Porting Atmel C to PASM ...
Posts: 821
Hello All,
After getting this chip (AT88SA102S) & mounted it on my board, I realised I had problems with this chip despite thoroughly reading the datasheet, which I later found it had missed out an important sleep_to_wake time that I discovered in the source code. But still, does not seems to solve the problem. Basically, I'm trying to get a response from the chip to ensure my timing are OK but it just did not initiate a t_start.
To access this chip, I need to send a Wake Token, followed by a Transmit Flag with a sleep_to_wake time in between & I ought to get a $11 in return. Please excuse the mess as they are still work-in-progress. I must have err somewhere.
As always, thanks a lot.
I'm trying to port the same flow as these shown over to PASM (full source attached)
After getting this chip (AT88SA102S) & mounted it on my board, I realised I had problems with this chip despite thoroughly reading the datasheet, which I later found it had missed out an important sleep_to_wake time that I discovered in the source code. But still, does not seems to solve the problem. Basically, I'm trying to get a response from the chip to ensure my timing are OK but it just did not initiate a t_start.
To access this chip, I need to send a Wake Token, followed by a Transmit Flag with a sleep_to_wake time in between & I ought to get a $11 in return. Please excuse the mess as they are still work-in-progress. I must have err somewhere.
As always, thanks a lot.
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ### AT88SA102S ### - (New 29 May 2012) ' input: declared inside ' output: 1 byte, suppose to reply from Wake Token signal '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _at_newWaketoken mov bitCnt, #8 ' read an 8-bit byte 'Set pin as output mov dira, dataMask mov value, #$F0 ' Set value mov cnt, cnt add cnt, #9 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Send Wake Signal '----------------------------------------------------------------------- :_at_sendWakeAgain waitcnt cnt, write_t_szhilo or dira, dataMask 'Low waitcnt cnt, write_t_szhilo andn dira, dataMask 'High shr value, #1 wc waitcnt cnt, write_t_szhilo muxnc dira, dataMask ' low/high waitcnt cnt, write_high_short andn dira,dataMask ' low/high djnz bitCnt, #:_at_sendWakeAgain '* Sleep-Wake Delay (30 May 2012), found this in Atmel's code for AT88SA102S waitcnt cnt, sleepWake_Delay '----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Send Transmit Flag '----------------------------------------------------------------------- mov value, #$88 mov bitCnt, #8 :_at_newTransmit waitcnt cnt, write_t_szhilo or dira, dataMask 'Low waitcnt cnt, write_t_szhilo andn dira, dataMask 'High shr value, #1 wc waitcnt cnt, write_t_szhilo muxnc dira, dataMask ' low/high waitcnt cnt, write_high_short andn dira,dataMask ' low/high djnz bitCnt, #:_at_newTransmit waitcnt cnt, #0 'Set pin as input andn dira, dataMask '----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Read byte from AT88SA '----------------------------------------------------------------------- mov bitCnt, #8 ' read an 8-bit byte mov shiftCnt, #32 ' get shift count sub shiftCnt, bitCnt mov cnt, cnt add cnt, #9 :_at_newReadBlock waitcnt cnt, readByte_LH 'readByte_HighLong :_at_newReadBitLow test dataMask, ina wz ' Should be Low if_nz jmp #:_at_newReadBitLow ' Waiting for start signal (low) from IC <--- !!!! STUCK HERE !!!! add cnt, readByte_LH :_at_newReadBitHigh test dataMask, ina wc if_nc jmp #:_at_newReadBitHigh add cnt, readByte_LH test dataMask, ina wz ror value, #1 waitcnt cnt, readByte_HighLong 'Check to make sure it is High :_at_newReadMakeSure test dataMask, ina wc if_nc jmp #:_at_newReadMakeSure djnz bitCnt, #:_at_newReadBlock shr value, shiftCnt 'Reset pin as output mov dira, dataMask ' Bring up again _at_newWaketoken_ret _at_new_ret ret '-------------------- constant values ----------------------------------------- wake_whi long 12_000 '3.2ms, Min is 2.5ms but since _delay is multiple of 4 so use 3.2ms t_timeout long 40_000 'Min is 45 msec '--- New --- (29 May 2012) wake_low long 6_400 'Try 80 usec, min is 60 usec in datasheet wake_high long 200_000 'Try 2.5 msec, min is 2.5msec in datasheet write_t_szhilo long 347 '4.34 usec (t_start, t_zhi, t_zlo) all shares the same value. write_high_long long 2_425 't_bit - t_start - t_zhi = 30.32 usec write_high_short long 2_079 't_bit - t_start - t_zhi - t_zlo = 25.98 usec readByte_LH long 480 'Both Low & High is 6 usec (typ value), min 4.6 usec, max 8.6 usec readByte_HighLong long 2_880 '36us ,Read from 102s remaining time after last low in logic 0 sleepWake_Delay long 135_040 '2_000 usec - 8-bytes * 39 usec = 1_688 usec = 135_040 ticks
I'm trying to port the same flow as these shown over to PASM (full source attached)
//########################################################################## // Setup the communication timer // TCCR1B &= ~(_BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10)); // clock source disabled // Clear the counter registers // TCNT1 = 0; // Clock source enabled. We use a pre-scaler value of 64 // TCCR1B |= (_BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10)); // Clear the timer compare flag. // TIFR1 |= (1 << OCF1A); // Set the timer to time the entire packet process // (Wake+WakeDelay+Transmit+Command+MacOut+ExecutionDelay+Transmit+TurnaroundDelay+Transmit+DigestOut) // OCR1A = MAX_MAC_TIME; //########################################################################## // Send the wake token // SendByte(WAKE_TOKEN); //########################################################################## // Mandatory sleep->wake delay (not in spec) // while (TCNT1 < SLEEP_TO_WAKE_TIME) ; //########################################################################## // Send transmit flag // SendByte(FLAG_CLIENT_TRANSMIT); //########################################################################## // Get the wakup "SYNC" packet // if (!ReceivePacket()) { //####################################################################### // Send the command flag + command payload + transmit // for (index = 0; index < sizeof(cmd_MAC); index++) SendByte(cmd_MAC[index]); //####################################################################### // Wait tExec, send transmit flag // while (TCNT1 < MAC_COMMAND_TEXEC_WAIT) ; SendByte(FLAG_CLIENT_TRANSMIT); //####################################################################### // We can now wait here until the chip responds or the overall timer // fires. // returnVal = ReceivePacket(); } //########################################################################## // Send Sleep flag // SendByte(FLAG_SLEEP); return returnVal;