Happy Memorial Day w/ gear pics

Some gear from back in the day -

This is my Van, as Engineering section chief I maintained all requirements of all hardware on site. That's from the generators that powered the gear, bandwidth over copper and fiber, to the environmental footprint we left behind on the way out down to the HMMWV tracks.

AN/TTC-42. Noteworthy piece of comm gear not one person may ever fully understand.

HMMWV mounted radio gear running on 24vdc.

This uplink was one of the first, that is all I can say about it. These kids didn't know what a good ground was until I showed them. Probably fundamental for most here...
Good times!

This is my Van, as Engineering section chief I maintained all requirements of all hardware on site. That's from the generators that powered the gear, bandwidth over copper and fiber, to the environmental footprint we left behind on the way out down to the HMMWV tracks.

AN/TTC-42. Noteworthy piece of comm gear not one person may ever fully understand.

HMMWV mounted radio gear running on 24vdc.

This uplink was one of the first, that is all I can say about it. These kids didn't know what a good ground was until I showed them. Probably fundamental for most here...
Good times!

I'm guessing 90's by the look of the computer?