Scribbler/Boe Bot Maze Memory
Has anyone here actually written code to make a Scribbler or BoeBot explore & map a maze (wall or line) to memeory so that it can take the shortest path the second time? Many requests from noobs in the forum.
Surely it has been done with other Bots (3pi smokes it). Encoders would definitely help, but probably possible without.
I may have a go at it unless someone stops me.
Surely it has been done with other Bots (3pi smokes it). Encoders would definitely help, but probably possible without.
I may have a go at it unless someone stops me.
Could this be the start of "Erco's Amazing Challenge"?
I say go for it. It's been on my to do list for quite some time and the CBA was made for this sort of thing. But keeps falling to the bottom of the list.
Yes, here it is:
and here is the relatively simple theory:
Thing is, I *know* I recall seeing Stamp code for this method at one time.
Now, do you recall seeing any Stamp code to make a BoeBot hover in place?