Need large scale robotic tank style treads
Searched high and low for a budget solution....basically I am build around a 150 bot and want tank style treads similar to those used in surveilance bots and the military. OBviously I don't expect that even be up for making them myself. Anybody got any bright ideas or good links?
They make Mattracks for ATVs which might be about the right size. I think theses tracks cost about (if not more) than the vehicles they go on.
Drill holes in the walls.
Find some flat steel of the same thickness and width, and cut into similar sized pieces.
Drill holes in each end.
Get a whole lot of metal bolts and nuts. Also get a long pipe with an inner diameter slightly wider than the bolts.
Cut pipe into pieces that fits snugly between the walls of the U profiles.
Place the U profiles one after another, with a short gap between them.
Place a steel flat one either side of the Us, and so that they both span the gap to the next.
Push a bolt throuh the holes(which should line up perfectly), making certain to tread a piece of pipe onto thee bolt.
Nut on the outside. Feel free to use nylock nuts...
Tht gets you a long chain.
Now weld or bolt plates onto the 'bottoms' of the U shapes...
Finally, get some drive sprockets that mest perfectly with the pipe pieces...
Just brainfarting...
After that you get into Small construction equipment. Like powered wheel barrows, mini excavators new are 600+ dollars each.
Old snow blowers are your best choice you can get a whole machine for 150 plus you get the drive wheels
My old one with wheel chair motors to drive it.
But I guess I am late posting and these are too small - oh well....
Anybody try cable carrier for ready-made treads? Cheap and readily available:
I have a bunch, perhaps I'll get to it before Duane does?
This guy has a bunch of tracks for sale, I think you would like them. -
I like the snowblower idea, just rememember that won't work well inside where most testing is done. Skid steering tracks on a 150lbs robot is gonna leave a mark.