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Need repair to PropScope — Parallax Forums

Need repair to PropScope

steidleysteidley Posts: 4
edited 2012-05-29 11:03 in Accessories
I was using the PropScope to watch data pulses coming off of a chip that controls a 120 VAC line. The ground lead from the probe touched the neutral side of the circuit. Immediately the scope stopped communicating with the PC. Tried to reset/disconnect/etc... Nothing seemed to work. In doing some trouble shooting via the schematics, I could tell that I had the 5vdc, and the 3vdc. I did not have the -2vdc, nor did I have the logic high that would enable it (from the IO extender). My guess is that the propeller chip didn't make it, and it isn't sending the command to the IO extender. The PropScope does show up on the Device Manager, so the USB/FTDI is working, which leads me to believe the RESET circuit is working. Beyond that, I am not really sure how to trouble shoot any further... and if I did, what are the chances of getting this fixed?

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