BS1 IR PULSIN problem
Hello out there,
I'm new on this board and in the BS scene, if I am allowed to call this "scene".
Well, now to my problem/s:
In school we started to make a project for our "science and technique" subject.
In this subject, we decided to make a machine, which opens a door when you type in a code.
That's the theory. But we divided our project in two parts: On the one hand the type-in-the-code-stuff, on the other hand an open-the-door-stuff.
Those 2 parts are connected via IR.
The first part works very fine. We get after we typed in the right code an IR signal from the IR diode. We made this with another Microcontroller (language: c/c++).
Now the problem is the second part- the IR receiver and whole things with the BS. We don't know, how to write the program. The program should first show the breaks between the 1/0 signals (normal PULSIN command?!) and secondly we want to send an impulse from the P1 through another circuit (i.e. a LED, only to demonstrate that the microcontroller opened the second circuit).
Okay, now the programms we wrote for the IR receiver to show how long there's a signal coming through the IR receiver:
' {$PBASIC 1.0}
SYMBOL pulse = W1 '
PULSIN 0, 0, pulse
DEBUG pulse '
ENDBut this program shows for pulse=0. I really don't know why, maybe I have to add something? For sure I have to add something.
Well, that was my first question- what have I to do to see how it pulses from the IR diode? Hope you can give answers and I'm sorry for my bad English, I live in Germany and yeah, after some years in school that's the best English I can offer you...
I'm new on this board and in the BS scene, if I am allowed to call this "scene".
Well, now to my problem/s:
In school we started to make a project for our "science and technique" subject.
In this subject, we decided to make a machine, which opens a door when you type in a code.
That's the theory. But we divided our project in two parts: On the one hand the type-in-the-code-stuff, on the other hand an open-the-door-stuff.
Those 2 parts are connected via IR.
The first part works very fine. We get after we typed in the right code an IR signal from the IR diode. We made this with another Microcontroller (language: c/c++).
Now the problem is the second part- the IR receiver and whole things with the BS. We don't know, how to write the program. The program should first show the breaks between the 1/0 signals (normal PULSIN command?!) and secondly we want to send an impulse from the P1 through another circuit (i.e. a LED, only to demonstrate that the microcontroller opened the second circuit).
Okay, now the programms we wrote for the IR receiver to show how long there's a signal coming through the IR receiver:
' {$PBASIC 1.0}
SYMBOL pulse = W1 '
PULSIN 0, 0, pulse
DEBUG pulse '
ENDBut this program shows for pulse=0. I really don't know why, maybe I have to add something? For sure I have to add something.
Well, that was my first question- what have I to do to see how it pulses from the IR diode? Hope you can give answers and I'm sorry for my bad English, I live in Germany and yeah, after some years in school that's the best English I can offer you...
![:tongue: :tongue:](
If your pulses are positive-going (0-1-0), use PULSIN 0,1,pulse. If your pulses are negative going (1-0-1), use PULSIN 0,0,pulse. For the sake of discussion, say your pulse is less than 1ms for a 0 and greater than 1ms for a 1. The PULSIN would return a value < 100 for a 0 or a value > 100 for a 1. Remember that the units are 10us. You'd have:
PULSIN 0, 1, pulse
IF pulse > 100 THEN oneBit
' here you'd do something if it's a zero bit
' here you'd do something if it's a one bit
We have 0-1-0 signal- positive going.
Now I did this:
PULSIN 0, 1, pulse
IF pulse > 100 THEN oneBit
DEBUG "Fail"
DEBUG pulse
But it fails again. I'm sending a signal to the IR receiver, but it always shows in the DEBUG terminal "Fail". And it doesn't care if there's a signal coming or not.
As you exactly said: I just want to determine if it is a 0 or 1, but it simply doesn't work.
You didn't say the width of the IR pulse. The program I showed you assumes that the pulse is either shorter than 1ms ("fail") or longer than 1ms (oneBit). How do you define if the pulse is a 0 or 1?
We put a LED before the P0 so we cann see- LED on, P0 is 1. Before pressing a button it is off, so it is 0. Makes 0-1-0;
IF PIN0 = 0 THEN waitForOn
IF PIN0 = 1 THEN waitForOff
' Here you know that the button was pushed and released
IF PIN0 = 0 THEN waitForOn
IF PIN0 = 1 THEN main
GOTO waitForOn
I get only "works" in the debug terminal without a break. Soemthing is wrong, I don't know what. In follow I have to use a relay, the program I wrote works for it. So I have only to get the right signal for GOTO relay_circuit. I don't know why. I have to have it tomorrow, I don't know what to do... I worked on this now for 20 hours, and nothing is getting better.
//EDIT: It seems, there's always Signal on my BS: I'll just take a few photos and load them up, perhaps you can help me better then
IF PIN0=1 THEN go_on
GOTO main
GOTO main
After writing instead of "IF PIN0=1"--> "IF PIN0=0", nothinh happens in the debug terminal. Doesn't matter if I press the button or not.
waitForOn: IF PIN0 = 1 THEN waitForOn
The above loop assumes that the idle state is high (1) and waits until the input changes to low (0).
waitForOff: IF PIN0 = 0 THEN waitForOff
The above loop assumes that the input is active (low - 0) and waits until the input is idle again (high - 1).
You need both because once the input is on, the first loop falls through to, say a DEBUG statement. After the DEBUG statement executes, your program goes back to the beginning. The problem is that your program assumes that the input is initially idle which is not true. The input is still active from the first time. The waitForOff loop waits for the input to become idle again before it continues on to the DEBUG statement. This may not be the order you want. You can do the waitForOff first, then the waitForOn or you can start with the waitForOn, do the DEBUG, and then the waitForOff after the DEBUG, before going back to the beginning. If you only do the waitForOn, your program will display the DEBUG message, then go back to the beginning where it will do the waitForOn again while the input is still active from the first time. This will fall through and the DEBUG statement will execute again and so on until the transmitter turns off.
My brain is damaged of this project, it seems to be easy when you explain it, but I don't know how.
The suggestions I have made are about as simple as things can be and it's not clear to me what you don't understand. You might just try some experiments using DEBUG statements to identify where in the program you are as things happen like
DEBUG "main",PIN0
waitForOff: IF PIN0 = 0 THEN waitForOff
DEBUG "off",PIN0
waitForOn: IF PIN0 = 1 THEN waitForOn
goto main
After using your programm, there's all of the debug messages in my screen without pressing any button.
A TV remote control produces lots of pulses of modulated IR. It transmits several pulses of different widths to make up a group of bits that gives information about the button that's pushed. This burst of pulses is repeated as long as the button is held down. The "IR Remote for the BoeBot Robot" tutorial discusses several of the (incompatible) remote control protocols used and discusses how to receive one of the common protocols used by Sony remotes. In your case, you don't really care what button is pressed. It's easy to detect the start of the first pulse of the first group of bits that's transmitted when you hold down one of the buttons on the remote control. The difficulty is determining when the button is released. The best you can do is set up a counter in a word and initialize it to maybe 32767. You have a test to see if anything is received (PIN0 = 0). If something is received, you reset the counter to 32767 and go test again. If nothing is received, you subtract 1 from the counter and try again. If the count becomes zero, then some time greater than about 1/2 second has elapsed with no IR pulses and you can assume that the button is released. You can change the 32767 to a smaller number if the time limit is too large.
SYMBOL counter = W1
waitForOn: IF PIN0 = 1 THEN waitForOn ' wait for start of first IR pulse
DEBUG "Button On"
testForOff: counter = 32767 ' initialize time delay counter
testForOn: IF PIN0 = 0 THEN testForOff ' reset time delay on any IR pulse
counter = counter - 1 ' if no IR pulse, continue time delay
IF counter > 0 THEN testForOn ' time delay expires?
DEBUG "Button Off"
GOTO waitForOn ' start all over again