How to get Heading from Parallax VON1513 GPS Module?
Posts: 72
Hey All! I'm using the Parallax Gps Module(This one) in a robotics project. I have been able to get Lat and Long points using:
But I cant seem to figure out how to "serin" the head(which is a word and has a value of $09). I know it is two bytes, but how do you receive them and then combine them to create the heading from the gps module? All help or suggestions are appreciated!
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 GetLat = $05 GetLong = $06 VAR long stack[30] OBJ GPS : "FullDuplexSerial" PUB Main GPS.start(5, 5, 00, 9600) cognew(GetGpsData,@stack) PUB GetGpsData repeat GPS.str(string("!GPS")) ' GPS command header GPS.tx(GetLat) ' for latitude WriteVal Debug.str(string(",")) GPS.str(string("!GPS")) ' GPS command header GPS.tx(GetLong) ' for longitude WriteVal Debug.str(string(13)) PRI WriteVal | Degrees, Minutes, MinutesD, Dir WaitCnt(ClkFreq / 10 + Cnt) ' 1/10 second wait Degrees := GPS.rx ' Retrieve bytes from GPS Minutes := GPS.rx MinutesD := (GPS.rx << 8) | GPS.rx Dir := GPS.rx==1 if dir == -1 ' If Dir = -1, prepend - sign Debug.str(string("-")) Debug.dec(Degrees) Debug.str(string(".")) workVal := (Minutes * 1000 / 6) + (MinutesD / 60) Debug.dec(workVal)
But I cant seem to figure out how to "serin" the head(which is a word and has a value of $09). I know it is two bytes, but how do you receive them and then combine them to create the heading from the gps module? All help or suggestions are appreciated!
SomeVar := (GPS.rx << 8) | GPS.rx
This places the values returned in two successive byte reads from the GPS into a single variable. The first byte is shifted up by eight bits; the second byte takes the lower eight bits. Viola! A 16-bit value, suitable for framing and catching fish.
Do note that heading is inaccurate if the module is not moving. Anything under 5-10 MPH cannot be trusted.
-- Gordon
The numbers defiantly aren't in degrees, but they seem consistant in that one direction yields the same number. Is there a way to convert these numbers into degrees or have I done something wrong here is my code for the capture:
-- Gordon