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Line follower serial interface - just 2 io pins — Parallax Forums

Line follower serial interface - just 2 io pins

FranciscoTavaresFranciscoTavares Posts: 27
edited 2012-05-10 09:51 in BASIC Stamp
I recently acquired a Parallax line follower sensor. this sensor is really great.
However, it needs 9 io pins (8 for data and 1 for activation) which is too much for my boe bot that has only 2 available pins. I have many modules connected to it.
So I designed this simple circuit that needs just 2 pins: one for clk and other for data.
This version uses 4 chips because I simplified my first version. This new one can be built with 3 chips (one hex inverter chip CD4049).
I attached some pictures of my boe bot showing details of the circuit.
There is a small video showing boe bot working.
1024 x 768 - 66K
1024 x 768 - 69K


  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2012-05-10 09:51
    Nice work. Most line following modules have a parallel interface when a serial one is really handy.
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