Propellor Tool
Posts: 262
...anyone know if any enhancements are in the pipeline from Parallax?
In the mean time have a search for the BST tool from BradC which is a cross platform clone of the Prop Tool with some extra goodies like conditional compilation, unused methid removal and some code optimizations. It has been working very well for a long time now.
I agree. SimpleIDE is simple to use and to quickly push the limits too, like running huge C programs megabytes in size. Then with some tweaks, do the same with huge Basic programs by running them through a Basic to C translator like BCX. How long before it will be possible to run Spin programs megabytes in size? (actually I think there is a way now but I haven't tried it - run the Spin program through the Spin to C translator first).
I think we are on the cusp of some very interesting developments. In a general sense, if you can find a program that converts your favourite language into C, and you can run that program as a command line, you could shell out to that program from within SimpleIDE and then download and run the resulting C code.
So in answer to the original question, the developments might not come in the form of a better prop tool, but in the form of a tool like SimpleIDE, that IMHO is even easier to use that the proptool (kudos to jazzed!)