Need ICONS !
Posts: 11,803
Hi all you image minded Propeller people.
I have a future project in mind and would like to see if we could come up with some ICONs or small .png pictures to represent the following:
I2C, SPI, Timer, RTC, UART, VGA, TV, KBD, Mouse, PWM, ADC, others - in no special order.
Basically, any device that you can think of that can be attached to or be emulated in a Propeller COG or function should be considered. If it's not your original work, please state where you found it and what license if any applies.
Any input is welcome.
I have a future project in mind and would like to see if we could come up with some ICONs or small .png pictures to represent the following:
I2C, SPI, Timer, RTC, UART, VGA, TV, KBD, Mouse, PWM, ADC, others - in no special order.
Basically, any device that you can think of that can be attached to or be emulated in a Propeller COG or function should be considered. If it's not your original work, please state where you found it and what license if any applies.
Any input is welcome.
I2C and SPI could just be the letters in stylized manner. These are specific protocols, so clarity is important. For the design language already used by SimpleIDE, have a look at
Timer could be a stopwatch
RTC a wall clock, perhaps with a little can crystal? Or some visual conveyance of a can crystal generating 32Khz?
UART, perhaps 2 arrows of red and blue, pointing left and right, top and bottom with 1010101 next to each arrow tail?
VGA, I'm thinking dsub-15, or just an lcd monitor.
TV, TV with rabbit ears! Need the rabbit ears!
KBD and Mouse are straightforward.
PWM, perhaps a PWM modulated wave, narrow to wide?
ADC could be half a sine wave fading into a bunch of digital bits?
DAC could be bits into wave?
USB (you know there is going to be a C USB implementation at some point), just the standard USB 3 arrow logo, or maybe an icon of a USB connector so the arrows aren't prominent (for trademark reasons).
Inkscape is a good program for doing these, it will save an SVG file that can be rendered at different resolutions and saved as PNGs for SIDE.
Sounds like a fun escape....for those that need to escape.
Well, program icons are usually small, but I need bigger pictures because of all the old ..., err, I mean because of the application.
Bigger ones can always be scaled down pretty easy, but not vis-a-vis.
I'm thinking that 200 px square would be fine.
ADC would convey my mental representation of ADC, at least to me. RTC would convey RTC pretty well. PWM? I don't think a picture would be anywhere near as good as the letters PWM.
Note that this is one of the few cases where I would chose any abbreviation over another option.
Something friendly. peward has some really nice ideas, but they ain't pictures yet.
We can put abbreviation letters down in the corner of pretty pictures.
Just letters like ADC would be fine for a place-holder until something more creative comes along.
256x256 size is fine to me.
The pictures can be .PNG images too. But .JPG won't do.
If you're planning to reduce the icons from 256x256 at some point, please say so. A good icon needs to be designed for the size it will ultimately fit. Resampled icons just look crappy.
Can continue if you like (the white corners that you see are actually transparent, not sure why they show up white here)
Interesting. If you were to add "pins" to them how would that look? Basically looking for "pin place holders" like circles, etc....
I mean, a SPI bus can have 4 pins. An SQI or QuadSPI bus can have 6 pins. An I2C bus can have 2 pins. SD Card ?
Yes, but i feel the need for a geometric shaped connection point. Just lines don't seem obvious enough.
Is this more what you mean?
I'd like to know if these icons would gain universal usage?
I like the way these are looking, but what is the purple one to represent? Is this two two way digital? If so I liked the blue and red arrows version.
Or is it PWM? I would think the letters PWM or the varied width square waves would be clearer.
I agree, that one is not very intuitive. On a GUI we can use a tool-tip for "hover help" which can clear up confusion, but the graphic should try a little harder.
In some of these actually putting the abbreviation in a very clear font would help. I'm thinking of rosco_pc's DAC icon for example.
Over all I think this is all shaping up pretty good. I really like the color shading on some of the examples. And the "pin holes" are very good.
Now imagine a DIP Propeller chip in the center of a canvas where you can drag and drop these components and make connections.
I'm wondering if we should have a color code classifications. That is have something in line with the OBEX categories. The "Tool" and "All" categories would probably not apply.
Data Storage
RAM, EEPROM, flash, hard drive...
Helpful function, language, development aid...
TV, VGA, LCD, LED, VFD, printer...
Human Input
Keyboard, mouse, joystick, game pad...
SPI, 1-Wire, I2C, asynchronous serial...
Floating point, PID, trigonometry, physics...
Motor Control
Servo, stepper, standard motor...
Temperature, light, proximity, position...
Signal Generation & Processing
Pulse, pwm, digital or analog output...
Speech & Sound
Sound generation and processing...
Fun demo, game, handy trick...
View All Objects
This category contains all objects...
The pin spacing should be uniform so dragging onto a graphic will work, I'll correct those. I have an idea for a new serial icon I'll post later.
The colors for different functions were chosen to differentiate the modules, to further communicate difference.
Since Steve is talking GUI and drag/drop, I would suggest that the icons are upsized from "toolbar" size to at least 32x32, then the labels will come through better, if 48x48, then even more detail can be used.
Does this mean after you explain it once, you can assume that you never need to explain it again? Or does it mean if find you need to explain it once, prepare to have to explain it at least once to every single person that runs across it? I would say the former is less true, and the later is more true. In fact, it it needs to be explained at all, the "picture is worth a thousand words" has fallen apart. In those rare cases, maybe a graphic is not the way to go.
For instance, SPI uses 4 pins and I2C uses 2, so logically SPI would be twice the size of I2C.
Does this make sense? The icons would then represent the pin usage and the more complicated modules would get more real estate for labels.