index, [210, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360], MixSetting WRITE 0, Word MixSetting IF MixSetting > 210 THEN HIGH Solenoid GOSUB Display PAUSE 300 GOTO Main SetMixDown: Index = Index - 1 LOOKUP Index, [210, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360], MixSetting WRITE 0, Word MixSetting IF MixSetting = 210 THEN LOW Solenoid GOSUB Display PAUSE 300 GOTO Main CalcMix: GOSUB ReadAdc CurrentMix = AdcOut * 10 / Calibrate Remainder = AdcOut * 10 // Calibrate CurrentMixFrac = Remainder * 10 / Calibrate CurrentMix = (Currentmix * 10) + CurrentMixFrac RETURN AdjustMix: LOW green IF CurrentMix < MixSetting THEN NeedleSet = NeedleSet - NeedleStep ELSE NeedleSet = NeedleSet + NeedleStep IF NeedleSet < 460 THEN GOSUB O2Increase IF NeedleSet > 1100 THEN GOSUB O2Decrease FOR Counter2 = 1 TO 2 PULSOUT Servo, NeedleSet PAUSE 250 NEXT RETURN Display: SEROUT Text, Baud, [12, "Set = ", DEC1 MixSetting DIG 2, DEC1 MixSetting DIG 1, ".", DEC1 MixSetting DIG 0, "%"] SEROUT Text, Baud, ["Current = ", DEC1 CurrentMix DIG 2, DEC1 CurrentMix DIG 1, ".", DEC1 CurrentMix DIG 0, "%"] RETURN ReadAdc: LOW AdcCs SHIFTOUT AdcIo,AdcClk,LSBFIRST,[AdcIn\4] SHIFTIN AdcIo,AdcClk,MSBPOST,[AdcOut\12] HIGH AdcCs RETURN ShutDown: LOW Solenoid HIGH Red LOW Green DO SEROUT Text, Baud, [12, " OXYGEN SHUT OFF"] PAUSE 1000 SEROUT Text, Baud, [12] PAUSE 1000 LOOP O2Increase: NeedleSet = 460 LOW Green HIGH Red SEROUT Text, Baud, [12, "INCREASE OXYGEN PRESSURE"] PAUSE 1000 LOW Red HIGH Green RETURN O2Decrease: NeedleSet = 1100 LOW Green HIGH Red SEROUT Text, Baud, [12, "DECREASE OXYGEN PRESSURE"] PAUSE 1000 LOW Red HIGH Green RETURN ServoSet: FOR Counter = 0 TO 15 PULSOUT Servo, NeedleSet PAUSE 250 NEXT RETURN CalConfirm: SEROUT Text, Baud, [12, "Confirm : ", DEC1 CurrentMix DIG 2, DEC1 CurrentMix DIG 1, ".", DEC1 CurrentMix DIG 0, "%"] SEROUT Text, Baud, ["Up/YES Down/NO"] DO BUTTON MixUp, 1, 255, 255, ButtonSpace, 1, Confirmed BUTTON MixDown, 1, 255, 255, ButtonSpace, 1, Calibration LOOP Confirmed: PAUSE 300 GOTO Main
No breather for me Hulk. Too much money in those.
Feel free to critique (anyone). I'm sure it could be better.
Gut shot:
Front panel: