Prop blade brak sygnału na pinach I/O
Posts: 7
We apologize for the syntax spelling, written by google translator. I have a programmerProp Blade and has so far worked and now I have the problem that I have no signal on the I / 0, I did a test yesterday, I loaded PushbuttonLedTest-v1.0.spin went wszytsko thisis always on pins but only 3.3V and 5.5V LED lights on the other I / 0 no reaction.
We apologize for the syntax spelling, written by google translator. I have a programmerProp Blade and has so far worked and now I have the problem that I have no signal on the I / 0, I did a test yesterday, I loaded PushbuttonLedTest-v1.0.spin went wszytsko thisis always on pins but only 3.3V and 5.5V LED lights on the other I / 0 no reaction.
Let's say that you have an LED connected through a 330 Ohm resistor between I/O pin 6 and ground (Vss) so that the LED cathode (the bar on the diagram) is connected to Vss. The following should make the LED blink:
Mike's explanation is correct. If the download is working, then there is something else going on here.
Could you also post your code and perhaps pictures and we may be able to help get over the language barriers.
What LED and resistor are you using? How much current does it require?
If not try to connect it to 5V. It may be that the LED has a too high forward voltage.
Can you measure the voltage at P4 with a Multimeter - you should measure 3.3V and 0V alternating For that it's better to make the toggling slower with WAITCNT(clkfreq * 2 + cnt).
.... napisz po polsku, o co chodzi. Co to za płytka, co usiłujesz na tym uruchomić... i dołącz nie działający kod... Tu są co najmniej dwie osoby kt
Has anyone any idea to solve my problem?
What do you mean by "After connecting the controller to propblade when changing voltages from 3.3V to 5V ..."? What voltage did you change? If you connect a 5V signal to a Propeller I/O pin without a current limiting resistor, you can destroy the I/O pin.