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V.H.A.L Prototype has been born — Parallax Forums

V.H.A.L Prototype has been born

smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
edited 2012-09-08 07:34 in Robotics
V.H.A.L. [V]eterans [H]ealth [A]ssist [L]ink pronounced Val or Vallerie since it will have a womans voice. Pictures only this time because I haven't started the hard work yet other than to confirm everything pluged in is actually working and at the same time. But it all does work. lol
VAHL Prototype 001.jpg
VAHL Prototype 002.jpg
VAHL Prototype 003.jpg
VAHL Prototype 004.jpg
VAHL Prototype 005.jpg
VAHL Prototype 006.jpg
VAHL Prototype 007.jpg
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  • GeorgeCollinsGeorgeCollins Posts: 132
    edited 2012-05-26 07:38
    What is the box with Walgreens written on it? Is it an intercom?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-05-26 11:35
    What is the box with Walgreens written on it? Is it an intercom?

    My guess is it's a blood pressure monitor. The black tubing coming out the side looks like it's used to fill a cuff with air.

    Dave, does the blood pressure monitor have a digital interface that will let you log the data? I suppose the buttons could be hacked to allow a Prop or PC to start the measuring process (if you didn't want to use the buttons).

    It's looking good so far.
  • xanaduxanadu Posts: 3,347
    edited 2012-05-26 14:22
    Both of the on board health monitoring systems are setup for one click phone home via internet. Outstanding use of the Eddie and the latest in doctor patient communication!
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-05-29 06:23
    I haven't done much testing with the blood pressure monitor and some minor testing with the Glucose meter. The blood pressure monitor (Walgreens box which is actually a Homedico device) has one drawback. While it is pluged into the USB hub it will not allow a blood pressure reading to be taken. Yes, it is a digital device. I am not too concerned with the USB bug being an issue right now. The Glucose meter worked first time out of the box. It is read as an external storage device and the readings are in a spreadsheet format. This makes my life a little more pleasant knowing there will be no major programming issues with the meter.

    My major programming is being directed towards voice recognition and text to speech. My main goal here is to get the Eddie to report the glucose readings by requested date. Now here is some programming that I really am having fun with. Not too hard and just enough to get my feet wet with the Microsoft programming software.

    My project developement costs seem to keep going up but I am still confident that I can have an operational unit still under the $4,500.00 mark. What I mean by that is to have a deliverable piece of equipment and the cost to the Veteran, or the VA, still be under $4,500.00.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-05-29 06:28
    P.S. The one click phone home is one of the major tools that has to be incorporated into the design for both the Physician and the Users sake. If not for this feature the whole project would be a waste of resources both in time and money.
  • GeorgeCollinsGeorgeCollins Posts: 132
    edited 2012-05-29 07:01
    This is an inspiring project. Thank you for explaining what that thing is.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-05-29 10:50
    The Blood pressure monitor is a totally digital device. Microsoft Health has a program that reads the stored information and puts it in a file. Homedics does not supply software. I wrote to Homedics to see if they had a blood pressure monitor that would work while connected to a PC and, if not, would they be able to point me in the direction of their manufacturer so that I could get some tech info on the monitor. The monitor has the capability to change entry modes for different users. It can even detect irregular heart beast. I think it will also keep data on 4 different users and record the data in memory. It is probably a simple memory system using a EEPROM. The output is via LCD and voice as well so it contains some kind of sound chip. If I can get some schematics or even the software it would be a big help. If not I am more than willing to buy a second monitor and send it to you if you would be interested in helping me to convert it to a Prop device that could be added as a service on the PC side of things. They aren't that expensive. About $89.00. This is a must do for me. It may even be worth building my own using a prop to control the vacume motor and collecting the data, from the pressure sensing device, and straight out to the PC for data routing. Figuring out the variables would be the biggest headache. Testing it would be easy though. I have some other issues that have given me time to consider your earlier comment. Just a thought.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-05-29 11:04
    It may even be worth building my own using a prop to control the vacume motor and collecting the data, from the pressure sensing device

    I'm not so sure it would be less expensive to build a blood pressure monitor than to hack one of the digital ones.

    I actually have a digital blood pressure monitor sitting next to me that I've been meaning to hack to get it to record the pressures with a time stamp to a SD card. I'm supposed to be monitoring my blood pressure and I thought I'm be more likely to do it if I could have the data automatically logged.
  • xanaduxanadu Posts: 3,347
    edited 2012-05-31 22:42
    P.S. The one click phone home is one of the major tools that has to be incorporated into the design for both the Physician and the Users sake. If not for this feature the whole project would be a waste of resources both in time and money.

    I work for some big medical facilities in San Diego. All of the providers are moving to electronic medical records that can output to MS Health Vault. It's really catching on, and so will your robot. It bridges a couple of gaps that exist in patient care.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-06-01 03:15
    MS Health may be a tool that I will have to use. I am not quite sure how their "Blue Button" interfaces with the VA's "My Health -E- Vet" Web site and I am not very near to working on that aspect of programming. I will have to get the VA to work with me on that issue. I have an account portal to work with. I have had a few Technical set backs but some friends of mine are working on that issue. It may be in the best interest of the "End Product" to develope software for each device that could be plugged into the unit. I don't mean the software for the device it self but a gate that allows plug and play so to speak. I need to get the base unit to the point where I can do a short Video of, at least, some of its capabilities. I have also written E-Mails to some of the equipment suppliers requesting information on their products but I am having some problems getting replies. Since the prototype has been assembled I am not getting companies to flat out give me ridiculous pricing on their products any more. lol. I suspect they want to see the thing do more than just look interesting in still photographs. Once they see some usability they may be more receptive to my request. At least I am hoping they will. The R&D costs keep going up but it is for a good cause.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-06-13 05:24
    Update: Got the EKG (ECG) hooked up. Ran a test strip and sent it to a cardio professional. These are the comments I received back:

    Firstly, I am SO very impressed. I'd love to be able to make my own ekg. How useful would it be to bring it to an Expo and check on the rhythms of the engineers there to say "let's improve that diet shall we" haha. So, the image thus far looks usable if the standard is "giving the doctor a heads up". I think as you know, if we can get the signal to be a bit more clean, then that will be more ideal. So let's assume ideal standards. I'd say that in regards to even the portion where it is neat already, there could be a "cleaner"wave, unless of course you personally have had surgery which has altered your atrial electrical pathways. And I say that because your p waves are not uniformly "pretty" for lack of a better word though your rhythm looks fine :) - it looks to be Sinus Rhythm with 1st degree AV block based on that strip.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-06-13 05:32
    These are the latest photos with the equipment all turned on. The screen shows the cardio strip that I sent out o be evaluated.
    ECGInstalled 001.jpg
    ECGInstalled 003.jpg
    ECGInstalled 004.jpg
    ECGInstalled 006.jpg
    ECGInstalled 007.jpg
    ECGInstalled 009.jpg
    A note about the Cardio that was sent out. The evaluator did not know my medical history. When they mentioned that the strip indicated some sort of surgury causing a less than desirable reading. I had tripple bypass surgury in 1993. They hit the nail right on the head which means that the equipment is pretty accurate.
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  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-06-28 07:07
    Update: Kinect sensor malfunction. Microsoft now has the sensor at their repair facility in Texas. Wonder if I'll ever see it again. I am still working on the limited A.I. and so far it will responde to my voice with a "Yes David" in a very pleasant, womans, voice. It will also move by voice command but only simple commands like left, right, backwards, and forwards. The Kinect is a very important service to my navigation system so I am stuck without it. I never thought it would take so long to build such a simple idea. MRDS 4 will only let me go so far without the actual Kinect.
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2012-06-29 10:17! You've made a TON of progress!!!

  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-06-30 06:55
    Seems like I have Dave but the truth of the matter is that I still haves so far to go. I have a house mate that is blind and has had a liver transplant. He suffered a stroke so his Doctor sends a Nurse out to do physical therapy with him. She asked if I could take the unit into their office for their Doctors to see. I took it in Wednesday and they were fairly impressed. I explaned that the Robot is still in the software developement stage so they asked if I was open to some input from their office. I just know it is going to be a dream list but I am open to suggestions from the medical community. The goal is to make it useful to the Doctor as well as the patient. I know the patients side of things fairly well so I guess I should listen to the Doctors point of view as well.

    On another note I was asked if I thought I could make a seeing eye robot for the blind. Problem here is that the Kinect does not work well in direct Sun Light. Anyone out there that wants to take up this challenge?
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-07-12 04:15
    Okay, I have a road block to get around and I need a little help. I got my Kinect back from Microsoft (actually they sent me a new one). The 1.5 drivers are causing a situation where the Kinect service can not be built. The error message is that the contract identifier in a manifest or create request do not match the DSS service. Basicly they are running different versions of the runtime assemblies. I am assuming this is a difference between the original 1.0 Kinect and the 1.5 Kinect. I am under the impression that the Eddie builds it's services and references the 1.0 Kinect driver during the build. Now, this being said, It has been suggested that I load the EddieObstacleAvoid.user.manifest.xml in place of the EddieObstacleAvoid.manifest.xml and the problem will magically dissappear. As most of you know I am new to this having only a small amount of programming experience with Pascal 5.5 and that being from College some 20 years ago. Where, exactly, am I supposed to make this change. I have spent hours going through manifests and services and I have yet to find the code that calls the EddieObstacleAvoid. Is this being called from the console or is it called within the Eddie services and manifests? Antoher discovery was that most of the 1.5 tools would not work. I then noticed that if I call the project file and run Debug I get a statement that the file is outdated and would I like to build the file. After building the file everything works as advertised. Everything except the runtime for the Eddie. Need some help from anyone that can help. Keep in mind that I am using the Kinect for Windows and not the Kinect for XBox. I am using Visual Studio 2010, with the latest updates, and programming using C#.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-07-12 12:09
    P.S. I should add that I did edit the CMD file. Doing so gave me the MRDS4 prompt curser again. No initialization of any resources with the EddieObstacleAvoid.user.xml being called by the Eddie.CMD file.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-07-16 11:54
    Everything is working now. The EddieAvoidManifest has a glitch that no one can explain. By using the EddieAvoid.User.Manifest everything operates. Both files are identicle but only one will work with the Kinect sensor. Extreamly Weird!!!!!! Back to programming.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-08-09 09:16
    Just an update to confirm that the project is still alive but progressing slowly.
    I am writing the grammars that wil ultimatly control the robot. I am doing this in a "tree" fashion so that the robot knows what branch (program) has been called with little room for error. There are 4 main grammars. The first (Main) calls the system test manifest and then reports the state of the system in a very nice voice. If it encounters an error then the program will wait for acknowledment of the error and decides if the robot is operational with the error. The robot sits and waits for the next voice command. The next three grammars are the command grammars, social grammars, and medical grammars. The medical grammars have four child grammars for blood pressure, pulseox, glucose, and EKG (ECG). You may ask why so many and the answer is this. If there is an error within the system then it can be identified to an individual grammar and the trouble shooting can start there. If it were a single grammar that would be a lot of code to go through not to mention the higher risk of erronious actions caused by outside voices. The robot defaults to a "follow me" state of operation when no other commands are given. Robotic controll will be exclusivly by voice, and Kinect body gesture movement, commands. I am working towards a small demo that I can post within the next month or two. I am also headed towards incorporating a compass and a GPS into the system along with a cell phone type interface. Just as a side track for a moment. Microsoft lists "Partners" that you could contact to get help with your project. I am here to tell you that Microsoft is speaking to big business and not individuals who are designing their own application. I wrote to one company and they admitted that, if completed, this would be a very marketable device. Now if I can come up with $100,000.00 dollars we could get started. I'm saying OUCH!!! after a little over 9G's. Any input from my home crowd here at Parallax is welcome. That's kinda why I keep posting updates. That's it for now....<field name="yesOrNo">
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-08-16 10:58
    Allow me to be a little bit skepticle here. I made my eddie move by using the prop controller and my prop boe. Voice commands like forward backward, left, and right. I have yet to see any code, what so ever, that will make the Mark series move by voice, blob tracking, or hand motions. I have to be honest about this. My main efforts, until now, has been towards writing grammars for voice control. My Eddie will even do an EKG (ECG) just by telling it you are ready. It will run a 30 second strip and then announce it has completed the task. But saying follow me or waving my hand the thing just sits there. The examples given for a follow me task are all written for the iRobot, Rumba, etc..... using generic web cams for blob tracking. I tried substituting the eddie manifest(s) for the irobot with no success. You would think that the "Follow me" program would start churning out big sales for Parallax and Microsoft alike. Why then is the follow me code such a big secret?. Makes one wonder if the Mark robot is being controlled remotly in these UTube videos. lol Oh well just wanted to throw my 4 cents worth (inflation is such a terrible thing don't you think) into the conversation. I rarely get on this side of computing anymore. Most of my time is on the programming side of the fence these days.
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-08-31 08:35
    Major set back today. I was out at the Air Force Base playing a little golf. When I got home I was informed that my little granddaughter put my Eddie Laptop in the dryer to see if it moved like it did on the Eddie platform. Where do these kids come up with that kind of stuff. Ordered another Laptop.
  • TymkrsTymkrs Posts: 539
    edited 2012-09-02 04:50
    Oh no!!! Sorry that happened!!!
  • smithdavidpsmithdavidp Posts: 146
    edited 2012-09-08 01:13
    Okay, more time lost but this is a good thing. I bought a house. 1,475 sq ft 3 Bedroom Ranch with two car garage and a full basement. I will now have a work shop. What is this my Kitty (or whatever) bedspread? I want to buy one to hang on the wall.
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2012-09-08 07:34
    Congratulations!! As efficiently as you had your room packed, you should be able to pack a ton of stuff into that house.....or else have some really nice space to move around!!
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