[solved] No fun in MDAC land.
frank freedman
Posts: 1,983
I seem to be missing something maybe obvious here playing with an LTC8043 MDAC. The prop driver is not a problem, the chip can be made to put out a current proportional to the digital value in. With a +9V reference, I can go from about 0 uA to around +635uA. My problem seems to be converting this current into a useful voltage range using a single supply op-amp. Specifically an NTE 928. After exploring multiple pages and methods, none seem to really explain the topic well enough for me to use. Can this even be done using a single supply opamp?<br>
NTE 928 seems to contain two opamps and ltc8043 contains a 10k feedback resistor which you can use in inverting opamp config like in PDF attached to ltc8043, and some opamp schematics:
To keep IOUT at GND level you have to sink the same current that IOUT is sourcing; therefore the connected op amp output would have to go below ground.
Generating the missing negative supply for your op amp would seem to be the easiest option if you have to keep this DAC.
@Mike G: yes of course, but all the opamp circuits shown assume you have a negative supply (notice they don't show the supply rails). How to do it with a single supply for both this MDAC and the opamp is the trick.
@Frank: There won't be any problem with going with the non-inverting single supply solution as long as you use a very low value shunt to equalize the two arms of the MDAC's resistor ladder. The only problem is due to the higher gain and the slew-rate limitations of the LM358 which will limit the bandwidth but that's easily fixed by using a better opamp if necessary.
A huge (pun intended) thanks to Peter and PIK33. PIK33's circuit proved I was on the correct path with non-inverting input, and Peter supplied the missing link with his comment regarding the shunt. I tested using a 100 ohm and a 1k ohm shunt and currently the 1k seems to be giving me a nice response without too overdriving the opamp. I think that Christoph_H was getting toward the same concept. Virtual ground was not quite. Once I am really driving this circuit, I may have to review the shunt R choice in light of Cristoph_H's comment regarding linearity. No luck using an inverting configuration. So for now I will stick with what works.
As to the NTE, it was cheap and available when I was at fry's electronics and since I bought 3 of them when I built the IKALogic R2R DAC a few months ago (already that long?) I just used it rather than getting better from digikey. 3 because you always need a spare of something, and I did not know if I would blow up one or two when I hacked the original design into a 12 bit converter instead of 8.
Now I can get back to the PASM output for this device and really have some fun with the multiplying function. Yeah, I could have just dumped the LTC8043 on the to lazy for that pile and gone to a voltage output simple (MCPxxxx) DAC, but where would the fun be in that? Once the PASM driver is done, I will have to revisit (correct again Peter) the datasheet library to determine a more appropriate opamp for the anticipated bandwidth and drive though this will still remain a two quadrant multiplier configuration for now. Maybe try for four later w/ dual supply opamps etc.
Thanks again y'all,
P.s. Not my intent to stir potential contention, but I typically ask for help when all normal avenues are unhelpful, and even google failed to come up with the final shunt suggestion for this. Heck, even one of the best references and sources, MCP's Bonnie Baker did not mention this issue with MDACs. then again maybe she did and it was missed, I returned to amazon the ebook version of her Bakers Dozen book because the Kindle format was flat near useless due to unreadable diagrams and other limitations as reviewed on amazon. Yes, I will be buying the hardcopy version unless I find her publisher releases a well put together PDF version of the book.