Thank you to whoever wrote Application Note AN012.
Oldbitcollector (Jeff)
Posts: 8,091
I'm not sure who you are, but Andre' LaMothe you made my life much easier with that Application Note in one of my last designs.
Big Thank You!
Big Thank You!
Thank You Andre' LaMothe!
You'll see this circuit in a couple of the new GG products. This Appnote made it painless!
Great! As a DIP I assume? Then people can use 1MB SPI Flash when they exhaust propeller memory instead of switching to another chip
Quickplayer "Extreme" has it connected as follows..
Can I use this with your C compiler?
Yes, Propeller-GCC programs can use it. All you need is a config file to set the pins - the driver is already written.
It will be faster than running from eeprom or sd card.