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Close, but no cigar... — Parallax Forums

Close, but no cigar...

SCelectronicsSCelectronics Posts: 4
edited 2012-04-30 09:25 in BASIC Stamp
After 12 years I've tried conneting and writibg (COPYING) my first Basic Stamp program. After much downloading files for my current computer (64 bit Vista,USB only,) I got it to load into the EEPROM. However when I try running it, I get a message telling me I cannot get it out any port.. I tried COM1 and 2, and Auto, but to no avail. I've runn the Parallax driver, but no cigar.



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-04-30 09:25
    If you can download to the Stamp's EEPROM, the program will automatically run when the Stamp is powered on or otherwise reset. The run menu item downloads to the EEPROM and automatically runs the program. Do you have a current copy of the Stamp Editor and the Windows Vista driver for the USB to serial adapter you're using? If you're using an FTDI chip, which is what Parallax uses, you can download the current drivers from FTDI.
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